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I usually watch TV in the evening_______ Ihave to study for an examination.




D.the moment


更多 “ I usually watch TV in the evening_______ Ihave to study for an examination. A.becauseB.unlessC.whileD.the moment ” 相关考题
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考题 A: Have you typed the letter for me? B:(). A、Yes, I have.B、Yes, I do.C、Yes, I've done.

考题 He stopped () TV when dinner was ready. A、watchingB、to watchC、watch

考题 A: Have you been to Canada before? B:(). A、No, I have.B、Yes, I have.C、Yes, I did.

考题 类Student的声明如下:packagecom.schoolclassStudent{Stringname;intage;Student(Stringname,intage){//code}voidstudy(Stringsubject){//code}}正确调用方法study(Stringsubject)的是哪项?() A.Studentstu=newStudent(“Tom”,23);stu.study(“数学”);B.Student.study(“数学”);C.Studentstu=newStudent(“Tom”,23);stu.study();D.Studentstu=newStudent(“Tom”,23);Stringresult=stu.study(“数学”);

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