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It is prohibited to carry any()on the plane

  • A、contraband
  • B、forbidden article
  • C、dangerous article
  • D、metal items


更多 “It is prohibited to carry any()on the planeA、contrabandB、forbidden articleC、dangerous articleD、metal items” 相关考题
考题 “这个不允许寄往国外”可用以下()英语表达。A.It is not allowed to be mailed abroad.B.It is not prohibited from being posted.C.It is prohibited from being posted.D.You are not permitted to mail this abroad.

考题 When it is necessary to remove a victim from a life threatening situation,the person giving first aid must ().A.Pull the victim by the feetB.Avoid subjecting the victim to any unnecessary disturbanceC.Carry the victim to a location where injuries can be assessedD.Place the victim on a stretcher before attempting removal

考题 These MOOCs make it possible for people()their learning any place around the world.A. to figure outB. to carry outC. work out

考题 Usually, the original investment banker ______.A.subscribes to the issue in its entiretyB.is prohibited from subscribing to the issueC.subscribes to a part of the issueD.is prohibited from subscribing to only part of the issue

考题 It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack ( )be there at any moment.A. mustB. needC. should

考题 Which of the following should be documented when transferring ownership of a PC suspected ofprohibited activity?() A. List of prohibited contentB. DateC. AgeD. Prohibited activityE. Name of receiving party

考题 You want the text Unauthorized access prohibited! to be displayed before the login prompt every time someone tries to initiate a Telnet session to a router, as shown in the example below:Which command can be used to configure this message?()A. login banner x Unauthorized access prohibited! XB. banner exec y Unauthorized access prohibited! YC. banner motd x Unauthorized access prohibited! XD. vtv motd Unauthorized access prohibited!

考题 The Vessel is a __________ bulk carrier which is permitted to carry grain in bulk without requiring any fittings under the Rules of the 1974 International Safety of Life at Sea Convention.A.self-loadingB.self-trimmingC.self-unloadingD.self-discharging

考题 Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from ships to which this Annex of MARPOL 73/78 applies shall be ______ except when special conditions are satisfied.A.requiredB.requestedC.promotedD.prohibited

考题 You are to load styrene in bulk,which is subject to self-polymerization.You must ______.A.Not carry any cargo in the tanks surrounding the tank loaded with styreneB.Inject nitrogen to pad any ullage above the styrene to prevent contact with oxygenC.Be furnished with a Certificate of Inhibition to be maintained on the bridgeD.Use heating coils to maintain the styrene within the temperatures specified by the shipper

考题 资料:packing tips Mark your bags with a brightly colored string or ribbon to assist you in identifying your bag quickly on the baggage caroused. For security reasons, ensure you pack your bags yourself and do not at any time leave them unattended. Never carry a package or baggage for someone else unless you have completely checked the contents. Never wrap or package gifts; security personnel may need to inspet them. Keep medication and fragile items in your carry-on baggage. Keep all medication in its orginal, labelled container and carry the physician’s prescription with you. When you check your bags, make sure you get the correct number of luggage claim stubs and that each one is marked with the correct city name of your destination on your luggage tags. Malaysia Airline advisers that the following items may not be included in your baggage and liability is limited under the applicable international Convention for your damage of loss: -cash, negotiable bonds, deed, etc -jewellery, antiques or similar valuable items -any item of a fragile or brittle nature (e.g. glassware) -electrical/electronic items (e.g. computer, camera, mobile phone, audio equipment) -food or any perishable item -any item that has insufficient packaging (e.g. surfboard, bicycle, musical instrument) Which of the following items may NOT be included in your baggage advised by Malaysia Airlines?A.Papers B.Cash C.Plastic bottle D.Clothes

考题 Selling a product without the owner’s knowledge and approval is strictly prohibited.Which of the following products cannot be sold on the Wish platform?()A、A photo of a personB、It looks like a brand or logoC、It has been visually altered to conceal the brand o rlogoD、Directly mimic a brand or logo

考题 进行安全检查。()A、Carry out safety inspection.B、Carry out more detailed inspection.C、Carry out important inspection.D、Carry out relevant inspection.

考题 装配中折CARRY困难,主要由()造成。A、CARRY超长B、V-CUT打得太浅C、CARRY偏短D、CARRY用材不对

考题 Some people like to buy pocket books because it is easy to().A、carry around them.B、carry them aroundC、carry them withD、carry with them

考题 We'll()our discussion tomorrow.A、carry outB、carry onC、carry thoughD、carry forward

考题 Which of the following should be documented when transferring ownership of a PC suspected ofprohibited activity?()A、List of prohibited contentB、DateC、AgeD、Prohibited activityE、Name of receiving party

考题 When booting the p5 590 server in full system partition mode, which location is preferred for the fastest boot?()A、A SAN deviceB、First I/O drawerC、Any I/O drawer within the main frameD、First I/O drawer within the expansion frame

考题 Which of the following phrases is TRUE regarding monitoring disk I/O with iostat?()A、 The iostat can only be run as the root userB、 There could be zero percent I/O wait and still be an I/O bottleneckC、 Any I/O wait time displayed in output of "iostat" is an indication of severe I/O bottlenecks D、 Running "iostat" without any arguments/parameters is sufficient for resolving I/O bottlenecks

考题 单选题The task is too much for me, so I can’t carry on _____ any longer. I must get some help.A singlyB simplyC aloneD lonely

考题 单选题Which of the following phrases is TRUE regarding monitoring disk I/O with iostat?()A  The iostat can only be run as the root userB  There could be zero percent I/O wait and still be an I/O bottleneckC  Any I/O wait time displayed in output of iostat is an indication of severe I/O bottlenecks D  Running iostat without any arguments/parameters is sufficient for resolving I/O bottlenecks

考题 单选题If the PSCO has clear grounds for carrying out a more detailed inspection,()A the master should be immediately informedB the master will be prohibited from contacting the Administration or other organizationC he will carry out the inspection after the master be informed and be readyD he will carry out the inspection without informing the master

考题 单选题Your tanker is designed to carry anhydrous ammonia in bulk.The keel was laid in 1980.Which statement concerning the carriage of this cargo is TRUE().A A flammable gas detection system must be installed in each cargo pump roomB Tanks may not be located on deckC Carriage of this cargo is authorized by issuance of an IMO CertificateD Aluminum and copper alloys are prohibited from being in valve parts in contact with the cargo

考题 单选题()is prohibited in this area.A AnchorB AnchoringC AnchoredD Being anchored

考题 单选题From the beginning of this passage we know that.A most of the American states were prohibited to take a restB the United States of America prohibited others from restC the United States of America prohibited alcohol salesD most states in the country began to allow alcohol sales

考题 单选题()in this area is prohibited.A FishB FishingC FisherD Fishery

考题 单选题The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that().A is not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixtureB is on an international voyage to a country that is a party to MARPOLC has an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateD has an oily water separator of sufficient capacity for the oil wastes generated