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更多 “ 教育对物质生产的作用。 ” 相关考题
考题 “蓬生麻中,不扶自直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑”,体现出影响人身心发展的【 】A.遗传因素B.环境因素C.个体主观能动性D.教育因素

考题 _____是人与人相互区别的主要方面,是人格的核心。

考题 少年期表现出的总体性的阶段特征是( )。A.身体状态的剧变B.内心世界的发展C.自我意识的觉醒D.独立精神的加强E.身心两方面逐步走向成熟

考题 Passage 2 Scientists have been surprised at how deeply culture--the language we speak, the values weabsorb--shapes the brain, and are rethinking findings derived from studies of Westerners. To takeone recent example, a region behind the forehead called the medial prefrontal cortex supposedlyrepresents the self: it is active when we ( "we" being the Americans in the study) think of our ownidentity and traits. But with Chinese volunteers, the results were strikingly different. The "me"circuit hummed not only when they thought whether a particular adjective described themselves, butalso when they considered whether it described their mother. The Westerners showed no suchoverlap between self and mom. Depending whether one lives in a culture that views the self asautonomous and unique or as connected to and part of a larger whole, this neural circuit takes onquite different functions. "Cultural neuroscience," as this new field is called, is about discovering such differences. Someof the findings, as with the "me/mom" circuit, buttress longstanding notions of cultural differences. For instance, it is a cultural cliche that Westerners focus on individual objects while East Asians payattention to context and background (another manifestation of the individualism-collectivism split). Sure enough, when shown complex, busy scenes, Asian-Americans and non-Asian-Americansrecruited different brain regions. The Asians showed more activity in areas that processfigure-ground relations--holistic context--while the Americans showed more activity in regions thatrecognize objects. Psychologist Nalini Ambady of Tufts found something similar when she and colleagues showeddrawings of people in a submissive pose (head down, shoulders hunched) or a dominant one (armscrossed, face forward) to Japanese and Americans. The brain′s dopamine-fueled reward circuitbecame most active at the sight of the stance--dominant for Americans, submissive for Japanese--that each volunteer′s culture most values, they reported in 2009. This raises an obviouschicken-and-egg question, but the smart money is on culture shaping the brain, not vice versa. Cultural neuroscience wouldn′t be making waves if it found neurobiological bases only forwell-known cultural differences. It is also uncovering the unexpected. For instance, a 2006 studyfound that native Chinese speakers use a different region of the brain to do simple arithmetic (3 + 4)or decide which number is larger than native English speakers do, even though both use Arabicnumerals. The Chinese use the circuits that process visual and spatial information and planmovements (the latter may be related to the use of the abacus). But English speakers use languagecircuits. It is as if the West conceives numbers as just words, but the East imbues them withsymbolic, spatial freight. (Insert cliche about Asian math geniuses.) "One would think that neuralprocesses involving basic mathematical computations are universal," says Ambady, but they "seemto be culture-specific." Not to be the skunk at this party, but I think it′ s important to ask whether neuroscience revealsanything more than we already know from, say, anthropology. For instance, it′s well known thatEast Asian cultures prize the collective over the individual, and that Americans do the opposite. Does identifying brain correlates of those values offer any extra insight After all, it′s not as ifanyone thought those values are the result of something in the liver. Ambady thinks cultural neuro-science does advance understanding. Take the me/mom finding,which, she argues, "attests to the strength of the overlap between self and people close to you incollectivistic cultures and the separation in individualistic cultures. It is important to push theanalysis to the level of the brain." Especially when it shows how fundamental cultural differencesare--so fundamental, perhaps, that "universal" notions such as human rights, democracy, and thelike may be no such thing. which of the following is a significant breakthrough achieved by cultural neuroscienceaccording to the passage A.It proves that some values are deeply rooted in human liver. B.It correlates cultural differences with different brain activities. C.It suggests that some universal concepts are shared across cultures. D.It disputes our usual understanding of fundamental cultural differences.

考题 阅读材料回答问题。 材料一 从一九五三年以来,我国市场上出现了若干种日用消费品供不应求的现象。一九五三年上半年,在小麦遭受冻灾的地区,粮食的供求状况很紧张,下半年食油、肉类在许多地方也供不应求,不少城镇中都要排队购买。适应当时的需要,中央人民政府在一九五三年十二月,对粮食实行了计划收购(即统购)和计划供应(即统销);然后对食用植物油也实行了计划收购和计划供应。从一九五四年九月十五日起,又对棉花实行计划收购,对棉布实行计划收购和计划供应。对粮食、油料、棉花、棉布的计划收购和计划供应无疑是一种重大的措施.它关系到全国人民生活中最重要的吃饭和穿衣的问题,也关系到我国城乡经济生活的许多方面。计划收购和计划供应对我们国家目前的情况来说,是很必要的。只有采用这种办法,才能保证我国人民生活日益增长的需要,才能制止投机活动,保证市场物价的稳定,才能使发展国民经济的第一个五年计划得以顺利地进行。 ——陈云:《关于计划收购和计划供应》(1954年9月23日) 材料二 理顺物价,改革才能加快步伐。物价问题是历史遗留下来的。过去,物价都由国家规定,例如粮食,还有各种副食品,收购价格长期定得很低,这些年提高了几次,还是比较低,而城市销售价格又不能高了,购销价格倒挂,由国家补贴。这种违反价值规律的做法,一方面使农民生产积极性调动不起来,另一方面使国家背了一个很大的包袱,每年用于物价补贴的开支达几百亿元。这样,国家财政收入真正投入经济建设的就不多了,用来发展教育、科学、文化事业的就更少了。所以,不解决物价问题就不能放下包袱,轻装前进。最近我们决定放开肉、蛋、菜、糖四种副食品价格,先走一步。 ——邓小平:《理顺物价,加速改革》(1988年5月19日) 材料三 1978年中共十一届三中全会后,国家大幅度提高农副产品收购价格.缩小农副产品的统购范围和降低征购指标,开放城乡农副产品集贸市场。到1982年,全国农副产品中油料产量超过1 100万吨,比1978年增加659.9万吨;肉类产量超过1 300万吨,比1978年增加494.5万吨;农村集市从无到有,发展到41 184个。1983年,国家正式取消实行了20多年的布票,肉票、油票也陆续取消。1985年1月,中共中央一号文件《关于进一步活跃农村经济的十项政策》规定,国家对粮食、棉花等农产品实行合同定购和市场收购。农村粮食供给制随之取消。1993年2月,国务院发布《关于加速粮食流通体制改革的通知》,推动建立国家宏观调控下的自由市场购销体制,各地相继取消了城镇口粮定量供应制度。至此,长期以来实行的票证制度退出历史舞台。 ——摘编自董辅礽主编《中华人民共和国经济史》 (1)根据材料一并结合所学知识,概括指出我国制定“统购统销”政策的历史背景。(5分) (2)根据材料三并结合所学知识,分析1978年后“统购统销”变化的特点及原因。(5分) (3)根据材料一、二、三并结合所学知识,分析“统购统销”的历史作用。(6分)

考题 请根据所提供的教材片段,设计1课时的教学简案。 要求:(1)写出一篇规范完整的课时教学简案;(2)恰当设定本课时的教学目标、教学重点和难点;(3)合理地设计学习活动和作业要求;(4)设计至少三个课堂提问;(5)对教案中的主要环节作出设计说明。

考题 请简要回答《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中的第二部分对每个领域的阐述主要包括哪些内容?

考题 阅读下面材料,回答问题。 小明是个3岁零3个月的孩子,十分活泼可爱,父母很喜欢他。可令其父母不解的是:小明无论做什么事情之前从不爱多思考。比如,玩插塑时,让他想好了再去插,而他却是拿起插塑就开始随便地插,插出什么样,就说插的是什么。在绘画或要解决别的问题时也是这样。夫妇俩认为这样不好,便总是要求孩子想好了再去行动,可小明却常常做不到。小明父母时常为此而烦恼。 问题:试问小明父母的态度和行动对吗?请从儿童思维发展的角度分析小明的这一类行为,并为小明的父母提出科学的教育建议。