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凉闸站 station for cool brake


更多 “凉闸站 station for cool brake” 相关考题
考题 brake()A、锚闸B、打碎C、破裂D、刹车

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考题 凉闸站

考题 货物列车在站停车时,司机必须使列车保持制动状态(铁路局指定的凉闸站除外)。发车前,司机施行缓解,确认()具备后,方可起动列车。

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考题 单选题Upon hearing the abandon ship signal,you put on your life jacket and report to your station. After the cover is removed you board your open lifeboat boat. The FIRST thing to do is to().A release the gripesB release tricing pendantsC put the cap on the drainD lift the brake handle

考题 单选题After-cooling of a turbocharged diesel engine will result in ()A higher torque but lower brake horsepowerB lower torque but higher brake horsepowerC higher torque and lower brake horsepowerD lower torque and higher brake horsepower

考题 填空题货物列车在站停车时,司机必须使列车保持制动状态(铁路局指定的凉闸站除外)。发车前,司机施行缓解,确认()具备后,方可起动列车。

考题 名词解释题凉闸站

考题 名词解释题凉闸站 station for cool brake

考题 单选题brake()A 锚闸B 打碎C 破裂D 刹车