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The beggar was asking at every door _________ a few cents to buy something to eat.

A. in

B. to

C. for

D. out of


更多 “ The beggar was asking at every door _________ a few cents to buy something to eat. A. inB. toC. forD. out of ” 相关考题
考题 程序读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显示地引发异常,异常输出的信息为“something?swrong!”,语句为() A.if(i10)throwException(“something?swrong!”);B.if(i10)throwExceptione(“something?swrong!”);C.if(i10)thrownewException(“something?swrong!”);D.if(i10)thrownewExceptione(“something?swrong!”);

考题 程序读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个自定义的异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显式地引发异常,异常输出信息为“something’swrong!”,语句为()。 A.if(i10)throwException(“something’swrong!”);B.if(i10)throwExceptione(“something’swrong!”);C.if(i10)thrownewException(“something’swrong!”);D.if(i10)thrownewExceptione(something’swrong!);


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考题 Java程序中读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个自定义的异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显式地引发异常,异常输出信息为“something’swrong!”,语句为()。A.if(I>10)throw Exception(“something’swrong!”);B.if(I>10)throw Exceptione(“something’swrong!”);C.if(I>10)thrownew Exception(“something’swrong!”);D.if(I>10)thrownew Exceptione(“something’swrong!”);

考题 setTimeout("buy( )",20)表示的意思是( ) A.间隔20秒后,buy( )函数被调用一次B.间隔20分钟后,buy( )函数被调用一次C.间隔20毫秒后,buy( )函数被调用一次D.buy( )函数被持续调用20次

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