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  • A、仅说明相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压
  • B、仅说明相应液压系统到方向舵的油路出现低压。将电门放置在STANDBYRUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯灭
  • C、相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压。将电门放置在STANDBYRUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯灭
  • D、相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压。将电门放置在STANDBYRUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯亮


更多 “P5板上FLT CONTROL LOW PRESSURE表明()A、仅说明相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压B、仅说明相应液压系统到方向舵的油路出现低压。将电门放置在STANDBYRUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯灭C、相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压。将电门放置在STANDBYRUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯灭D、相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压。将电门放置在STANDBYRUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯亮” 相关考题
考题 如备用液压系统EMDP输出低压,则在驾驶舱的指示为()。 A.位于P5板上的备用EMDP低压灯亮,同时主告戒灯和位于P7面板上的“飞行操纵”(FLTCONT)信息出现B.位于P5板上的备用EMDP低压灯亮,同时主告戒灯和位于P7面板上的“液压”(HYD.信息出现C.只有P5板上的备用EMDP低压灯亮D.只有位于P5板上的备用EMDP低压灯和主告戒灯亮

考题 The diurnal variation of pressure is most noticeable ______.A.above the polar circlesB.in a low pressure areaC.during periods of low temperaturesD.in the doldrums

考题 The daily recurring pattern of pressure changes most noticeable in low latitudes is the ______.A.daily lapse readingB.diurnal variation of pressureC.pressure tendencyD.synoptic pressure

考题 A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a ______.A.high pressure systemB.low pressure systemC.high dew pointD.low dew point

考题 下列通气模式,属于控制呼吸的模式是( )AVCV(Volume control ventilation)BSImV(synchron izedinter mittentmandatory ventilation)CPSV(Pressure support ventilation)DPCV(Pressure control ventilation)ECPAP(continuous positive airway pressure)

考题 增压控制系统处于“AUTO”方式下,增压控制系统何时进入“爬升”工作状态:().A、FLT/GRD电门置于“FLT”位;B、飞机起飞离开地面;C、飞机达到巡航高度;D、驾驶舱P5板“OFF SCHED DESCENT”灯亮时。

考题 极低速控制.()A、Low speed control .B、Inching control .C、High speed control.D、Slow speed control.

考题 当安定面运动方向与配平指令相反时,会出现:()A、P5板上STAB TRIM灯亮B、P5板上UNSCHED STAB TRIM灯亮C、EICAS上发出M级信息D、EICAS上发出A级WARNING信息

考题 P5板上FLT CONTROL LOW PRESSURE表明()A、仅说明相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压B、仅说明相应液压系统到方向舵的油路出现低压。将电门放置在STAND BY RUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯灭C、相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压。将电门放置在STAND BY RUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯灭D、相应液压系统到副翼、升降舵、方向舵相应的液压出现低压。将电门放置在STAND BY RUD位时,当备用方向舵关断活门打开时灯亮

考题 "AUTOFAIL"(自动失效)灯何时点亮?()A、当座舱压差超过7.8PSI时B、地面状态,P5板上方式选择电门室“CHECK”位,FLT/GRD电门置"FLT"位C、当自动方式控制电路停止工作或转换到备用方式后D、以上答案都不正确

考题 P5板上的双引气灯是由()A、P5板上APU引气电门控制B、P5板上左空调组件电门控制C、APU引气活门上的一个电门控制D、以上全对

考题 襟翼控制可通过()A、襟翼控制手柄B、P2板上的两个控制电门C、P5板上的两个控制电门D、襟翼控制手柄或P5板上的两个控制电门

考题 ENG反推的指示在驾驶舱里可以看到()A、P5板上反推灯一个主发动机显示反推指示两个B、P5板上反推灯两个次发动机显示反推指示两个C、P5板上反推灯两个主发动机显示反推指示两个D、P5板上反推灯一个次发动机显示反推指示一个

考题 在飞行中假若将发动机转速减少,P5板上的“低慢车”灯亮,这表明发动机的转速已低于多少()A、45%B、30%C、25%D、20%

考题 副翼配平指示在()上A、P5板B、中DUC、P8板D、驾驶杆

考题 多选题下列通气模式,属于控制呼吸的模式是( )AVCV(Volume control ventilation)BSImV(synchron izedinter mittentmandatory ventilation)CPSV(Pressure support ventilation)DPCV(Pressure control ventilation)ECPAP(continuous positive airway pressure)

考题 单选题The device used for low-pressure control and high-pressure cutout on a compressor is called a()A cutoutB pressure controllerC controller switchD cutout switch

考题 单选题Late fuel injection timing is indicated by ()A lower than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureB lower than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperatureC higher than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureD higher than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperature

考题 单选题Two well-developed high pressure areas may be separated by a().A Hill of low pressureB Trough of low pressureC Valley of low pressureD Ridge of low pressure

考题 单选题Cast irons weakness in tension and under shock loading limits its use to low pressure steam, air, oil and low speed water fittingsThe above sentence, most probably means ().A cast iron has weaknessB cast iron can stand up shock loadingC cast iron fittings are only suitable in low pressure situationD east iron fittings are not suitable in low pressure situation

考题 单选题The loss of the diesel engine cylinder air charge through leaky valves, piston rings, worn or scored liners, would be indicated by which of the following sets of conditions?()A Low compression pressure and high exhaust temperatureB Low firing pressure and high exhaust temperatureC Low compression pressure and low exhaust temperatureD Low firing pressure and low exhaust temperature

考题 单选题Leaky exhaust valve will result in which of the following?() (1) high exhaust temperature; (2) low compression pressure; (3) low firing pressure.A (1) and (2)B (1) onlyC (2) onlyD (1),(2) and (3)

考题 单选题The direction of the surface wind is().A directly from high pressure toward low pressureB directly from low pressure toward high pressureC from high pressure toward low pressure deflected by the earth's rotationD from low pressure toward high pressure deflected by the earth's rotation

考题 单选题Low pressure air is usually taken through () or pressure regulators to a low pressure reservoir supplying a ring main through driers.A globe valvesB butterfly valvesC gate valvesD reducing valves

考题 单选题The diurnal variation of pressure is most noticeable().A above the polar circlesB in a low pressure areaC during periods of low temperaturesD in the doldrums

考题 单选题The purpose of the refrigeration system low pressure cutout switch is to ()A protect the compressor from liquid flood backB protect the compressor from low discharge pressureC start and stop the compressor upon system demandD start the compressor after a drop in the evaporator pressure

考题 单选题An indication of a diesel engine air intake being partially clogged, is ().A low firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesB low firing pressure and normal exhaust temperaturesC high firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesD high firing pressure and high exhaust temperatures