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  • A、22726
  • B、257910
  • C、admin
  • D、service


更多 “科视放映机的“service”用户登陆密码是()A、22726B、257910C、adminD、service” 相关考题
考题 下面关于Service的描述,错误的是()。 A.Service是Android四大组件之一B.没有用户界面C.在Java代码中可以动态注册服务D.Service依赖于Activity,当Activity销毁时,Service也被销毁

考题 You are developing a Windows Service. The Windows Service will host a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.The Windows Service class will inherit from ServiceBase.You need to ensure that the WCF service starts when the Windows Service is restarted.What should you do in the Windows Service class?()A.B.C.D.

考题 () provides guidance for the development and improvement of capabilities for introducing new and changed service into supported environment. A、Service strategyB、Service transitionC、Service designD、Service operation

考题 Cloud-computing providers offer their “services” according to different models, which happen to form a stack( ), platform as a service (Paas), software as a service (SaaS)A.hardware as a service (Haas)B.network as a service (NaaS)C.infrastructure as a service (IaaS)D.data as a service (DaaS)

考题 At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? ( ) 。A.Service design: Design the processes B.Service strategy: Develop the offerings C.Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment D.Service operation: IT operations management

考题 Understanding what to measure and why it is being measured are key contributors to which part of the Service Lifecycle?( ) 。A.Service Strategy B.Continual Service Improvement C.Service Operation D.Service Design

考题 ()provides guidance for the development and improvement of capabilities for introducing new and changed service into supported envionment.A.Service strategy B.Service transition C.Service design D.Service operation

考题 WCDMA中,用户注册的业务流程是()A、AttachB、Routing Area UpdateC、PDP激活D、Service Request

考题 通过bindService()启动service,如果service还未启动,后有什么操作?当调用者退出,service会有什么操作?()A、service启动失败,service不终止B、service启动,service终止C、service启动失败,service终止D、service启动,service不终止

考题 下列关于Service描述不正确的是()。A、启动Service的组件被销毁时,Service也将被销毁B、当Activity通过调用startService()方法启动Service时,它处于started状态C、当应用程序组件通过调用bindService()方法绑定到Service时,Service处于bound状态D、其他应用程序组件能启动Service并且即便用户切换到另一个应用程序,Service还可以在后台运行

考题 以下关于Service的说法,不正确的是()A、Service是没有用户可见的界面,不与用户交互.B、Service可以通过Context.bindService()来启动C、每个Serviceclass可以在AndroidManifest.xml文件中有相应的声明,也可以不声明直接使用D、Service可以通过Context.startService()来启动

考题 RADIUS解释:Remote Authentication of Dial In User Service(远程用户拨号认证系统)。



考题 以下关于Service的说法错误的是()A、Android中,Service有两种不同的使用方式:一种是以启动方式使用Service(StartedService),另一种是以绑定方式使用Service(BoundService)。B、需要在AndroidManifest.xml文件中注册,否则,Service根本无法启动。C、以绑定方式使用Service,能够获取到Service对象,不仅能够正常启动Service,而且能够调用正在运行中的Service实现的私有方法和属性。D、为了使Service支持绑定,需要在Service类中重写onBind()方法,并在onBind()方法中返回Service对象。

考题 当访问一个Servlet时,Servlet中的方法执行顺序是()。 A、init() service() destroy()B、init() destroy() service()C、service() init() destroy()D、service() destroy() init()

考题 下列()命令的执行能够启动Samba服务器。A、#service smbstatusB、#service smbstartC、#service smbd statusD、#service smbrestart

考题 A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that handles corporate accounting must be changed to comply with government regulations of auditing and accountability. You need to configure the WCF service to execute under the Windows logged-on identity of the calling application.What should you do?()A、Within the service configuration, add a Service Authorization behavior to the service, and set Impersonate Caller For All Operations to true.B、Within the service configuration, add a Service Authentication Manager behavior to the service, and set Service Authentication Manager Type to Impersonate.C、Within the service configuration, add a serviceSecurityAudit behavior to the service, and set service Authorization AuditLevel to Success Or Failure.D、Within the service configuration, add a ServiceCredentials behavior to the service, and set type to Impersonate.

考题 A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service is required to log all authorization attempts to the Windows Event Log. You need to configure a behavior and apply it to the service to support this requirement. Which behavior should you configure and apply?()A、service Authentication ManagerB、service AuthorizationC、service CredentialsD、service Security Audit

考题 You are creating a client application and configuring it to call a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.When the application is deployed, it will be configured to send all messages to a WCF routing service. You need to ensure that the application can consume the target service after the application is deployed. What should you do?()A、In the client application, add a service reference to the router service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the router service.B、In the client application, add a service reference to the target service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the target service.C、In the client application, add a service reference to the router service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the target service.D、In the client application, add a service reference to the target service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the router service.

考题 单选题以下关于Service的描述不正确的是()A 启动式的Service和绑定式的Service并不是完全独立的,在某些情况下可以混合使用。B 以绑定方式使用Service,能够获取到Service对象,不仅能够正常启动Service,而且能够调用正在运行中的Service实现的私有方法和属性。C 需要在AndroidManifest.xml文件中注册,否则,Service根本无法启动。D Android中,Service有两种不同的使用方式:一种是以启动方式使用Service(Started Service),另一种是以绑定方式使用Service(Bound Service)。

考题 多选题QoS服务模型包括:()ABest-Effort Service模型BIntegrated Service模型CDifferentiated Service模型DFIFO Service模型

考题 单选题以下关于Service的说法错误的是()A Android中,Service有两种不同的使用方式:一种是以启动方式使用Service(StartedService),另一种是以绑定方式使用Service(BoundService)。B 需要在AndroidManifest.xml文件中注册,否则,Service根本无法启动。C 以绑定方式使用Service,能够获取到Service对象,不仅能够正常启动Service,而且能够调用正在运行中的Service实现的私有方法和属性。D 为了使Service支持绑定,需要在Service类中重写onBind()方法,并在onBind()方法中返回Service对象。

考题 单选题下列关于Service描述不正确的是()。A 启动Service的组件被销毁时,Service也将被销毁B 当Activity通过调用startService()方法启动Service时,它处于started状态C 当应用程序组件通过调用bindService()方法绑定到Service时,Service处于bound状态D 其他应用程序组件能启动Service并且即便用户切换到另一个应用程序,Service还可以在后台运行

考题 单选题科视放映机的“service”用户登陆密码是()A 22726B 257910C adminD service

考题 多选题Differenciated Service与Integrated Service的主要区别是()ADifferenciated Service无须信令协议BDifferenciated Service里,去往不同目的地的分组获得的服务是不同的CDifferenciated Service里,来自不同信源的分组获得的服务是不同的D在Differenciated Service无须像integrated Service一样分别为每个流维护软状态(soft-state)信息EDifferenciated Service适合于在骨干网上应用

考题 ( 难度:中等)SaaS的全称是:A.Software-as-a-ServiceB.Service-as-a-SoftwareC.Software-as-a-SoftwareD.Service-as-a-Service