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UN is trying to do something to () better understanding between the two countries.






更多 “ UN is trying to do something to () better understanding between the two countries. A、raiseB、promoteC、heightenD、increase ” 相关考题
考题 Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves __(1)__ French. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way an American man __(2)__ it. When we communicate with people from other cultures, the body language sometimes helps make __(3)__ easy and effective. For example, shaking hands is nearly a __(4)__ gesture, so people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting. But sometimes the body language can cause certain __(5)__ since people of different cultures may have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or may have different interpretations for the same body signal. __(6)__ one's head is generally meant to show agreement “Yes”, but to Nepalese, Sri Lankans, some Indians and some Eskimos, it means not “yes”, but “no”. When an American __(7)__ his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someOne or __(8)__ something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. One more example: When a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man's eyes a little __(9)__ than usual, it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a subtle challenge to the professor's __(10)__ ; or it can be something else entirely.(1)A、onB、inC、atD、for(2)A、crossesB、crossC、doesD、do(3)A、the communicationB、communicationC、a communicationD、talks(4)A、formalB、friendlyC、usualD、universal(5)A、informationB、laughsC、misunderstandingsD、understanding(6)A、ShakingB、NoddingC、Turning aroundD、Raising(7)A、blowsB、holds upC、turns upD、rubs(8)A、acceptingB、takingC、rejectingD、declining(9)A、longerB、shorterC、higherD、lower(10)A、charactersB、authorityC、temperD、education

考题 程序读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显示地引发异常,异常输出的信息为“something?swrong!”,语句为() A.if(i10)throwException(“something?swrong!”);B.if(i10)throwExceptione(“something?swrong!”);C.if(i10)thrownewException(“something?swrong!”);D.if(i10)thrownewExceptione(“something?swrong!”);

考题 程序读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个自定义的异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显式地引发异常,异常输出信息为“something’swrong!”,语句为()。 A.if(i10)throwException(“something’swrong!”);B.if(i10)throwExceptione(“something’swrong!”);C.if(i10)thrownewException(“something’swrong!”);D.if(i10)thrownewExceptione(something’swrong!);

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考题 20.A. causingB. teachingC. pretendingD. trying

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考题 此处,Something 类的文件名叫OtherThing.javaclass Something {private static void main(String[] something_to_do) {System.out.println("Do something ...");}}这个好像很明显。

考题 Java程序中读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个自定义的异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显式地引发异常,异常输出信息为“something’swrong!”,语句为()。A.if(I>10)throw Exception(“something’swrong!”);B.if(I>10)throw Exceptione(“something’swrong!”);C.if(I>10)thrownew Exception(“something’swrong!”);D.if(I>10)thrownew Exceptione(“something’swrong!”);

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