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Every country has its own way of cooking. American people have their way of cooking,don’t they?

Most people in the United States like fast food. But if you think that American people don’t like cooking, you are not right. It’s true that most Americans take fast food as their breakfast and lunch. But they also think cooking is interesting. Parents see the importance of teaching their daughters how to cook. And most Americans say that home cooked meal is the best.Americans have their own way of cooking. For example, baking(烘烤) is the most popu’lar way of cooking in America. We can see ovens in most American families. American cooks. pay attention to the balance of food. In planning a big meal, they try to cook meat, a few vege’ tables, some bread and often some sweet food.They also like to make the meal look beautiful.There are many kinds of food in different colors on the plate, so the meal is healthy and looks beautiful, too.

( )21.Most Americans ________.

A. don't like cooking

B. cook food in the morning

C. like home cooked meal


更多 “ III.阅读理解(20分)AEvery country has its own way of cooking. American people have their way of cooking,don’t they?Most people in the United States like fast food. But if you think that American people don’t like cooking, you are not right. It’s true that most Americans take fast food as their breakfast and lunch. But they also think cooking is interesting. Parents see the importance of teaching their daughters how to cook. And most Americans say that home cooked meal is the best.Americans have their own way of cooking. For example, baking(烘烤) is the most popu’lar way of cooking in America. We can see ovens in most American families. American cooks. pay attention to the balance of food. In planning a big meal, they try to cook meat, a few vege’ tables, some bread and often some sweet food.They also like to make the meal look beautiful.There are many kinds of food in different colors on the plate, so the meal is healthy and looks beautiful, too.( )21.Most Americans ________.A. don't like cookingB. cook food in the morningC. like home cooked meal ” 相关考题
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