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The machines are made _____ at full speed.





to work


to be worked


使役动词make在主动语态中要用不带to的动词不定式作宾补,即make sb. do sth. ;但在被动语态中,一定要带to。根据句意“机器被使得全速工作”是被动语态,故为C。
更多 “单选题The machines are made _____ at full speed.A workB workingC to workD to be worked” 相关考题
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考题 He () in the laboratory the whole morning. A、has been workingB、is workingC、has worked

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考题 The woman and her husband______ in the same office. A: worksB: workingC: workD: has worked

考题 We found him()in the laboratory.A. workB. workingC. to work

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考题 Will you ______ this evening?A、workB、worksC、workingD、worked

考题 I’m on night duty.When you go to( ), I go to( ).A.the bed...the workB.bed...the workC.bed...workD.the bed...work

考题 She kept on()although she was tired.A. to workB. workingC. work

考题 It was ___ that he had to ask for help. A.a so big workB.a so big jobC.such a big workD.a such big job

考题 She must arrange to lose time _______, but not to lose her job A、for workB、at workC、in workD、on work

考题 He was tired. He ________ since dawn. A. workedB. was workingC. has workedD. had worked

考题 I am very busy.I have a very difficult problem(). A、to workB、to work outC、to be worked outD、to work it out

考题 She must arrange to lose time _______, but not to lose her joy. A.for workB.at workC.in workD.on work

考题 David ( ) on a new database at the moment.A. currently workB. is currently workingC. currently working

考题 My brother used ____ in the same office with John. They are very good friends.A. to workB. workingC. workD. worked

考题 I _____ here since I moved here. A、workB、workedC、will workD、have been working

考题 Text 3The full influence of mechanization began shortly after 1850, when a variety of machines came rapidly into use. The introduction of these machines frequently created rebellions by workers who were fearful that the machines would rob them of their work. Patrick Bell, in Scotland, and Cyrus McCormick, in United States, produced threshing machines. Improve- meats were made in plows to compensate for different soil types. Stream power came into use in 1860s on large farms. Hay rakes, hay-loaders, and various special harvesting machines were produced, Milking machines appeared. The internal-combustion engine run by gasoline became the chief power source for the farm.In time, the number of certain farm machines that came into use skyrocketed and changed the nature of fanning. Be-tween 1940 and 1960, for example, 12 million horses and mules gave way to 5 million tractors. Tractors offer many. features that are attractive to farmers. There are, for example, numerous attachments: cultivators that can penetrate the s0il to varying depths, rotary hoes that chop weeds; spray devices that can spray pesticides in bands 100 feet across, and many others.A piece of equipment has now been invented or adapted for virtually every laborious hand or animal operation On the farm. lathe United States, for example, cotton, tobacco, hay, and grain are planted, treated for pests and diseases, fertilized, cultivated and harvested by machine. Large devices shake fruit and nut from trees, gain and blend feed, and dry gain and hay. Equipment is now available to put just the right amount of fertilizer in just the right place, to spray an exact row width, and to count out, Space, and plant just the right number of seeds for a row.Mechanization is not used in agriculture in many parts of Latin America, Africa, Agriculture innovation is accepted fastest where agriculture is already profitable and progressive. Some mechanization has reached the level of plantation agriculture in parts of the tropics, but even today much of that land is laboriously worked by people leading draft animals pal- ling primitive plows.The problems of mechanization in some areas are not 0nly cultural in nature. For examples, tropical soils and crops differ markedly from those in temperate areas that the machines are designed for, so adaptations have to be made. But the greatest obstacle to mechanization is the fear in underdeveloped countries that the workers who are displaced by machines would not find work elsewhere, Introducing mechanization into such areas requires careful planning.31. The first paragraph uses several examples to convey the ideas that______.A) the introduction of machines into agricultural work created rebellions on the part of the farmersB) the use of internal combustion engine as a chief power source for the farm produced great influenceC) the mechanization of agricultural work after 1850 gradually robbed many farmers of their workD) ingenious improvements were made in fanning machines in the 1860s to yield production

考题 40. The women and her husband _______in the same office.A. workB. worksC.is workingD. has worked

考题 哪个命令用来创建/work目录() A.mkpoint/workB.mkmountpoint/workC.touch/workD.mkdir/work

考题 When the teacher is presenting a new language, giving explanations, checking answers,which of the following should be adopted?A.whole class work B.pair work C.group work D.individual work

考题 在HTML文件中,()标记在页面中显示work为斜体字。A.work B. work C. work D. work

考题 The writer of the passage thinks that________.A.it is true to say artists fail in their work B.it is untrue to say artists fail in their work C.it is true to say some artists fail in their work D.it is true to say only painters fail in their work

考题 He carried on()after his accident.A、to workB、workC、workingD、worked

考题 When father was young, he()from morning till night.A、was made workB、was made workingC、made to workD、was made to work

考题 By next year he()in New York for five years.A、has workedB、has been workingC、worksD、will have worked

考题 哪个命令用来创建/work目录()A、mkpoint/workB、mkmountpoint/workC、touch/workD、mkdir/work

考题 单选题The machines are made _____ at full speed.A workB workingC to workD to be worked