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122 Using the problem stated in the Special window, Calculate the expected value of duration (in days) using the PERT concept of the expected duration of a task

A. 8.0

B. 8.8

C. 9.1

D. 9.7

E. 10.5


更多 “ 122 Using the problem stated in the Special window, Calculate the expected value of duration (in days) using the PERT concept of the expected duration of a taskA. 8.0B. 8.8C. 9.1D. 9.7E. 10.5 ” 相关考题
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考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is present value of $1000 at 12% at the end of 5 years?A . ¥3,605.00B . ¥0.57C . ¥567.00D . ¥892.86E . ¥3.61

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考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the total variable costs for producing one widget?A . ¥1,020B . ¥1,010C . ¥1,015D . ¥20E . None of the above.

考题 Using the problem stated in the Special window, Calculate the deviation of duration for the task, using the PERT concept of standard deviation of task duration.A . 0.5B . 1C . 1.8D . 2.2E . 2.8

考题 Using the problem stated in the Special window, Calculate the expected value of duration (in days) using the PERT concept of the expected duration of a taskA . 8B . 8.8C . 9.1D . 9.7E . 10.5

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the total price variance of direct material is:A . ¥80,245B . ¥-4,236C . ¥-3,479D . ¥1E . ¥83,994.00

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, a comparison of the cost schedule of August as compared to July shows that the magnitude ($ value) of the variance has _____ and the percentage change has _____.A . Become worse, become worseB . Become worse, improvedC . Improved, increasedD . Improved, become worseE . None of the above are correct

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考题 Using the data shown in the Special window, Activities P, Q, and T are critical path activities. In order to shorten the time duration of the project, which activity should be "crashed" first?A . PB . QC . RD . SE . T

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考题 106 Using the situation stated in the Special window, a comparison of the cost schedule of August as compared to July shows that the magnitude ($ value) of the variance has _____ and the percentage change has _____.A. Become worse, become worseB. Become worse, improvedC. Improved, increasedD. Improved, become worseE. None of the above are correct

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考题 124 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the total variable costs for producing one widget?A. $1,020B. $1,010C. $1,015D. $20.00E. None of the above

考题 128 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is present value of $1000 at 12% at the end of 5 years?A. $3605.00B. $0.57C. $567.00D. $892.86E. $3.61

考题 4 Using the problem stated in the Special window, Calculate the expected value of duration (in days) using the PERT concept of the expected duration of a taskA. 8.0B. 8.8C. 9.1D. 9.7E. 10.5

考题 一个估算员判定一个任务乐观估计需5天完成,悲观估计16天,但通常会花8天,采用三点估算得到的工期是( )天。A. 8.0 B. 8.8 C. 9.1 D. 9.7 E. 10.5