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()(耐热漆) are for radiators and pipes and for the ship’s funnel.



Anti-corrosive paints


Heat-resistant paints


Anti-fouling paint


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更多 “单选题()(耐热漆) are for radiators and pipes and for the ship’s funnel.A VarnishB Anti-corrosive paintsC Heat-resistant paintsD Anti-fouling paint” 相关考题
考题 Topside paint and ()(水线漆) are used on the different areas of the ship’s hull.A、heat-resistant paintB、boottopping paintC、non-slip paintD、anti-fouling paint

考题 ()(耐热漆) are for radiators and pipes and for the ship’s funnel.A、VarnishB、Anti-corrosive paintsC、Heat-resistant paintsD、Anti-fouling paint

考题 马路上涂刷斑马线用的漆,它的基本名称是()漆。A、耐热漆B、隔热漆C、调色漆D、标志漆

考题 下面哪种涂料适用于高温设备,管道的涂层().A、有机硅耐热漆B、聚氨酯漆C、环氧防锈漆D、酚醛调和漆

考题 用于船舶的主要油漆是底漆,内层漆和面漆。()A、The basic types of paint used on a ship are primer, undercoat and topcoat.B、The basic types of paint used on a ship are topside paint, undercoat and top coat.C、The basic types of paint used on a ship are boottopping, topside and undercoat.D、The basic types of paint used on a ship are cement wash, undercoat and topside.

考题 艏楼甲板位于船艏部。()A、Forecastle deck is located at the ship’s stern.B、Poop deck is located at the ship’s bow.C、Forecastle deck at located in the ship’s bow.D、Poop deck is located at the ship’s stern.

考题 ()are for radiators and pipes and for the ship’s funnel.A、VarnishesB、Anti-corrosive paintsC、Heat-resistant paintsD、Primer

考题 从水线到船底是“吃水”。()A、“From the centerline to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.B、“From the keel to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.C、The maximum distance from the waterline to the ship’s bottom is “draft”.D、“From the centerline to the ship’s main deck” is “draft”.

考题 We use heat resistant aluminium, anti-fouling paint to keep the hull from corrosive.()A、我们用耐热白漆及防污漆保护船体不生锈。B、我们用耐热银漆及防污漆保护船体不受腐蚀。C、我们用耐热灰漆及耐热漆保护船体不受腐蚀。D、我们用耐热黑漆及耐热漆保护船体不受腐蚀。

考题 ()以防土壤和水腐蚀为主。A、沥青B、面漆C、耐热漆D、生漆

考题 以防大气腐蚀为主的是()A、沥青B、过氯乙烯C、红丹防锈漆D、耐热漆

考题 1152绝缘漆的耐热等级为F级。

考题 单选题Topside paint and ()(水线漆) are used on the different areas of the ship’s hull.A heat-resistant paintB boottopping paintC non-slip paintD anti-fouling paint

考题 单选题用于船舶的主要油漆是底漆,内层漆和面漆。()A The basic types of paint used on a ship are primer, undercoat and topcoat.B The basic types of paint used on a ship are topside paint, undercoat and top coat.C The basic types of paint used on a ship are boottopping, topside and undercoat.D The basic types of paint used on a ship are cement wash, undercoat and topside.

考题 单选题The meaning of slacken her speed is().A increase ship's speedB slow down ship's speedC make up ship's speedD fix up shp's speed

考题 单选题The well preparation of stowage plan will().A increase the ship's officers' knowledgeB extend the ship's officers' knowledgeC improve the ship's cargo-handling equipmentD raise the working efficiency

考题 单选题()are for radiators and pipes and for the ship’s funnel.A VarnishesB Anti-corrosive paintsC Heat-resistant paintsD Primer

考题 单选题Berthing means bringing a vessel to her berth until().A the ship is made fastB the ship‟s first line is sent ashoreC the ship is dredging anchorD the ship‟s pilot disembarks

考题 单选题The apparent wind can be zero when the true wind is from().A ahead and equal to the ship's speedB astern and equal to the ship's speedC ahead and equal to twice the ship's speedD astern and equal to twice the ship's speed

考题 单选题()(干舷漆) and boottopping paint are used on the different areas of the ship’s hull.A Topside paintB Heat-resistant paintC Non-slip paintD Anti-fouling paint

考题 单选题马路上涂刷斑马线用的漆,它的基本名称是()漆。A 耐热漆B 隔热漆C 调色漆D 标志漆

考题 单选题当船舶停靠码头时,为了保证船货安全,有必要24小时值班。()A When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.B When a vessel is alongside the wharf, t’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.C When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.D When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.

考题 单选题从水线到船底是“吃水”。()A “From the centerline to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.B “From the keel to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.C The maximum distance from the waterline to the ship’s bottom is “draft”.D “From the centerline to the ship’s main deck” is “draft”.

考题 单选题According to the Sale Contract,it’s of FOB plus S.T.term.It’s quite obvious that().A our ship is not responsible for trimming and stowingB our ship is responsible for trimming and stowingC our ship is responsible for expensesD our ship is not responsible for expenses

考题 单选题()以防土壤和水腐蚀为主。A 沥青B 面漆C 耐热漆D 生漆

考题 单选题The loading of the ship must be done in accordance with().A the ship’s instructionsB the terminal’s instructionsC the port captain’s instructionsD the charterer’s instructions

考题 单选题We use heat resistant aluminium, anti-fouling paint to keep the hull from corrosive.()A 我们用耐热白漆及防污漆保护船体不生锈。B 我们用耐热银漆及防污漆保护船体不受腐蚀。C 我们用耐热灰漆及耐热漆保护船体不受腐蚀。D 我们用耐热黑漆及耐热漆保护船体不受腐蚀。