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Which of the following is not a measure of the profitability of a project or program?

A . Return on original investment.

B . Net present value.

C . Depreciation.

D . Discounted cash flow.

E . None of the above


更多 “ Which of the following is not a measure of the profitability of a project or program?A . Return on original investment.B . Net present value.C . Depreciation.D . Discounted cash flow.E . None of the above ” 相关考题
考题 Present value measuresA.the value to us today of future cash flows.B.the rate of return on an investment when we take account of cash inflows and outflowsC.the current estimates of our project budgetD.the dollars worth of work accomplished as of todayE.All of the above.

考题 A technique that can be used to measure the total income of a project compared to the total moneys expended at any period of time is:A . return on investment (ROI)B . net present value (NPV)C . discounted cash flow (DCF)D . B and CE . All of the above.

考题 Which of the following is referred to as payback period:A . the number of periods required to recover the initial investmentB . the rate of return on the investmentC . the number of periods required to bring project cost back to the original budget, based on current performanceD . loan payment scheduleE . None of the above

考题 Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A . Baseline costsB . Budgeted costs.C . Estimates upon completion costsD . Scheduled costsE . None of the above

考题 During a project review meeting, you discover that your $250,000 project has a negative schedule variance of $20,000 which equates to 12% of the work scheduled to this point of time. You can therefore conclude that:A . The project will be completed late.B . The critical path has been lengthened.C . the costs are being overrun.D . Overtime will be required to maintain the original critical path.E . None of the above.

考题 It is argumentative whether project managers actually control costs. Which of the following is the most common element over which the project manager may have some degree of control?A . Direct labor dollarsB . Direct labor hours.C . Overhead rates.D . Procurement costs.E . None of the above.

考题 The technique most commonly used to determine the profitability of a project includes _____ methods.A . Net present value (NPV).B . Return on investment (ROI).C . Discounted cash flow (DCF)D . Payout time and risk sensitivity analysis.E . All of the above.

考题 Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _____.A . inspection by attributes.B . cyclical inspectionC . quality conformance inspectionD . original inspectionE . None of the above.

考题 Which of the following organizational forms would be likely to have an individual with the title of Vice President for Project Management?A . Classical / traditionalB . Pure projectC . MatrixD . Project coordinatorE . None of the above

考题 Formal written correspondence is mandated in which of the following situations:A Product undergoes casual in-house testingB Client requests additional work not covered under contractC Project manager calls a meetingD B and C onlyE None of the above

考题 By using Project Risk Management techniques, project managers can develop strategies that do all but which of the following:A Significantly reduce project risksB eliminate project risksC provide a rational basis for better decision makingD identify risks, their impact(s), and any appropriate responsesE None of the above.

考题 115 The technique most commonly used to determine the profitability of a project includes _____ methods.A. Net present value (NPV).B. Return on investment (ROI).C. Discounted cash flow (DCF)D. Payout time and risk sensitivity analysis.E. All of the above

考题 19 It is argumentative whether project managers actually control costs. Which of the following is the most common element over which the project manager may have some degree of control?A. Direct labor dollarsB. Direct labor hours.C. Overhead rates.D. Procurement costs.E. None of the above

考题 59 By using Project Risk Management techniques, project managers can develop strategies that do all but which of the following:A. Significantly reduce project risksB. eliminate project risksC. provide a rational basis for better decision makingD. identify risks, their impact(s), and any appropriate responsesE. None of the above

考题 137 Which of the following is not a measure of the profitability of a project or program?A. Return on original investment.B. Net present value.C. Depreciation.D. Discounted cash flow.E. None of the above

考题 16 Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _____.A. inspection by attributes.B cyclical inspectionC. quality conformance inspectionD. original inspectionE. None of the above

考题 23 Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A. Baseline costsB Budgeted costs.C. Estimates upon completion costsD. Scheduled costsE. None of the above

考题 30 Which of the following organizational forms would be likely to have an individual with the title of Vice President for Project Management?A. Classical / traditionalB. Pure projectC. MatrixD. Project coordinatorE. None of the above

考题 72 Which of the following is referred to as payback period:A. the number of periods required to recover the initial investmentB. the rate of return on the investmentC. the number of periods required to bring project cost back to the original budget, based on current performanceD. loan payment scheduleE. None of the above

考题 76 Formal written correspondence is mandated in which of the following situations:A. Product undergoes casual in-house testingB. Client requests additional work not covered under contractC. Project manager calls a meetingD. B and C onlyE. None of the above

考题 136 A technique that can be used to measure the total income of a project compared to the total moneys expended at any period of time is:A. return on investment (ROI)B. net present value (NPV)C. discounted cash flow (DCF)D. B and CE. All of the above

考题 105 Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A. Baseline costsB. Budgeted costs.C. Estimates upon completion costsD. Scheduled costsE. None of the above

考题 163 During a project review meeting, you discover that your $250,000 project has a negative schedule variance of $20,000 which equates to 12% of the work scheduled to this point of time. You can therefore conclude that:A. The project will be completed late.B. The critical path has been lengthened.C. the costs are being overrun.D. Overtime will be required to maintain the original critical path.E. None of the above.

考题 ● Which of the following can be tracked using the WBS?A timeB costC performanceD scopeE None of the above.

考题 Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?() A. PLSQL_BLOCKB. JAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREC. STORED_PROCEDURED. EXECUTABLEE. None of the above are invalid settings.

考题 Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?()A、PLSQL_BLOCKB、JAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREC、STORED_PROCEDURED、EXECUTABLEE、None of the above are invalid settings.

考题 单选题Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?()A  PLSQL_BLOCKB  JAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREC  STORED_PROCEDURED  EXECUTABLEE  None of the above are invalid settings.