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The function of literary artist is to ______.

communicate with the reader


carry on the business of life


provide a knot and stitch


present his ideas attractively


隐含事实的找寻和判断。关于文学艺术家所起的作用,录音中首先指出“the true business of the literary artist is to plait or weave his meaning”,接着说话者对该观点进行了详细的解释并表明了其目的“so that we are led to foresee, to expect, and to welcome the successive phrase”,可知文学艺术家的事业就是对其想要表达的意思进行编织和梳理,然后我们才会被他们引导着去预测、期待并乐于接受后续的语句。结合随后提到的“The pleasure may be heightened by…”,可知,通过对其语言意思进行编织和梳理,文学艺术家们会使受众感到愉悦,并为其观点所吸引。因此,D项内容符合录音原文。
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