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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

struct A

{int a;char b[10];double c;};

void f (struct A *t);


{struct A a=(1001,”ZhangDa”,1098,0);



void f(struct A *t)

{strcpy(t->b,”ChangRong”); }


更多 “ 下列程序的运行结果为【14】#include stdio.h#include string.hstruct A{int a;char b[10];double c;};void f (struct A *t);main(){struct A a=(1001,”ZhangDa”,1098,0);f(a);printf(“d,s,6,if\n”,a.a,a.b,a.c);}void f(struct A *t){strcpy(t-b,”ChangRong”); } ” 相关考题
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