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系统软件(System Software)的主要功能是()

  • A、管理、监控和维护计算机软、硬件资源
  • B、为用户提供友好的交互界面,支持用户运行应用软件
  • C、提高计算机的使用效率
  • D、以上都是


更多 “系统软件(System Software)的主要功能是()A、管理、监控和维护计算机软、硬件资源B、为用户提供友好的交互界面,支持用户运行应用软件C、提高计算机的使用效率D、以上都是” 相关考题
考题 ● The (72) is a collection of modules serving as interface between hardware and software to provide a software platform.(72)A. computerB. processorC. application softwareD. operating system

考题 Software is divided into two categories,system software and application software.Please choose one which is differ from other threeA.WindOws 98B.Word 2000C.C++compilerD.FoxBase DBMS

考题 A complete computer system contains(74)。A.arithmetic unit, control unit and memoryB.input/output devices and mainframeC.mainframe. and programs of utilityD.hardware system and software system

考题 The(72)is a collection of modules serving as interface between hardware and software to provide a software platform.A.computerB.processorC.application softwareD.operating system

考题 Which CLI command is used to upgrade a Juniper router?() A.load packageB.load override terminalC.request system software addD.request system software upgrade

考题 A manufacturer has instructed a technician to update the software that resides on the flash ROMchip of an integral system add-in component. Which of the following types of software needs to be updated?()A. System BIOSB. FirmwareC. OS PatchD. Driver

考题 想要查看当然正在使用和下次启动时即将使用的VRP系统软件和配置文件名,可用()命令。 A. display startupB.display current-configurationC.display saved-configurationD.starup system -software

考题 ()is the basic software that allows the user to interface with the computer. A.DisplayB.ApplicationC.ScreenD.Operating System

考题 Generally software can be divided into two types:( )software and application software.A.system B.I/O C.control D.database

考题 ● Documentation of a software package is normally produced for two purposes. One is to explain the __(71)__ of the software and describe how to use them. This is known as __(72)__ because it is designed to be read by the user of the software. The other purpose of documentation is to describe the software,s internal composition so that the system can be maintained later in its life cycle. Documentation of this type is known as __(73)__.(71)A.plansB.costC.featuresD.schedules(72)A.system documentationB.user documentationC.vender documentationD.product documentation(73)A.system documentationB.user documentationC.vender documentationD.license documentation

考题 The purpose of the requirements definition phase is to produce a clear,complete,consistent,and testable( )of the technical requirements for the software product.During the requirements definition phase,the requirements definition team uses an iterative process to expand a broad statement of the system requirements into a complete and detailed specification of each function that the software must perform and each(请作答此空)that it must meet.The starting point is usually a set of high level requirements from the( )that describe the project or problem.In either case,the requirements definition team formulates an overall concept for the system and then defines( )showing how the system will be operated publishes the system and operations concept document and conducts a system concept review(SCR).Following the SCR,the team derives( )requirements for the system from the high level requirements and the system and operations concept.using structured or object-oriented analysis.the team specifies the software functions and algorithms needed to satisfy each detailed requirement.A.criterion B.standard C.model D.system

考题 The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be __________with the existing IT system.A.compatible B.feasible C.believable D.receivable

考题 Documentation of a software package is normally produced for two purposes.The other purpose of documentation is to describe the software's internal composition so that the system can be maintained later in its life cycle. Documentation of this type is known as ( ) . A.system documentation B.user documentation C.vender documentation D.license documentation

考题 Documentation of a software package is normally produced for two purposes. One is to explain the (1) ofthe software and describe how to use them. This is known as (2) because it is designed to be read by the user of the software. The other purpose of documentation is to describe the software's internal composition so that the system can be maintained later in its life cycle. Documentation ofthis type is known as ( 3 ) 空白(3)处填()A、system documentationB、user documentationC、vender documentationD、license documentation

考题 系统软件(System Software)的主要功能是()A、管理、监控和维护计算机软、硬件资源B、为用户提供友好的交互界面,支持用户运行应用软件C、提高计算机的使用效率D、以上都是

考题 An administrator is planning an upgrade of a major software package on an application server.The software has been tested successfully in a test environment and it is ready to go into production. Which of the following steps should the administrator take next?()A、Identify necessary operating system updatesB、Implement the changeC、Document the changeD、Schedule system down time

考题 A manufacturer has instructed a technician to update the software that resides on the flash ROMchip of an integral system add-in component. Which of the following types of software needs to be updated?()A、System BIOSB、FirmwareC、OS PatchD、Driver

考题 Which of the following is a software layer that interacts between the virtualized operating system and the physical hardware?()A、 System Resource ManagerB、 Server BIOSC、 Guest Operating SystemD、 Hypervisor

考题 Which of the following is an advantage of hardware RAID over software RAID?()A、Hardware RAID costs less than software RAIDB、Hardware RAID is built into the operating system’s softwareC、Hardware RAID has better performance than software RAIDD、Hardware RAID requires no configuration and software RAID does

考题 A Power Systems customer would like to upgrade their HMC to the latest version of software tosupport a new hardware feature. What resource will help identify dependencies for firmware and system software for their upgrade?()A、ITSO RedbooksB、Facts and FeaturesC、System Planning ToolD、Fix Level Recommendation Tool

考题 System software for the Power 780 server is licensed at which tier?()A、LargeB、SmallC、MediumD、Enterprise

考题 Which TWO of the following tasks of system maintenance can be improved by using Remote Deployment Manager?()A、DeploymentB、Software maintenanceC、Driver updatesD、DisposalE、Software inventory

考题 Which of the following options indicates why it is important to talk to the user and ask appropriate questions about a software problem? ()A、Software problems don't generate errors. B、The user is more knowledgeable about software. C、The system logs will provide useful information alone. D、Key information pertaining to the software may be uncovered.

考题 单选题A manufacturer has instructed a technician to update the software that resides on the flash ROMchip of an integral system add-in component. Which of the following types of software needs to be updated?()A System BIOSB FirmwareC OS PatchD Driver

考题 单选题Which of the following is a software layer that interacts between the virtualized operating system and the physical hardware?()A  System Resource ManagerB  Server BIOSC  Guest Operating SystemD  Hypervisor

考题 单选题Which CLI command is used to upgrade a Juniper router?()A load packageB load override terminalC request system software addD request system software upgrade

考题 多选题Which two commands allow you to return to a previous version of software on the device?()Arequest system software addBrequest system software downgradeCrequest system software replaceDrequest system software rollback

考题 单选题系统软件(System Software)的主要功能是()A 管理、监控和维护计算机软、硬件资源B 为用户提供友好的交互界面,支持用户运行应用软件C 提高计算机的使用效率D 以上都是