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The attitude of the author toward advertisers is

A. appreciative

B. trustworthy

C. critical

D. dissatisfactory


更多 “ The attitude of the author toward advertisers isA. appreciativeB. trustworthyC. criticalD. dissatisfactory ” 相关考题
考题 Some people just can’t keep from giving. That was the way it was with my neighbor. Despite being crippled, she was very active. In fact, she __1__ to do more for the __2__ every day than I ever do in a year’s time. I was always __3__ at the pace she kept. And most importantly, she always had a positive __4__. I don’t remember once hearing her complain __5__ her trouble. The stresses of everyday life never seemed to bother her.1). A. amazedB. aboutC. seemedD. communityE. attitude2). A. amazedB. aboutC. seemedD. communityE. attitude3). A. amazedB. aboutC. seemedD. communityE. attitude4). A. amazedB. aboutC. seemedD. communityE. attitude5). A. amazedB. aboutC. seemedD. communityE. attitude

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考题 The following day I ran my first race at high__________. A.latitude B.altitude C.longitude D.attitude

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考题 在利用CSS表现XML时,需要将XML文档中的author元素的内容以内联方式显示(即所有的author元素的内容连续显示,不分段),且其内容自动折行以适应屏幕,多个连续空格压缩成一个空格,则下面正确的选项是()。A.author{display:inline;white-space:nowrap}B.author{display:inline;white-space:return}C.author{display:inline;white-space:normal}D.author{display:inline;white-space:pre}

考题 2、在利用CSS表现XML时,需要将XML文档中的author元素的内容以内联方式显示(即所有的author元素的内容连续显示,不分段),且其内容自动折行以适应屏幕,多个连续空格压缩成一个空格,则下面正确的选项是()。A.author{display:inline;white-space:nowrap}B.author{display:inline;white-space:return}C.author{display:inline;white-space:normal}D.author{display:inline;white-space:pre}