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In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so().

at as small an angle as possible


as nearly as practical at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow


only in case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zone




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更多 “单选题In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so().A at as small an angle as possibleB as nearly as practical at right angles to the general direction of traffic flowC only in case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zoneD never” 相关考题
考题 A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which ______.A.is located between the scheme and the nearest landB.separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite directionC.is designated as an anchorage areaD.contains all the traffic moving in the same direction

考题 A vessel outbound from a port or pilot station within an inshore traffic zone is recommended to ______.A.call at a port,pilot station,destination or sheltered anchorageB.use the appropriate lane other than the adjacent traffic separation schemeC.use the inshore traffic zoneD.join the adjacent traffic lane as soon as possible

考题 ______ is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.A.Separation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or linesB.The separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zonesC.Division of traffic from several different direction into sectorsD.Control of routing traffic through shipping routes

考题 A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall ______.A.only anchor in the separation zoneB.cross a traffic lane at as small an angle as possibleC.avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the schemeD.utilize the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is impeding other traffic due to her slower speed

考题 In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so___.A.only in case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zoneB.as nearly as practical at right angles to the general direction of traffic flowC.at as small an angle as possibleD.only to anchor within the zone

考题 单选题The Rules state that vessels may depart from the Rules when().A there are other vessels in the vicinityB operating in a traffic separation schemeC engaged in a situation involving more than two vesselsD necessary to avoid immediate danger

考题 单选题The prohibition against displaying lights which may be confused with required navigation lights applies().A from sunset to sunrise and during restricted visibilityB only when other vessels are in the areaC only when operating in a traffic separation schemeD only when under tow

考题 单选题A vessel shall not().A enter the traffic separation zone in an emergencyB cross a traffic laneC engage in fishing in the separation zoneD proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane

考题 单选题() is a circular traffic lane used at junctions of several routes,within which traffic moves counterclockwise around a separation point or zone.A Traffic LaneB RoundaboutC Inshore Traffic ZoneD Two-way Route

考题 单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall().A only anchor in the separation zoneB avoid crossing traffic lanes,but if obliged to do so,shall cross on a heading at as small an angle as is practicalC avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the schemeD use the separation zone for navigation through the scheme if she is hindering other traffic due to her slower speed

考题 单选题A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which().A is located between the scheme and the nearest landB separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite directionC is designated as an anchorage areaD contains all the traffic moving in the same direction

考题 单选题Which statement about the Navigation Rules is TRUE?().A The rules require vessels to comply with Traffic Separation Scheme regulationsB The rules use the term safe speedC The Rules permit a stand-on vessel to take action prior to being in extremisD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which().A is between the scheme and the nearest landB contains all the traffic moving in one directionC is designated as an anchorage areaD separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite direction

考题 单选题In a traffic separation scheme,when joining a traffic lane from the side,a vessel shall do so().A only in case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zoneB as nearly as practical at right angles to the general direction of traffic flowC at as small an angle as possibleD only to anchor within the zone

考题 单选题() is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.A Separation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or linesB The separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zonesC Division of traffic from several different direction into sectorsD Control of routing traffic through shipping routes

考题 单选题The traffic lane()suspended.A hasB haveC has beenD have been

考题 单选题A vessel may enter a traffic separation zone().A in an emergencyB to engage in fishing within the zoneC to cross the traffic separation schemeD All of the above

考题 单选题In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so().A at as small an angle as possibleB as nearly as practical at right angles to the general direction of traffic flowC only in case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zoneD never

考题 单选题A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid()in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.A sailingB proceedingC anchoringD maneuvering

考题 单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall().A only anchor in the separation zoneB cross a traffic lane at as small an angle as possibleC avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the schemeD utilize the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is impeding other traffic due to her slower speed

考题 单选题A vessel when joining or leaving from the side of a traffic separation scheme shall do so at as()to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.A small an angleB large an angleC either small or large an angleD neither small nor large an angle

考题 单选题A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged in an operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a traffic separation scheme is()complying with this rule to the extent necessary to carry out the operation.A obligedB to beC exempted fromD necessarily

考题 单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable()a traffic separation line or separation zone.A keep well clearB keep very farC keep clear ofD keep clear from

考题 单选题A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as()as is practicable.A wide a placeB wide a marginC wide enoughD wide

考题 单选题A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a()as is practicable.A marginB legendC legionD maiden

考题 单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leave a traffic lane at the ()of the lane.A endedB terminativeC terminationD side

考题 单选题A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid()by as wide margin as practicable.A themB thatC thisD it

考题 单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to().A proceed through an inappropriate traffic laneB engaged in fishing in the separation zoneC cross a traffic laneD enter the separation zone,even in a emergency