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A project team member submits a suggestion on how to improve the corporate procurement process. This is an example of _____ communication

A upward

B downward

C horizontal

D diagonal

E None of the above.


更多 “ A project team member submits a suggestion on how to improve the corporate procurement process. This is an example of _____ communicationA upwardB downwardC horizontalD diagonalE None of the above. ” 相关考题
考题 The project charter is developed by:A.senior managementB.the customerC.the project managerD.both A and CE.None of the above.

考题 Including the customer in the process of project planning is:A.Slow and counterproductive.B.Essential in the definition and documentation of project goals.C.Necessary, but of limited value.D.Unnecessary because project goals are defined in the proposal stage.E.None of the above.

考题 Proper implementation of project management will guarantee that:A.Budgets will be met.B.Schedules will be adhered to.C.Quality/performance will be met.D.The project will be a success.E.None of the above.

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考题 In project-driven companies, costs are usually billed againest the project based upon:A . The burdened labor rate of the actual employees who performed the work.B . The burdened labor rate of the line organization average salary.C . The burdened labor rate of the company average salary.D . The burdened labor rate of the average salary of the project team members.E . None of the above.

考题 It is argumentative whether project managers actually control costs. Which of the following is the most common element over which the project manager may have some degree of control?A . Direct labor dollarsB . Direct labor hours.C . Overhead rates.D . Procurement costs.E . None of the above.

考题 Quality control is normally performed by the _____ .A . QA personnelB . project teamC . operating personnelD . project managementE . None of the above.

考题 Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _____.A . inspection by attributes.B . cyclical inspectionC . quality conformance inspectionD . original inspectionE . None of the above.

考题 Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:A The team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project managerB The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the teamC Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goalsD Employees will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team membersE None of the above

考题 If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the project manager should assume:A the message was understoodB the message was not understoodC the subordinate discarded the informationD the information was not appropriateE None of the above.

考题 A project manager can exchange information with the project team using which media?A tactileB audioC olfactoryD visualE All of the above.

考题 Which of the following is least likely to be used in explaining to a team member why you consider his/her performance substandard?A Project office memoB counseling sessionC project team meetingD formal letterE individual conversation

考题 Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.A upwardB downwardC horizontalD diagonalE None of the above

考题 A project manager trying to communicate accurately to the team should use:A the language of the team membersB the language of the project managerC non-verbal methodsD written memosE All of the above.

考题 The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:A encodingB decodingC choice of a mediumD one-way communicationE All of the above.

考题 By using Project Risk Management techniques, project managers can develop strategies that do all but which of the following:A Significantly reduce project risksB eliminate project risksC provide a rational basis for better decision makingD identify risks, their impact(s), and any appropriate responsesE None of the above.

考题 _____ is a method of procurement where a contract results from a bid which may be changed through bargaining.A AcquisitionB Contract negotiationC ProcurementD Purchase negotiationE None of the above.

考题 114 The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:A. encodingB. decodingC. choice of a mediumD. one-way communicationE. All of the above.

考题 156 Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:A. The team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project managerB. The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the teamC. Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goalsD. Employees will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team members E. None of the above

考题 193 A project manager trying to communicate accurately to the team should use:A. the language of the team membersB. the language of the project managerC. non-verbal methodsD. written memosE. All of the above.

考题 26 Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.A. upwardB. downwardC. horizontalD. diagonalE. None of the above

考题 31 A project team member submits a suggestion on how to improve the corporate procurement process. This is an example of _____ communicationA. upwardB. downwardC. horizontalD. diagonalE. None of the above

考题 50 Which of the following is least likely to be used in explaining to a team member why you consider his/her performance substandard?A. Project office memoB. counseling sessionC. project team meetingD. formal letterE. individual conversation

考题 ● The project charter is developed by:A senior managementB the customerC the project managerD both A and CE None of the above.

考题 ● Including the customer in the process of project planning is:A Slow and counterproductive.B Essential in the definition and documentation of project goals.C Necessary, but of limited value.D Unnecessary because project goals are defined in the proposal stage.E None of the above.

考题 ● Proper implementation of project management will guarantee that:A Budgets will be met.B Schedules will be adhered to.C Quality/performance will be met.D The project will be a success.E None of the above.

考题 Team member listing, scheduled tasks, and risk identification are part of the:()A、project plan.B、project charter.C、communication plan.D、WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).