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It was boring.


It was quite long.


It was interesting.


It was easy to understand.


M: That was a really interesting movie. I hope you enjoy it, too.
W: But I fell asleep just after it started.
Q: How did the woman feel about the movie?
更多 “单选题_____A It was boring.B It was quite long.C It was interesting.D It was easy to understand.” 相关考题
考题 单选题Strategic times are best for us to _____.A save energyB check e-mailsC study efficientlyD organize activities

考题 单选题_____A Look for Jack.B Buy some medicine.C Call for a doctor.D Send Jack to school.

考题 问答题Practice 1Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Application Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.  假定你是李明,给北京市奥组委写一份申请函,申请做一名奥运会的志愿者。  写信日期:2007年12月2、3日  申请函需要包括:  1. 个人信息(年龄、性别、特长、外语能力、社会活动经历等)  2. 担任志愿者的理由  3. 希望担当的志愿者工作(如导游、翻译或接待服务等)  4. 联系方式

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The game industry as part of the entertainment business is catching up fast with movies and TVs in terms of both popularity and yearly profit.A 游戏产业作为娱乐业的组成部分,它在普及性和年收入方面都在很快超越电影和电视。B 作为娱乐业的组成部分,游戏产业在其普及性和年利润方面都迅速逼近电影和电视。C 游戏业和部分娱乐业如同电影和电视一样,越来越受欢迎,收入逐年迅速提高。

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE?A People with seat belts tied will always be safe in cars.B Volvo was the first carmaker to use seat belts in cars.C Air bags will come out before the cars hit something.D All cars have air bags in front of the seats.

考题 填空题Because light travels (fast) ____ than sound, lightning is seen before thunder(雷) is heard.

考题 填空题(____)此门不通;(____)不得入内

考题 单选题The example of an egg on a skateboard is used to show that _____.A eggs break easily on a moving skateboardB cars should not be stopped suddenlyC seat belts are important to safetyD driving is a dangerous act

考题 问答题Practice 2New York Student Housing Center  We have got what students are looking for in off-campus housing. Come and see our houses—safe, affordable and convenient for living. All the facilities that you are concerned about are available, such as cable TV, Internet access, fully furnished and ready for moving in! We also have comfortable apartments or rooms for roommate share. The rent may be paid weekly, monthly or yearly. Contact us at 800-298-3579 if you are interested.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The car-renting rate remains $ 99 if you _____.A return the car to where you rent itB drive within the same cityC buy the insuranceD pay for the gas

考题 单选题According to the passage, to decide the exact amount of tax to be paid is _____.A simpleB easyC difficultD interesting

考题 填空题(____)内件品名;(____)发件人地址

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题David will go on holiday as soon as he (finish) ____ the project.

考题 单选题The work seemed easy at first but it _____ to be quite difficult.A broke outB turned outC worked outD set out

考题 单选题_____A Chinese history.B I’m twenty.C Too difficult.D I like football.

考题 填空题The new machine ought to (test) ____ before it is put to use.

考题 单选题The extra bonus Miles for a passenger’s first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining is _____.A 2,000 mileB 3,000 milesC 20,000 milesD 30,000 miles

考题 单选题During the meeting held in Brazil last month the supporters of free trade argued that these economic policies could benefit all nations.A 支持者上个月在巴西召开自由贸易会议,他们辩称这些经济政策有利于所有的国家。B 上月在巴西召开的会议上自由贸易的支持者辩称,这些经济政策会使所有国家都受益。C 自由贸易的支持者在上个月召开巴西会议时提出了这些经济政策,以帮助所有国家。

考题 填空题This medicine is highly (effect) ____ in treating skin cancer if it is applied early enough.

考题 填空题Having been badly damaged by the earthquake,the city has to be (rebuild) ____.

考题 单选题It has been quite a long time _____ the two companies established a business relationship.A althoughB becauseC ifD since

考题 单选题Before beginning a telecommuting arrangement,the management should _____.A appoint a new HR specialistB provide the facilities and conditionsC improve the company’s productivity firstD decide whether it is suitable for the company

考题 填空题(____)租车保险自负额(____);战争险

考题 填空题Before the flight takes off, all passengers are asked to (fast) ____ their seat belts.

考题 单选题In the world today any damage to society, whether at the local or at the global level, will not remain unnoticed.A 在当今世界,社会受到局部或全面损坏的程度还是难以确定的。B 在当今世界,对社会所造成的任何局部或整体损害都依然未被察觉。C 在当今世界,对社会的任何损坏,无论是局部的还是全球性的,终究会被察觉出来。