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199 _____ is a receipt issued by a carrier for merchandise to be delivered to a party at some destination. A. Proforma invoice

B. Inspection certificate

C. Packing list

D. Bill of lading

E. None of the above


更多 “ 199 _____ is a receipt issued by a carrier for merchandise to be delivered to a party at some destination. A. Proforma invoiceB. Inspection certificateC. Packing listD. Bill of ladingE. None of the above ” 相关考题
考题 Inspection processes are considered _____.A . an investment in the futureB . an effective corrective processC . a necessary control processD . insults to production line employeesE . None of the above.

考题 Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _____.A . inspection by attributes.B . cyclical inspectionC . quality conformance inspectionD . original inspectionE . None of the above.

考题 A warranty may not be a remedy for products delivered unfit when _____ .A the PM has knowledge of the product, inspected it without relying on the seller's skillB the products delivered comply with the plans and specifications of the clientC the plans and specifications produced by the seller match the completed product.D A and BE None of the above.

考题 _____ is a receipt issued by a carrier for merchandise to be delivered to a party at some destination.A Proforma invoiceB Inspection certificateC Packing listD Bill of ladingE None of the above.

考题 Which of the following terms is used to describe the receipt issued by a carrier for items to be delivered to a third party:A free on boardB receipt for merchandiseC packaging listD loading listE bill of lading

考题 200 Which of the following terms is used to describe the receipt issued by a carrier for items to be delivered to a third party:A. free on boardB. receipt for merchandiseC. packaging listD. loading listE. bill of lading

考题 16 Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _____.A. inspection by attributes.B cyclical inspectionC. quality conformance inspectionD. original inspectionE. None of the above

考题 45 A warranty may not be a remedy for products delivered unfit when _____ .A. the PM has knowledge of the product, inspected it without relying on the seller's skillB. the products delivered comply with the plans and specifications of the clientC. the plans and specifications produced by the seller match the completed product.D. A and BE. None of the above

考题 129 Inspection processes are considered _____.A. an investment in the futureB. an effective corrective processC. a necessary control processD. insults to production line employeesE. None of the above

考题 81 _____ is a receipt issued by a carrier for merchandise to be delivered to a party at some destination. A. Proforma invoiceB. Inspection certificateC. Packing listD. Bill of ladingE. None of the above

考题 What insurance document will be issued as evidence of cover when an exporter sells goods insured under an open cover agreement?A.A third party inspection certificateB.An insurance policyC.A black list certificateD.An insurance certificate

考题 What are the functions of bill of lading mentioned in the above mini-lecture()? A、receipt of freight serviceB、document of titleC、evidence of paymentD、contract between carrier and shipper

考题 The amount of fluid delivered by a positive displacement pump can be regulated by _____.A.throttling the pressure lineB.changing the speed of the driving rotorC.either A or BD.None of the above is tree

考题 A vessel has completed loading cargo in the port of San Francisco. What document is signed by the Master stating the terms that goods were delivered by the shipper and were received by the ship? ______.A.Bill of GoodsB.Bill of LadingC.Cargo ManifestD.Cargo Receipt

考题 If the goods are not delivered,or delivered in a damaged condition,a claim may be ______ within a period of certain years unless there is a clause to the contrary in the charter-party or bill of lading.A.takenB.goneC.gottenD.made

考题 材料:The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill does not make the bill negotiable or give the transferee any additional right.A person to whom a nonnegotiable bill has been transferred by delivery and agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODs which it represents acquires the title to the GOODs as against the transferor.The transferee may also notify the carrier of the transfer to him,and the carrier is then obligated directly to the transferee for any obligations the carrier owed to the transferor immediately before the notification.More specifically,the carrier is liable to the owner of GOODs transported under a nonnegotiable bill,subject to the right of stoppage in transit.Besides having to be the owner of the GOODs covered by the nonnegotiable bill,the claimant in such a case must have actually relied in GOOD faith on statements made by the carrier on the bill.The carrier is liable for having stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,and for having delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill.In general,the carrier must deliver the GOODs on demand of the consignee named in a nonnegotiable bill of lading.However,on the endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill,the GOODs may be delivered to a party entitled to their possession.The carrier is liable toward the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs for delivering them to a party not entitled to their possession.问题:The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill transfers ________.A.the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeB.the title to the GOODs from the transferee to the transferorC.in no way the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeD.the GOODs to the party entitled to their possessionThe transferee of a nonnegotiable bill acquires the title to the GOODs ________.A.by taking delivery of the bill and entering into an agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODsB.by having the carrier actually delivered the GOODs to himC.by having the transferor endorsed the nonnegotiable billD.in no wayIf the GOODs were thus transferred,and the carrier delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill,________.A.he is liableB.he is not liableC.it can not be determined whether he is liable or notD.whether he is liable or not is to be determined by the law of the ship’s flagIn the event of a nonnegotiable bill has been actually transferred,if the carrier stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,________ is liable.A.heB.the transferorC.the transfereeD.the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:As with the duties of loading and stowing of the carrier under Hague Rules and national statutes incorporating one or other of those Rules,there is a difference of opinion as to whether the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another party,notably to the consignee.Despite some lower court expressions to the contrary,the more prevalent view is that loading,stowing and discharging are “non-delegable”obligations of the carrier of GOODs by sea.In consequence,while it may be permissible to transfer the responsibility for paying for loading,stowing and discharging to the shipper or consignee(e.g.by inserting an“FIOST”clause in the bill of lading),this or any other clauses which purport to also transfer the liability for fault or negligence in the conduct of these operations from the carrier to cargo are null and void,because they relieve or lessen the carriers obligations otherwise than as permitted by the Act.This position is well-founded,given the fundamental purpose of the Rules and the national statutes of protecting shippers and consignees against the superior bargaining power of carriers.While acceptable in charterparties,which are contracts of private carriage,such clauses are rightly set aside by courts in carriage under bills of lading.问题:According to this passage,“FIOST”clause in the bill of lading is ______.A.not accepted by courtsB.acceptable in courtsC.a non-delegable clause in the bill of ladingD.incorporated in the bill of lading to avoid superior bargaining by the carrier against the receiverThe prevalent view is that ______.A.the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another partyB.whether the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another party is still in disputeC.it is not necessary to consider whether the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another partyD.the carrier may mot validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another partyIt can be inferred that the author ______ the opinion that the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another party.A.supportsB.does not supportC.has not indicated whether he supports or notD.has no interest in discussingIn the eyes of law,an“FIOST”clause in the bill of lading ______.A.does not transfer the responsibility for paying for loading,stowing and discharging to the shipper or consigneeB.has nothing to do with the responsibility of the carrierC.relieves or lessens the carrier's obligations otherwise than as permitted by the ActD.imposes more obligations to the carrier than as permitted by the Act请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:The carrier who does not pack a container cannot determine the sufficiency of packing of individual cartons within the container.Thus the carrier is not estopped from proving the insufficiency of packing of the GOODs within the container stuffed and sealed by the shipper,even where the carrier has issued a clean bill of lading.The principle of estoppel only applies to the apparent order and condition of the exterior of the container.The carrier has no duty to inspect the cargo of the shipper-packed container,unless its packaging is apparently inadequate or the shipper has given the carrier special instructions as to the special requirements of the cargo.This view places the burden of inspection and ascertainment of special stowage needs on the party most likely to know of or best equipped to discover such needs.Both the condition of the container and the packing of the individual objects inside are important.The condition of the container supplied by a shipper may preclude recovery by cargo interests in various situations,for example,where the containers insufficient ventilation causes the GOODs to spoil.Improper packing of objects(e.g.defective“stuffing”of GOODs into a container)may also constitute a case of insufficiency of packing by the shipper.For example,antiques,furniture,porcelain and crystal had been shipped in containers.The porcelain and crystal which had been packed in cartons suffered no damage,but the furniture and antiques which had only been wrapped in paper were damaged. The carrier was not held responsible as the packing was deemed to be insufficient.问题:If the carrier has issued a clean bill of lading for the general cargo on board of his ship,he will be ________.A.precluded from recovery of any loss or damage from any interestsB.prevented from making a denial that the cargo was packed in apparently GOOD order and conditionC.entitled to make any allegation that contradicts what he has previously stated that the cargo was properly packedD.estopped from proving the sufficiency of packing of the GOODsIt is inferred that this passage prepared to protect the interests of ________.A.the shipperB.the supplier of containersC.the cargo interestsD.the carrierIt is implied in the passage that ________.A.the carrier will not be responsible for the damage to a cargo contained in a container supplied by the carrierB.the carrier will in no way be responsible for the damage to a cargo contained in a container supplied by the shipperC.the carrier will be estopped from proving the insufficiency of packing of the GOODs within the container stuffed and sealed by the shipper even he has issued a clean bill of ladingD.by the principle of estoppel,the carrier will not be held responsible even the cargoes,such as antiques,furniture,porcelain and crystal,had been shipped in one containerThe insufficient ventilation of a container supplied by a shipper that causes the GOODs to spoil may preclude recovery ________.A.by the cargo interests against the carrierB.by the carrier against the ownersC.by the shipper against cargo interestsD.by the carrier against the cargo interests请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:When a clean bill of lading has been issued,estoppel arises or,in other words,the carrier is prevented from proving,as against a third party relying on the clean bill of lading,that there was any thing wrong.In the case of inherent vice,however,which is a natural defect in the thing shipped,the carrier is not estopped by his clean bill of lading,because a clean bill of lading,in stating that a certain cargo is on board,gives sufficient notice that this cargo,in the natural course of events,may have certain qualities or defects which all similar cargo normally has.For example,a cargo of flour will shrink slightly,and this fact does not have to be noted on the face of the bill of lading.Similarly,where cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage contemplated by the parties,owing to some inherent vice or hidden defect presented within it,the carrier is not estopped by the clean bill of lading from asserting the inherent defect exception,provided that the damage has not been aggravated by any conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is responsible.The carrier issuing a clean bill of lading is only bound by his statements as to the outward condition of the cargo and is therefore not estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipment.In other words,a clean bill of lading does not necessarily fulfill the shippers burden of proof in respect to inherent vice or hidden defect.问题:The slight shrinkage of flour is ________.A.an inherent defect of the cargoB.a damage which is always aggravated by the conduct of carrierC.a vice or defect which should be noted on face of B/L due to the fact that it is not apparent at the time of shipmentD.an outward condition of the cargoThe carrier issuing a clean bill of lading will only be bound by ________.A.any thing wrong in the natural course of eventsB.the conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is responsibleC.inherent vice or hidden defect presented within the cargoD.the apparent order and condition of the cargoOf the following,________ in the cargo shipped on board his vessel should be considered as a thing that will give rise to estoppel on the part of the carrier.A.ordinary incidentB.hidden defectC.inherent viceD.inherent defectIt is concluded that on issuing a clean bill of lading,the carrier ________.A.indicates that the cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage contemplated by the partiesB.gives sufficient notice that this cargo has no defects which all similar cargo normally hasC.will be prevented from proving there is any natural defect in the thing shippedD.will not be estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipment请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 The documents you should provide are contract, L/C , invoice and B/L, L/C is the abbreviation for ( ),B/L is the abbreviation for ( ). A. Letter of Credit,Packing List B. Leaking of Containers,Bill of Lading C. Letter of Credit, Bill of Lading D. Leaking of Containers, Packing List

考题 翻译:all bills of lading issued under this charter party shall be endorsed“the printed clauses of the bill of lading shall stand null and void of they are not in conformity with the charter party.”

考题 The basic functions of a bill of lading is (are)().A、a receipt for the goods which evidences the taking-over or loading by the carrierB、an evidence of contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper.C、a document of title to goods.D、All of the above.

考题 genera paramount clause in a bill of lading issued pursuant to a charter party

考题 单选题A Certificate of Inspection issued to a small passenger vessel describes().A the mimimum fire extinguishing equipment,lifejackets,survival and rescue craft she must carryB the name of the managing operatorC any special conditions or restrictions on her operationD All the above

考题 问答题翻译:all bills of lading issued under this charter party shall be endorsed“the printed clauses of the bill of lading shall stand null and void of they are not in conformity with the charter party.”

考题 名词解释题genera paramount clause in a bill of lading issued pursuant to a charter party

考题 单选题The basic functions of a bill of lading is (are)().A a receipt for the goods which evidences the taking-over or loading by the carrierB an evidence of contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper.C a document of title to goods.D All of the above.