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Cramming will make it difficult for students to _____.

be busy reviewing at first


enjoy the first day of class


make good test preparation


put more stress on themselves


第四段第二句提到“Test preparation begins the first day of class ...”,由此可知,考试应从上课第一天开始准备才能有效。
更多 “单选题Cramming will make it difficult for students to _____.A be busy reviewing at firstB enjoy the first day of classC make good test preparationD put more stress on themselves” 相关考题
考题 _______________is a good way for students to stop fights.A. Doing less homeworkB. Learning how to make friendsC. Playing computer games

考题 -- Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?-- , I do. I think it's a great idea.A.ReallyB.ObviouslyC.ActuallyD.Generally

考题 What will scientists do to make sure the poison works this time?A. They will try some of it themselves.B. They will use a special kind of poison.C. They will drain the lake first.D. They will only put the poison in the wells.

考题 THREE THINGS TO BRING YOU MORE FRIENDS Do you lack friends Do you want to make more friends If so, you may read on… There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf. You have more time to do the things you want to do. But if you want to make more friends, and do things together with them, please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form. strong, lasting friendships. Spend more time around people and talk to them. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games. Participate in an online community. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. Social networking sites such as Wechat, Facebook, Twitter, and My Space are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet. Join a sports team. A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends.1. How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends()A. Three.B. Four.C. Two.2. If you want to make more friends, first you need to()A. join a club.B. chat on the internet.C. put yourself out.3. What is the meaning of the word “online” in paragraph3()A. 直线的B. 在线的C. 线下的4. What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team()A. You have to be good at playing a particular sport.B. You must enjoy the sport.C. You must support your teammates.5. The main point of this passage is about ().A. how to talk with friends.B. how to make more friends.C. how to study English well.

考题 What is not the disadvantage of the Western system of education?A、Students learn more math and science.B、Students study more hours each day and more days each year.C、Students cannot think themselves.D、Students haven’t studied as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries on high school graduation.

考题 根据下列材料请回答 36~40 题:BNo one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job.It is important to make the fight impression(印象)from the very first day.You will face new people.You will be in a new place.It may be difficult to know what to d0.Here are five tips to help you make it through the firstday at a new job:1.First impressions can last forever.Make sure you make a good one.Before your first day,find out if your new job has a dress code(rules about what you can weal"to work).If S0,be sure to follow it.No matter what,always be neat and clean.2.Get to work on time.Give yourseff an extra l5 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.3.Pay attention to introductions.One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to intro-duce you to co-workers.These CO-workers will be important to you.They ale the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.4.Ask plenty of questions.Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you.If he or she has not told you your duties,ask for a list.Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.5.Never be the first one to leave.Observe what your C0—workers do around quitting time(下班时间).It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.第 36 题 Before you arrive at work,you should______.A.dress in fl fight wayB.introduce yourselfC.know your dutiesD.know your CO-workers well

考题 英语四级:study abroad Nowadays , more and more students go to foreign countries to study . many people are spare no effort in applying for going abroad .About this phenomenon , different people have different points . some people agree with it . first of all , studying abroad is the best way to improve our language . if we want to break away from “ mute English ” , it’s a good method to help you . second , by studying abroad we can better to know foreign countries’ culture . going in a country and we can experience different culture’s charm . last but not least , it’s a good opportunity to travel , make friends with different people and broaden your horizon .But others disagree with it . in the first few months these students will have a language barrier and hard to go in their society . many students can’t make a good programme when their parents aren’t with them , some of them spend their abroad’ time in vain .As long as I’m concerned , if we have a chance to study abroad ,we should treasure make full use of it . it will make us be wiser . because of the study’s experience , I believe that our life will also be more beautiful and wonderful .长时间没认真接触过英语作文,知道有很多低级错误,因为要的比较急,所以还望各位不吝赐教,帮忙修改一下。。。不胜感激。。。

考题 Good web pages for children can ( ).A. be a waste of timeB. help them with their studiesC. do homework for themD. make life difficult

考题 A University of California advisor said___________.A.all students could overcome the anxiety after taking a special test anxiety program B.almost all students felt less stress after taking a University of California advising course C.students found it difficult to improve even though they had taken a special test anxietycourse D.students found it easy to relax as soon as they entered a University of California advisingcourse

考题 1.Greetings 2Use a tongue twister to warm up: How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. Step 2: Presentation 1Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them to write down what are they listening to. 2Let students find out similarity between these words. 3Tell students how to pronounce “oo”, and summary the pronunciation of “oo” /u/,/u:/. Step 3: Practice 1Let students find more words with the pronunciation of “oo” (such as: look, book, wood, cookery, classroom), and use these words to make sentence.(such as: I look at the good book. Mr. wood is a good cook. ) Step 4: Production Dubbing contest: students work in pairs to imitate film clips; teacher will give them 8 minutes to prepare it and then invite some students make performance in the front. Step 5: Summary & Homework Summary: students look at the blackboard and summarize this class. Homework: students find lyrics with the pronunciation of “oo”, and hold a singing contest in the next class.

考题 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Students will know how to describe a day using proper conjunctions and tense. Students will master some words, such as waste, value... and a sentence structure: I usually + simple present tense. Ability aim: Students will improve their abilities of speaking and listening. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will know how to introduce a day in English. Difficult Point: Students will use the sentence structure in real communicative situation. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Play a video about Tom’s day and ask students what kind of information have they caught. Step 2: Pre-listening 1. Review the knowledge about simple present tense. Ask students to make sentences using simple present tense. 2.Using pictures to explain some words: waste-value, brush. Step 3: While-listening 1st listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and try to get the main idea of the passage and underline the conjunctions used. 2nd listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and complete the timetable below.

考题 初中英语?语音 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will know the rule of logical stress in a complete sentence. Ability aim: Students will use the logical stress correctly and know how to make use of the sentence stress in different sentences correctly. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will master the rule of logical stress in sentences in English. Difficult Point: Students can use the logical stress in sentences in daily life. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Listen to an English song and feel about the tune of the melody. Let students to know that not only songs but also the language has its stress in order to express different emotions. Step 2: Presentation 1. Work in pairs to read the passage by themselves and ask them to pay more attention to the sentence stress. After practice, ask one pair to perform it and others should tell their opinion whether they agree or not. 2. Listen to the tape of the passage and find out whether the students themselves make any mistakes. Then let students find out the rule of the sentence stress (logical stress ) with the help of the teacher: in a sentence we can stress the important part according to the meaning of the passage. After the students find the rule, the teacher read the passage and let them repeat after it. Step 3: Practice 1. Ask students to read the passage by themselves again and they should use the correct logical stress while reading. 2. Give students more sentences and ask them read the sentences by themselves using the logical stress. Step4: Production Let students work in groups of 4 and make a dialogue about the theme parks, such as the theme, the feature, the activities and so on, and they should use the rule of logical stress learned in the class. After that invite two groups to share their outcomes with the whole class. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: ask students to read the work of Shakespeare’s and use the logical stress learned today after class. Blackboard design: 1. Can you conclude the rule of sentence stress comprehensively? 2. Are you satisfied with this presentation? Which do you think is the most difficult part?

考题 资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin. "Up to 90% of all doctor visits in the United States are for stress-related illnesses, "according to Dr. Mehet Oz of the Dr. Oz Show. Chronic stress has a variety of negative side effects such as weight gain, lower immune system, increased risk of disease, and fatigue. Employers should encourage employees to reduce stress levels and improve their overall health. The first step is to educate employees on health topics. Provide reading materials or offer seminars. People can't make positive changes if they don't know what to change. Once employees know about health topics such as stress, exercising, and healthy eating. start a health related competition such as the Biggest Loser. This offers employees motivation and a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees will be more likely to accomplish their goals. To help employees make positive lifestyle changes, have a kitchen equipped with a refrigerator and microwave to prepare healthy amounts of exercise throughout the day are beneficial. According to Dr. Oz, "Exercise releases serotonin and dopamine. the feel-good hormones that become blocked during stress. Walking stairs is a great workout. One study showed that walking stairs 7 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease by two-thirds." If possible, offer a company discount on gym memberships. This will encourage to make positive choices outside of the office and to exercise regularly. To create a healthy workplace, the employers canA.build motivation and a support system. B.encourage breaks to do exercise. C.build a kitchen so that the employers could make healthy meals. D.All above.

考题 资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin. "Up to 90% of all doctor visits in the United States are for stress-related illnesses, "according to Dr. Mehet Oz of the Dr. Oz Show. Chronic stress has a variety of negative side effects such as weight gain, lower immune system, increased risk of disease, and fatigue. Employers should encourage employees to reduce stress levels and improve their overall health. The first step is to educate employees on health topics. Provide reading materials or offer seminars. People can't make positive changes if they don't know what to change. Once employees know about health topics such as stress, exercising, and healthy eating. start a health related competition such as the Biggest Loser. This offers employees motivation and a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees will be more likely to accomplish their goals. To help employees make positive lifestyle changes, have a kitchen equipped with a refrigerator and microwave to prepare healthy amounts of exercise throughout the day are beneficial. According to Dr. Oz, "Exercise releases serotonin and dopamine. the feel-good hormones that become blocked during stress. Walking stairs is a great workout. One study showed that walking stairs 7 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease by two-thirds." If possible, offer a company discount on gym memberships. This will encourage to make positive choices outside of the office and to exercise regularly. What can be inferred from these paragraphs?A.It is helpful to the company if the employers can lay off employees with health issues. B.Company discount on gym memberships will surely improve employees’ frequency of exercise. C.Most Americans have suffered from stress-related illnesses. D.To make sure that the employees are aware of the importance of physical and mental health is essential to promote good health in a company.

考题 资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin. "Up to 90% of all doctor visits in the United States are for stress-related illnesses, "according to Dr. Mehet Oz of the Dr. Oz Show. Chronic stress has a variety of negative side effects such as weight gain, lower immune system, increased risk of disease, and fatigue. Employers should encourage employees to reduce stress levels and improve their overall health. The first step is to educate employees on health topics. Provide reading materials or offer seminars. People can't make positive changes if they don't know what to change. Once employees know about health topics such as stress, exercising, and healthy eating. start a health related competition such as the Biggest Loser. This offers employees motivation and a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees will be more likely to accomplish their goals. To help employees make positive lifestyle changes, have a kitchen equipped with a refrigerator and microwave to prepare healthy amounts of exercise throughout the day are beneficial. According to Dr. Oz, "Exercise releases serotonin and dopamine. the feel-good hormones that become blocked during stress. Walking stairs is a great workout. One study showed that walking stairs 7 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease by two-thirds." If possible, offer a company discount on gym memberships. This will encourage to make positive choices outside of the office and to exercise regularly. Which of the following statement is not true?A.In companies where good health is promoted, employees are more likely to be loyal and productive. B.Offering seminars, starting competitions and offering discount on gym memberships will be costly, so companies should not pay much attention to these activities. C.Exercise plays an important role of building a strong body. D.Chronic stress in the workplace might be harmful to the company's interest.

考题 According to Paragraph 4,what does Rome plan to do?A To make the back pack more comfortable for the wearer. B To put the backpack on the market. C To test the advantage of the backpack. D To promote the backpack in a newspaper or on television.

考题 Student participation(参与)in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses.Some professors base part of the final grade on the student′s oral participation.Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role(i.e.,listening and taking notes),many courses are organized around classroom discussions,student questions,and informal lectures.In graduate discussions the professor has a"manager"role and the students make presentations and lead discussions.,The students do the actual teaching in these discussions. A professor′s teaching method is another factor(因素)that determines the degree and type of student participation.Some professors prefer to control discussion while others prefer to guide the class without controlling it.Many professors encourage students to question their ideas.Students who object to the professor′s point of view should be prepared to prove their positions. In the teaching of science and mathematics,the controlling mode of instruction is generally traditional,with teachers presenting formal lectures and student staking notes.However,new educational trends have turned up in the humanities and social sciences in the past twenty years.Students in education,society,and history classes,for example,are often required to solve problems in groups,design projects,make presentations,and examine case studies.Since some college or university courses are"practical"rather than theoretical,they pay more attention to"doing"for themselves. The reason why some professors ask students to make presentations and lead discussions is that__________A.these professors are often not well prepared before class B.these professors want to stress"doing" C.these professors want to test the students'abilities D.these professors are not willing to teach theory

考题 ()she seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress.A、At the firstB、At presentC、At the presentD、At first

考题 添加样条曲线节点的命令是()A、Make FirstB、RefineC、OutlineD、Weld

考题 单选题How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?A Teachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.B Teachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.C Teachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.D Teachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.

考题 单选题Why do workers want more money?A Because their jobs are too boring.B Because they want to enjoy more spare time.C Because they want to make their jobs more interesting.D Because they want to demand shorter working hours.

考题 单选题The examination system we are now using can only make the students ______.A gain more and more knowledgeB make rapid progressC remember what is taughtD think for themselves

考题 填空题The purpose of new technology is to make life (easy) ____, not to make it more difficult.

考题 单选题From the first paragraph we can infer that in the US schools ______.A students enjoy shootingB students are eager to be soldiersC safety is a problemD students can make guns

考题 单选题To make Buy Nothing Day mote popular, the students in Albuquerque plan to _____.A provide free food to more peopleB persuade more restaurants to donate foodC put up more advertising posters on that dayD have another dinner to inform more people of the Day

考题 单选题By taking this test, a student is supposed to find out ______A how to solve teenage problemsB how to make good friendsC what his lifestyle is likeD what kind of person he is

考题 单选题A It helps students with their future jobs.B It focuses on employment theories.C It is about vacation.D It will make sure graduates find good jobs.