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According to the study, how many languages are under threat now?

6, 000 or so.


Over 3, 000.


6, 000 or more.


About 3, 000.


数字信息的找寻和判断。关于有多少种语言正处于险境,录音中提到“Half of the 6, 000 or so languages spoken in the world are under threat”,可推测面临威胁的语言大约有3000种。对应选项D。
更多 “单选题According to the study, how many languages are under threat now?A 6, 000 or so.B Over 3, 000.C 6, 000 or more.D About 3, 000.” 相关考题
考题 In 20×8,following events related to Entity A were noted:(1)Entity A sells goods with a warranty under which customers are covered for the cost of repairs of any manufacturing defects that become apparent within the first twelve months after purchase If minor defects were detected in all products sold, repair costs of RMB 6 000 000 would result. Entity A’s past experience and future expectations indicate that ,for the coming year,60 per cent of the goods sold in 20×8 will have minor defects and 10 per cent of the goods sold in 20×8 will have major defects.(2)In November20×8,a customer sued Entity A and made a claim for damages of RMB 2 500 000,as Entity A failed to deliver the goods to the customer in time according to the delivery term of relevant sales contract. When Entity A prepared the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20×8,its lawyers advised that it was probable that Entity a Would be found liable for making a payment of RMB 2 000 000 to the customer for compensation.(3)Under new environment protection legislation, Entity A is required to fit smoke filters, which costs about RMB20 000 000,to its factories by 30 June 2008.Entity A has not fitted the smoke filters at 31 December 2008.Based on the best estimate of the management of Entity A, it is more likely that Entity A will be imposed a penalty of RMB 10 000 000.(4)Entity A is required by law to overhaul its equipments once three years. The estimated remaining useful life of the equipments is 18 years. Entity A just spent RMB 6 000 000 in overhauling is equipments in 2007.(5)Entity A entered into a sales contract with a customer in November 2008 to sell an equipment at the price of RMB 50 000 000.According to the sales contract, Entity A shall deliver the equipments to the customer in the end of 2009 and the amount of penalty is RMB 600 000 if Entity A or the customer fail to fulfill the contract. Entity A’s original estimated cost of fulfilling the sales contract is about RMB 45 000 000.However,due to the increase of the purchase prices of relevant raw materials, the estimated cost of fulfilling the sales contract increased to RMB 55 000 000 in the end of 2008.No inventory has been prepared by Entity A for the production of the equipment by the end of 2008.Requirement:According to the events described above, determine whether any provision should be recognized in Entity A’s financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2008.If any provision should be recognized, calculate the amount of provision and prepare related journal entries.

考题 Over a holiday weekend, a certain car dealer sold off 4 of the cars on its lot. If the cars sold for an average of $6,000 each, how many cars were on the dealer's lot at the beginning of the weekend?(1) The average value of the remaining cars on the lot is $5,000.(2) The car dealer made $48,000 in car sales over the weekend.

考题 25. Which of the following is WRONG?A. One animal finds something to eat, and it may be eaten by othersB. At the depth of 3,000 feet under the sea, many animals can find their way by hearing and feeling.C. The deeper the sea is, the darker and colder it is.D. At the depth of 3,000 feet under the sea, all animals can find their way by see-ing.

考题 肠瘘负压引流时等渗盐水冲洗量为( )A.1 000~2 000 mlB.2 000~3 000 mlC.3 000~5 000 mlD.5 000~6 000 mlE.6 000 ml以上

考题 DKA补液时在2小时内、第3~6小时、第一个24小时内补液量分别为A.1 000—2 000 ml,1 000—2 000 ml,4 000—5 000 mlB.1 000~3 000 ml,2 000~4 000 ml,6 000—8 000 mlC.1 000~2 000ml,1 000—2 000ml,3 000~6 000 mlD.1 000~3 000ml,1 000~3 000ml,4 000—7 000 mlE.1 000~2 000 ml,1 000~2 000 ml,3 000~5 000ml

考题 ● You are a project manager for a small project. Your project was budgeted for ¥500,000 over a six-week period. As of today, you've spent ¥260,000 of your budget to complete work that you originally expected to cost ¥280,000. According to your schedule, you should have spent ¥300,000 by this point. Based on these circumstances, your project could be BEST described as (74) .(74)A.Ahead of scheduleB.Behind scheduleC.On scheduleD.Having not enough information provided

考题 某采矿企业6月共开采锡矿石50 000吨,销售锡矿石40 000吨,适用税额每吨6元。该企业6月应缴纳的资源税额为( )。A.168 000元B.210 000元C.240 000元D.3 000 000元

考题 海槽是深度为( )米的海洋区域。( )A.1 900~3 200B.3 000~6 000C.6 000~9 000D.9 000~100 000

考题 发行可转换为般票的公司债券的上市公司,股份有限公司的净资产不低于人民币( ),有限责任公司的净资产不低于人民币( )。A.3 000万元,6 000万元B.6 000万元,3 000万元C.6 000万元,6 000万元D.3 000万元,3 000万元

考题 About how many new homes were sold in June of this year?A.62,000 B.64,000 C.68,000 D.71,000

考题 About how many new homes were sold in June of this year?A.62,000 B.64,000 C.68,000 D.71,000

考题 根据上述A公司2012年和2013年度资产负债表、现金流量表的相关数据,计算2012年和2013年度现金流动负债比率分别为( )。A.3 498 000 / 6 600 000 = 0.53 B.3 600 000 / 6 000 000 = 0.6 C.3 498 000 / [(6 600 000+6 000 000)/2] = 0.56 D.3 600 000 / [(6 600 000 +6 000 000)/2] = 0.57

考题 共用题干 When Fear Takes Control of the MindA panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror.Usually it does not last long,but it may feel like forever. The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane.And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before.A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands.Difficulty breathing.A light-headed feeling.At first a person may have no idea what is wrong.But these can all be signs of what is known as panic disorder.The first appearance usually is between the ages of 1 8 and 25.In some cases it develops after a tragedy,like the death of a loved one,or some other difficult situation.In the United States,the National Institute of Mental Health says more than two million people are affected in any one-year period.The American Psychological Association says panic disorder is two times more likely in women than men.And it can last anywhere from a few months to a lifetime.Panic attacks can be dangerous-for example,if a person is driving at the time.The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in the state of Maryland is so long and so high over the water,it is famous for scaring motorists.There is even a driver assistance program to help people get across.Some people who suffer a panic attack develop a phobia,a deep fear of ever repeating the activity that brought on the attack.But experts say panic disorder can be treated.Doctors might suggest anti-anxiety or antidepressant medicines. Talking to a counselor coald help a person learn to deal with or avoid a panic attack.There are breathing methods, for example,that might help a person calm down.Panic disorder is included among what mental health professionals call anxiety disorders.A study published last week reported a link between anxiety disorders and several physical diseases.It says these include thyroid disease,lung and stomach problems,artluitis,migraine headaches and allergic conditions.Researchers at the University of Manitoba in Canada say that in most cases the physical condition follows the anxiety disorder.But, They say,exactly how the two are connected remains unknown.The report in the Archives of Internal Medicine came from a German health study of more than 4 ,000 adults.How many Americans are likely to suffer panic disorder every year according to NIMH?A:1,800,000. B:2,500,000.C:Above 2,000,000. D:Under 2,000,000.

考题 Breeze公司的边际收益为$4,000,固定成本为$1,000。如果总的边际收益增加$1,000,那么营业收益将?()A、增加超过$1,000.B、增加$1,000.C、保持不变D、减少$1,000.

考题 多选题A3 498 000 / 6 600 000 = 0.53B3 600 000 / 6 000 000 = 0.6C3 498 000 / [(6 600 000+6 000 000)/2] = 0.56D3 600 000 / [(6 600 000 +6 000 000)/2] = 0.57

考题 不定项题根据上述A公司2017年和2018年度资产负债表、现金流量表的相关数据,计算2017年和2018年度现金流动负债比率分别为( )。A3 500 000 / 6 600000 = 0.53B3 600 000 / 6 000000 = 0.6C3 500 000 / [(6 600000+6 000 000)/2] = 0.56D3 600 000 / [(6 600000 +6 000 000)/2] = 0.57

考题 单选题Not much people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3,000 years.A Not manyB Not enoughC Without manyD No many

考题 单选题About how many new homes were sold in June of this year?A 62,000B 64,000C 68,000D 71,000

考题 单选题A 200 000/(6 500 000-3 000 000) ×100%=5.71% B 200 000/(6 000 000-2 000 000+6 500 000-3 000 000)/2×100%=5.33% C 200 000/(6 000 000+6 500 000)×2×100%=1.60% D 200 000/6 500 000*100%=3.08%

考题 填空题How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?____.

考题 不定项题A3 498 000/6 600 000=0.53B3 600 000/6 000 000=0.6C3 498 0001[(6 600 000+6 000 000)/2]=0.56D3 600 0001[(6 600 000+6 000 000)/2]=0.57

考题 不定项题A200 000/(6 500 000-3 000 000) ×100%=5.71%B200 000/(6 000 000-2 000 000+6 500 000-3 000 000)/2×100%=5.33%C200 000/(6 000 000+6 500 000)×2×100%=1.60%D200 000/6 500 000*100%=3.08%

考题 单选题Company A, Company B, and Company C are three Internet providers in a certain area of the country. The ratio of subscribers of A to B to C is 2:5:6. If there are a total of 65,000 subscriptions, how many of the 65,000 use Company A and Company C?A 55, 000B 40, 000C 35, 000D 30, 000E 25, 000

考题 单选题Breeze公司的边际收益为$4,000,固定成本为$1,000。如果总的边际收益增加$1,000,那么营业收益将?()A 增加超过$1,000.B 增加$1,000.C 保持不变D 减少$1,000.

考题 单选题王某于2019年1月因业绩优秀,获得奖金4 000元,当月工资收入6 000元,根据居民个人工资、薪金所得预扣预缴适用表,累计预扣预缴应纳税所得额不超过36000的部分,预扣率为3%,速算扣除数为0,则王某1月预扣预缴个人所得税时应预扣预缴个人所得税的计算正确的是( )。A (6 000-5 000)×3%+4 000×10%-210B (6 000-5 000)×3%C (6 000+4 000-5 000)×3%D (6 000+4 000-3 500)×3%

考题 单选题Dr. Icahn invested $2 000 in an account paying 5% interest annually. How many more dollars must he invest at 3% so that his total annual income is 4% of his entire investment?A $1 000B $2 000C $2 500D $2 800E $3 500

考题 单选题某企业2016年和2017年总资产分别为6 568 000元和7 658 000元,税前利润为245 250元,净利润为165 250元,财务费用为32 000元,则该企业的总资产报酬率为( )。A 245 250/[(6 568 000 +7658 000)/2]×100% =3. 45%B (245 250 +32 000)/[ (6 568 000 +7 658 000)/2 ] xl00%=3. 9%C 165 250/[ (6 568 000 +7 658 000)/2 ] xl00% =2. 32%D (165 50 +32 000)/[ (6 568 000 +7 658 000)/2 ] xl00% =2. 77%