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Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the().

uncorrected KG


maximum allowed KG


virtual height of the center of gravity


metacentric height


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更多 “单选题Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the().A uncorrected KGB maximum allowed KGC virtual height of the center of gravityD metacentric height” 相关考题
考题 The number of students who failed the chemistry examination ( )to fifteen. A. have increasedB. has increasedC. is increasedD. are increasing

考题 A petroleum liquid has a flashpoint of 85℃.This liquid is in IMDG Code classed as a ______.A.Flammable liquidB.Nonflammable liquidC.Inflammable liquidD.Disflammable liquid

考题 Which statement about the free surface effect is TRUE ________.A.It increases in direct proportion to the length of the tank times the breadth squaredB.It decreases at increased angles of heel due to pocketing when a tank is 90% fullC.It decreases in direct proportion to increasing specific gravity of the liquid in the tankD.In practice,the correction is considered to be a virtual reduction of KG

考题 Special stowage in deep tanks is obviously required for ______.A.Liquid commodities in containersB.Bottled liquid commoditiesC.Common liquid commodities in bulkD.Liquid commodities in cylinders

考题 Spreading oil on the open sea has the effect of ______.A.Diminishing the height of the seasB.Lengthening the distance between successive crestsC.Increasing the height of the seasD.Preventing the wave crests from breaking

考题 When displacement increases,the free surface corrections for slack tanks ______.A.increaseB.decreaseC.are directly proportionalD.remain unchanged

考题 Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the ______.A.uncorrected KGB.maximum allowed KGC.virtual height of the center of gravityD.metacentric height

考题 In() ships, the cargo space is divided into tanks.A、containerB、dry cargoC、bulkD、liquid cargo

考题 What is the effect of increasing the value of the ASM_POWER_LIMIT parameter?()A、The number of DBWR processes increasesB、The number of ASMB processes increasesC、The number of DBWR_TO_SLAVES increasesD、The rebalancing operation in an ASM instance completes more quickly, but can result in higher I/O overhead

考题 单选题Your vessel is damaged,listing to port and on occasion flopping to the same angle to starboard. It has a long,slow,sluggish roll around the angle of list. There is excessive trim by the stern with little freeboard aft. What action should you take?().A Jettison any off-center topside weights to lower GM and correct the listB Pump out any slack after double-bottom tanks to reduce free surface and increase freeboard aftC Pump out the after peak and fill the forepeak to change the trimD Press up any slack double-bottom tanks forward of the tipping center,then fill the forepeak if empty

考题 单选题The effects of free surface on a vessel’s initial stability do NOT depend upon the().A volume of displacement of the vesselB dimensions of the surface of the liquidC amount of liquid in slack tanksD specific gravity of the liquid in the tank

考题 单选题Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the().A uncorrected KGB virtual height of the center of gravityC metacenterD metacentric height

考题 单选题Special stowage in deep tanks is obviously required for().A liquid commodities in containersB bottled liquid commoditiesC common liquid commodities in bulkD liquid commodities in cylinders

考题 单选题Which of the following has the least effect on the effectiveness of questions in classes?A students' language proficiencyB the number of studentsC wait-time allowed after a questionD feedback given to students after they answer the questions

考题 单选题Which of the following has the least effect on the effectiveness of questions in classes?A Students' language proficiency.B The number of students.C Wait-time allowed after a question.D Feedback given to students after they answer the questions.

考题 单选题In liquid cargo ships, the() is divided into tanks.A cargo spaceB holdC hatchD room

考题 单选题Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has effect of raising the().A uncorrected KGB maximun allowed KGC virtual height of the center of gravityD metacentric height

考题 单选题A petroleum liquid has a flashpoint of 85°C . This liquid is in IMDG code classed as a().A flammable liquidB nonflammable liquidC inflammable liquidD disflammable liquid

考题 单选题What is the effect of increasing the value of the ASM_POWER_LIMIT parameter?()A The number of DBWR processes increasesB The number of ASMB processes increasesC The number of DBWR_TO_SLAVES increasesD The rebalancing operation in an ASM instance completes more quickly, but can result in higher I/O overhead

考题 单选题Topside icing that blocks freeing ports and scuppers().A is usually below the center of gravity and has little effecton stabilityB will cause water on deck to pocket and increase stabilityC may decrease stability by increasing free surface effect due to water on deckD increases the effective freeboard and increases thewind-heel affect

考题 单选题Many vessels are provided with flume tanks,which also have a dump tank located under the flume tanks. In the event the ship is damaged,you could dump the flume tanks into the dump tank which would().A reduce the free surface effect and raise the KGB not have any effect on free surface and raise the KGC reduce the free surface effect and lower the KGD not have any effect on free surface and lower the KG

考题 单选题A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks. In which situation should the cross-connection valve be closed? ()A The tanks lie above the waterline and are filledB The tanks are partially filled with dry cargoC The tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoD The tanks are filled and lie below the waterline

考题 单选题The principal purpose of sub-cooling liquid refrigerant prior to its entering the expansion valve is to ().A increase the refrigerating effect, by decreasing the amount of flash gasB allow the refrigerant to enter the throttling device in a saturated conditionC increase the refrigerating effect by increasing the amount of flash gasD minimize the temperature drop of the liquid as it passes through the solenoid valve to the outlet side

考题 单选题A petroleum liquid has a flashpoint of 85℃.This liquid is in IMDG Code classed as a().A flammable liquidB nonflammable liquidC inflammable liquidD disflammable liquid

考题 单选题Although recent years have seen()reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing.A substantialB substanceC submitD subjective

考题 单选题The effect of free surface on initial stability depends upon().A the amount of liquid in the compartmentB the dimensions of the liquid surface and the vessel's displacementC only the length of the compartmentD the vertical position of the liquid in the vessel

考题 单选题The greatest effect on stability occurs from loose liquids flowing().A from side to side in the tanks of the vesselB from fore to aft in the tanks of a vesselC in and out of a vessel that is holed in a wing tankD in and out of a vessel that is holed in a peak tank

考题 单选题A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks.In which situation should the crossconnection valve be closed?().A The tank lie above the waterline and are filledB The tank are partically filled with dry cargoC The tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoD The tanks are filled and lie below the waterline