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They may need to review the strategy considerably more thoroughly than they have done to date.









解析: considerably相当地。entirely完全地。comparably比较地。explicitly清楚地。deservedly应得地,当然地。
更多 “单选题They may need to review the strategy considerably more thoroughly than they have done to date.A comparably B entirely C explicitly D deservedly” 相关考题
考题 There are strategies typically deal with threats or risk that may have negative impacts on project objectives if they occur, some other strategies are suggested to deal with risks with potentially positive impacts. ()is a risk response strategy that may be adopted for either threats or opportunities.A.shareB.MitigateC.TransferD.Acceptance

考题 You will have to practice () times before you can do it . A.may moreB.more severalC.more oftenD.more many

考题 ● Increasing resources on the critical path activities may not always shorten the length of the project because:A Certain activities are time-dependent rather than resource-dependent (i.e., using three ovens rather than one to bake a cake).B Safety, OSHA and EPA may have placed restrictions on the number of people used on certain activities or in the physical location of the project.C The skill level of the added resources might not be appropriate for the activities to be performed.D Adding more resources may create additional work and produce inefficiencies (i.e., additional people may need training and supervision.)E All of the above.

考题 What will be the benefit if the research on smart windows turns out to be successful, according to the last paragraph?A.The buildings will look different.B.Windows can be as large as you want.C.We may not need air conditioners any more.D.They are less expensive than traditional windows.

考题 (iii) Identify and discuss an alternative strategy that may assist in improving the performance of CTC witheffect from 1 May 2009 (where only the products in (a) and (b) above are available for manufacture).(4 marks)

考题 Nowadays consumers become more and more practical and buy only _______ they need.A.whereB.whichC.whenD.what

考题 Which of the following statements about an LCD screen is not true?() A. An LCD screen consumes more power than a CRT screen.B. An LCD screen display may present high-quality images but only to viewers sitting directly in fron of the screen.C. Currently, all laptops use LCD screens.D. An LCD screen is considerably more expensive than a CRT screen.

考题 Children __________ a lot of energy and may need more high-energy food than adults.A.spend B.take C.cost D.expend

考题 We need to extract the relevant financial data.A:obtainB: storeC: saveD: review

考题 We need to extract the relevant financial data.A: storeB: save C: obtainD: review

考题 Text 4 When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads,railways,broadband and energy.Housing is seldom mentioned.Why is that?To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame.We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth.Then there is the scale of the typical housing project.It is hard to shove for attention among multibillionpound infrastructure project,so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.Nevertheless,the affordable housing situation is desperate.Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that.The communities minister,Don Foster,has hinted that George Osborne,Chancellor of the Exchequer,may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt.Evidence shows that 60,000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted,increasing GDP by 0.6%.Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment,which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.But it is not just down to the government.While these measures would be welcome in the short term,we must face up to the fact that the existing£4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing,set to expire in 2015,is unlikely to be extended beyond then.The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition's spending plans if returns to power.The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of largescale public grants.We need to adjust to this changing climate.While the government’s commitment to long-term funding may have changed,the very pressing need for more affordable housing is real and is not going away. The author believes that after 2015,the government may____A.implement more policies to support housing B.review the need for largescale public grants C.renew the affordable housing grants programme D.stop generous funding to the housing sector

考题 共用题干 1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Today the percentage of women who have the ideal shape,face,etc is probably like________.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

考题 共用题干 1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Women are more self-critical than men because women are judged on their appearance mor than men,and_____.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

考题 共用题干 1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Men generally have such a positive body-image that some men looking in the mirn may_______.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

考题 We need to speak further about this.This sentence means we need to discuss the problem more.

考题 Which of the following statements about an LCD screen is not true?()A、An LCD screen consumes more power than a CRT screen.B、An LCD screen display may present high-quality images but only to viewers sitting directly in fron of the screen.C、Currently, all laptops use LCD screens.D、An LCD screen is considerably more expensive than a CRT screen.

考题 Which of the following is a benefit of having a Solution Assurance?()A、The need to involve solution experts is removedB、Financial justification of the proposal is enhancedC、Time required to design a solution is decreasedD、Complex solutions are simplified considerably

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You need to determine why a remote SMTP server rejects e-mail sent from your organization.What should you do?()A、Review the application event logs.B、Review the message tracking logs.C、Set the Protocol logging level to Verbose on the Receive connectors and then review the protocol log files.D、Set the Protocol logging level to Verbose on the Send connectors and then review the protocol log files.

考题 单选题Which of the following may be the best reason for casual dining?A Family members need more time to relax.B Busy schedules leave people no time for formality.C People, want to practice economy in times of scarcity.D Young people won’t follow the etiquette of the older generation.

考题 单选题The diesel engine consumes considerably less fuel than the steam engine for equal output, () enables a motor-ship to load more cargo.A whyB whichC in whichD on which

考题 填空题In November the commission delayed a decision on the deal, saying it was more complicated than many competition cases and demanded further review.____

考题 单选题During normal cluster processing in a five-node cluster,one of the nodes unexpectedly crashes. A review of the system dump indicates that a DMS timeout has occurred. The cluster is configured to use disk heartbeats as a Point-to-Point network.  What should be done to address the problem with this configuration?()A  More disk should be added to the disk heartbeat network,allowing more paths for heartbeats.B  An RS232 network is required to supply a more robust non-IP network when disk heartbeating is implemented.C  The network tunable parameters should be changed to allow more missed heartbeats since the disks may be heavily used.D  An error notification method is required to determine the action to take in response to a failure of the disk heartbeat.

考题 单选题Which of the following is a benefit of having a Solution Assurance?()A The need to involve solution experts is removedB Financial justification of the proposal is enhancedC Time required to design a solution is decreasedD Complex solutions are simplified considerably

考题 多选题A common approach to solve application performance issues is to add more hardware. Which two  reasons describe why this alone does not always solve performance problems?()AThere may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.BAdding more hardware is costly and time consuming.CAdding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded database, network appliance, or storage system.DAdding more hardware may introduce new configuration requirements that need to be tested.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements about an LCD screen is not true?()A An LCD screen consumes more power than a CRT screen.B An LCD screen display may present high-quality images but only to viewers sitting directly in fron of the screen.C Currently, all laptops use LCD screens.D An LCD screen is considerably more expensive than a CRT screen.

考题 单选题For the duties ()in one emergency, one person may do more than one job and one job may be done by more than one person.A assigningB assignC toassignD assigned

考题 单选题We need to devise a plan or a strategy that will put us in a comfortable position to be competitive while ______ costs by ten percent.A reducingB preventingC losingD leaving