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由前文提及的“new problem”是“smog from cars(汽车尾气)”可知,此处的“problem”是导致产生汽车尾气的原因之一,并非全部,因此排除绝对选项all,又因problem是单数可数名词,不能被much及some修饰,所以唯一符合文意的选项是part,故选A。
更多 “单选题_____A PartB MuchC SomeD All” 相关考题

考题 32________A. noneB. fewC. someD. each

考题 The weather is ______ hotA、tooB、muchC、moreD、many

考题 We don’t have ______ milk in the fridge.A、anyB、littleC、someD、many

考题 that was a great dinner____. Thanks. But it really took only an hour. A)I have never had it beforeB)I enjoyed it very muchC)you must have spent all day cookingD)who cooked it?

考题 When shall we meet again?Make it ____day you like; It's all the same to me. A、anotherB、itsC、someD、any

考题 He gave up his favorite job()for his family than for money.A.ratherB.muchC.all D.more

考题 Don’t worry. There is ______ room for all your books here. A、 moreB、 muchC、enoughD、 some

考题 We expected about 20 girls but there were ______ people there.A、anotherB、othersC、someD、more

考题 That's only ___ of the story.A、a partB、some partC、partD、any part

考题 Prepositions(介词) ____ in the structure of English.A、take partB、take a great partC、play a large partD、play many parts

考题 Please ________ it on the small table. A.manyB.muchC.more

考题 在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组<>ALI(集合)”中的“<>ALL”的等价操作符是A.NOT INB.INC.<>SOMED.#NAME?

考题 A) manyB) severalC) someD) most

考题 在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组ALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是( )。A. NOT INB. INC. SOMED. =SOME

考题 在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组ALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是( )。A.NOT INB.INC.SOMED.=SOME

考题 在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组<>ALL(集合)”中的“<>ALL”的等价操作符是( )。A.NOT INB.INC.<>SOMED.=SOME

考题 Stated more formally, an object is simply (72) of a classA.a partB.a componentC.an instanceD.an example

考题 9. — I ask you _________questions about your plan?— course.A.thatB.muchC.someD.any

考题 the fact that she was foreign made _____difficult for hertogetajobinthatcountryA.soB.muchC.thatD. it

考题 Stated more formally, an object is simply ( ) of a class. A. a part B. a component C. an instance D. an example

考题 Stated more formally,all object is simply______of a class.A.a part B.a component C.an instance D.an example

考题 Stated more formally, all object is simply ______ of a class. A.a part B.a component C.an instance D.an example

考题 The house is()owned by her father.A、partB、partlyC、partsD、a part

考题 Have you got ()lashing wires?A、plentyB、muchC、a lotD、enough

考题 在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组QALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是()A、NOT INB、INC、SOMED、=SOME

考题 在SQL中,与“NOTIN”等价的操作符是()A、 ALLB、 SOMEC、=SOMED、=ALL

考题 单选题在SQL中,与“NOTIN”等价的操作符是()A ALLB SOMEC =SOMED =ALL