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更多 “氧化作用(oxidation)” 相关考题
考题 在烹调过程中利用旺火对蔬菜进行短时间的烹制加热,甚至烹入少量的食醋,其目的是为了防止()。A.蛋白质的氧化作用B.脂肪的氧化作用C.碳水化合物的氧化作用D.维生素的氧化作用

考题 A diesel engine exposed to widely varying ambient temperatures should use to a lubricating oil with .A.a high viscosity indexB.a low viscosity indexC.neutralize acidsD.resist oxidation at high temperatures

考题 Is it the different types of tea plants that determine the colour and aroma of tea? The answer is no.Actually, it is the processing of tea that finally decides the tea types.For example, black tea requires 100% oxidation and green tea requires almost no oxidation.So tea processing is quite an important factor in the production of tea.Anyway, the normal processing of tea includes the following four basic steps:1.New leaves are spread in order to reduce water content until they are pliable enough to be rolled.This process is called withering.2.The second step is rolling the withered leaves.Oils and extra moisture are released.This process can be done with machinery or by hand.3.The third step is called oxidation or fermentation.In this process the leaves turn from green to bright copper in colour.This step decides what type of tea we want.4.The last step is drying the leaves to stop the oxidation process.The leaves should be dried thoroughly without burning.Decide each statement is T (true) or F (false) based on Passage B.6.The processing of tea decides the tea types.7.Green tea requires a little oxidation.8.Withering makes the tea leaves release oils and water.9.Rolling the withered leaves can be done only with machinery.10.Burning the leaves is the last step of tea processing.

考题 Oil oxidation as a result of excessively high lube oil temperature, is harmful to a diesel engine BecauseA.oil foaming will always occurB.large quantities of oil are consumedC.lube oil viscosity is always decreasedD.corrosive by-products are usually formed

考题 What can cause a lack of oxygen in a chain locker ________.A.AbsorptionB.OsmosisC.EvaporationD.Oxidation

考题 The oil components including polar compounds formed as a result of oxidation of some oil fractions in the marine environment dissolving in seawater defines ______.A.Oxidation and destructionB.DissolutionC.Oxidation and destructionD.Sedimentation

考题 The process that oil spilled in sea is adsorbed on the suspended material and deposited to the bottom defines ______.A.Oxidation and destructionB.DissolutionC.Oxidation and destructionD.Sedimentation

考题 ______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A.BiodegradationB.DissolutionC.Cleaning up by crew with skimmersD.Oxidation including photooxidation

考题 ______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A.EmulsificationB.Sedimentation / SinkingC.Oxidation including photooxidationD.Burning organized by RCC

考题 Point out the coordination number and the oxidation number of the central atom in coordination compound [Co(H2NCH2CH2NH2)2(NO2)Cl]Cl()A、4,ⅡB、6,ⅡC、6,ⅢD、4,Ⅲ

考题 红酒变质的原因是什么?A、酒已经氧化了(Oxidation)B、酒里面有硫化物(Sulphide)和硫醇(Mercaptans)C、酒里面有挥发性酸(VolatileAcid/Volatility)

考题 氧化(oxidation)

考题 简述抗氧化作用。

考题 在烹调过程中利用旺火对蔬菜进行短时间的烹制加热,甚至烹入少量的食醋,其目的是为了防止()。A、蛋白质的氧化作用B、脂肪的氧化作用C、碳水化合物的氧化作用D、维生素的氧化作用

考题 β-氧化作用

考题 “生物氧化”一章内容告诉我们()。A、解偶联剂抑制ADP磷酸化,但不影响氧化作用B、解偶联剂不影响ADP磷酸化,但影响氧化作用C、解偶联剂抑制ADP磷酸化和氧化作用D、解偶联剂不影响ADP磷酸化和氧化作用D、以上都不正确

考题 β氧化途径(βoxidation pathway)

考题 次生硫化物氧化作用

考题 单选题The oxidation by-products forming in diesel engine lube oil can cause ()A pittingB sludgeC hard varnishD all of the above

考题 名词解释题氧化作用(oxidation)

考题 名词解释题生物氧化(biological oxidation)

考题 判断题PG对植物油的抗氧化作用良好,对猪油的抗氧化作用比BHA或BHT强。A 对B 错

考题 单选题The Total Base Number (TBN) value of diesel engine lube oil refers to its ability to ()A resist changes in viscosity with changes in temperatureB resist emulsificationC neutralize acidsD resist oxidation at high temperatures

考题 单选题Water allowed to accumulate in the hydraulic system oil will cause an oxidation process producing by- products which are normally ().A gums, acids, and varnishesB removed by cellulose type filtersC neutralized by oil additivesD not removed by absorbent filters

考题 单选题Oil oxidation, as a result of excessively high lube oil temperature, is harmful to a diesel engine because ()A oil foaming will occurB large quantities of oil are consumedC lube oil viscosity is always decreasedD corrosive by-products are usually formed

考题 单选题“生物氧化”一章内容告诉我们()。A 解偶联剂抑制ADP磷酸化,但不影响氧化作用B 解偶联剂不影响ADP磷酸化,但影响氧化作用C 解偶联剂抑制ADP磷酸化和氧化作用D 解偶联剂不影响ADP磷酸化和氧化作用D、以上都不正确

考题 名词解释题oxidation-reduction potentials, redox potentials (氧还电位)