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The new skirt () her $30.

  • A、cost
  • B、spent
  • C、took


更多 “The new skirt () her $30.A、costB、spentC、took” 相关考题
考题 This skirt was made___________your mother___________her own measure.A. for; toB. for; forC. to; toD. for; by

考题 Watson was angry with Franklin because she ______.A. took the lead in the competitionB. Kept her results from himC. proved some of his findings wrongD. shared her data with other scientists

考题 Even at that early stage, the school felt that she ________ a good chance of passing her exams. A.stoodB.gainedC.possessedD.took

考题 ―I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?―Nothing important. __________ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt. A.Just forB.Just thatC.Just becauseD.Only because

考题 The writer\'s experiment shows that downshifting _______ .A enables her to realize her dreamB helps her mold a new philosophy of lifeC prompts her to abandon her high social statusD leads her to accept the doctrine of She magazine

考题 Judy___________a new skirt yesterday.

考题 —Yourwatchissobeautiful.Itmustbeexpensive.—Notatall.Ionly___________¥20onit.A.costB.spentC.paidD.took

考题 _____of her brothers came to the wedding.They don ’t like her new busband.A.EitherB.NeitherC.All

考题 What____to her will probably remain a secret for ever. A、took placeB、was taken placeC、happenedD、was happened

考题 It _____ us an hour to find out who saved the child.A、costB、spentC、paidD、took

考题 That yellow purse _________ her 25 dollars. A、paidB、spentC、costD、took

考题 37. She wants to buy________- for her.A. a new hatB. a new jeansC. a new sweaterD. new shoes

考题 She gave up her job and started writing poetry.A:lost B:created C:abandoned D:took

考题 To protect his new invention,he took out a patent( )it. on

考题 This skirt was made ______ your mother ______ her own measure.A. for; to B. for; for C. to; to D. for; by

考题 I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.A:conceived B:deceived C:sensed D:took

考题 It took me a while()the new job.A、to adaptB、adaptC、adaptingD、to adapt to

考题 That yellow purse()her dollars.A、costB、spentC、tookD、paid

考题 She took her handkerchief out () her pocket.A、fromB、ofC、in

考题 He took the other road to avoid () her.A、meetingB、tomeetC、meet

考题 单选题The new skirt () her $30.A costB spentC took

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考题 单选题She took her handkerchief out () her pocket.A fromB ofC in

考题 单选题The little pupil took his grandma _______the arm and walked her across the street.A withB inC onD by

考题 单选题It took me a while()the new job.A to adaptB adaptC adaptingD to adapt to

考题 单选题It took her a long while to recover()her heart operation.A onB ofC fromD in