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  • A、神经源性肿瘤
  • B、淋巴瘤
  • C、巨细胞瘤
  • D、转移瘤
  • E、椎间盘突出


更多 “女,25岁,颈部疼痛2年。CT示颈5右侧椎旁有一2cm×3cm软组织密度肿块,呈“哑铃”形,颈5~6右侧椎间孔扩大,诊断为()A、神经源性肿瘤B、淋巴瘤C、巨细胞瘤D、转移瘤E、椎间盘突出” 相关考题
考题 有一过程如下:Sub Sub1(m As Integer,total As Long)Dim i As Integertotal=1For i=1 To mtotal=total*iNextEnd Sub调用它的事件过程如下:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim tot As Long,a As Integera=Val(InputBox("请输入数据"))Call Sub1(a,tot)Print totEnd Sub则输入数据5,运行结果为【 】。

考题 (12)有下列Sub过程: Sub Sub(x As Single,y As Single) t=x x=t/y y=t Mody End Sub 在窗体上的命令按钮Commandl中,编写下列事件过程,执行该事件过程调用Sun过程,结果是( )。 Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5 b=4 Sun a,b Print a;b End Sub A.1.25 1 B.5 4 C.4 5 D.1 1.25

考题 以下程序的运行结果是sub(int x,int y,int *z){*z=y-x;}main(){ int a,b,c;sub(10,5,a);sub(7,a,b);sub(a,b,c);printf("M,M,M\n",a,b,c);}A.5,2,3B.-5,-12,-7C.-5,-12,-17D.5,-2,-7

考题 下列程序的运行结果是______。Sub abcd(ByValn As Integer)n=n+5End SubPrivate Sub Form_Click()nx%=3Callabcd(nx%)Printnx%End Sub

考题 假定有如下的Sub过程:Sub Sub1(x As Single,y As single)t=xx=t/yy=t Mod yEnd Sub在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_click()Dim a As SingleDim b As Singlea=5b=4Sub1 a,bPrint a;bEnd Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果为A.B.C.D.

考题 假定有如下的Sub过程:Sub Sub1 (x As Single, y As Single) t=x x = t/y y = t Mod yEnd Sub 在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a = 5 b = 4 Sub1 a, b Print a; b End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果为______。A.5 4B.1 1C.1.2 5.4D.1.25 1

考题 class super {  public int getLength()  {return 4;}  }  public class Sub extends Super {  public long getLength() {return 5;}  public static void main (String[]args)  {  super sooper = new Super ();  Sub sub = new Sub();  System.out.printIn(  sooper.getLength()+ “,” + sub.getLength()   };  }  What is the output?()  A、 4, 4B、 4, 5C、 5, 4D、 5, 5E、 The code will not compile.

考题 class Super { public int getLenght() { return 4; } } public class Sub extends Super { public long getLenght() { return 5; } public static void main(String[] args) {Super sooper = new Super(); Sub sub = new Sub(); System.out.println( sooper.getLenght() + “,” + sub.getLenght() ); } } What is the output? ()A、 4,4B、 4,5C、 5,4D、 5,5E、 Compilation fails.

考题 将硬盘C:///SUB下的全部文件(总长度超过5MB)备份到软盘,用()命令一定不可以。A、BACKUP C://SUB/*.*A:B、BACKUP C:///SUB A:C、COPY C:///SUB A:D、BACKUP C:///SUB B:

考题 女,25岁,颈部疼痛2年。CT示颈右侧椎旁有一2cm×3cm软组织密度肿块,呈"哑铃"形,第5~6颈椎右侧椎间孔扩大,诊断为()A、神经源性肿瘤B、淋巴瘤C、巨细胞瘤D、转移瘤E、椎间盘突出

考题 女,25岁,颈部疼痛2年。CT示颈右侧椎旁有一2cm×3cm软组织密度肿块,呈"哑铃"形,颈5~6右侧椎间孔扩大,诊断为()A、神经源性肿瘤B、淋巴瘤C、巨细胞瘤D、转移瘤E、椎间盘突出

考题 单选题女,25岁,颈部疼痛2年。CT示颈右侧椎旁有一2cm×3cm软组织密度肿块,呈"哑铃"形,第5~6颈椎右侧椎间孔扩大,诊断为()A 神经源性肿瘤B 淋巴瘤C 巨细胞瘤D 转移瘤E 椎间盘突出

考题 单选题酶促反应速度(v)达到最大反应速度(Vmax)的80%时,底物浓度[S]为A p1Ksubm/sub/pB p2Ksubm/sub/pC p3Ksubm/sub/pD p4Ksubm/sub/pE p5Ksubm/sub/p

考题 单选题class super {  public int getLength()  {return 4;}  }  public class Sub extends Super {  public long getLength() {return 5;}  public static void main (String[]args)  {  super sooper = new Super ();  Sub sub = new Sub();  System.out.printIn(  sooper.getLength()+ “,” + sub.getLength()   };  }  What is the output?()A  4, 4B  4, 5C  5, 4D  5, 5E  The code will not compile.

考题 单选题class Super { public int getLenght() { return 4; } } public class Sub extends Super { public long getLenght() { return 5; } public static void main(String[] args) {Super sooper = new Super(); Sub sub = new Sub(); System.out.println( sooper.getLenght() + “,” + sub.getLenght() ); } } What is the output? ()A  4,4B  4,5C  5,4D  5,5E  Compilation fails.

考题 单选题女,25岁,颈部疼痛2年。CT示颈右侧椎旁有一2cm×3cm软组织密度肿块,呈"哑铃"形,颈5~6右侧椎间孔扩大,诊断为()A 神经源性肿瘤B 淋巴瘤C 巨细胞瘤D 转移瘤E 椎间盘突出

考题 单选题下列测量结果的表示中,错误的是()。A pIsubS/sub=10.0413A,Usubrel/sub=5×10sup-5/sup,k=2 /pB pIsubS/sub=10.0413(1±5×10sup-5/sup)A,k=2 /pC pIsubS/sub=(10.0413±5×10sup-5/sup)A,k=2 /pD pIsubS/sub=10.0413A,Usub95rel/sub=5×10sup-5/sup,Vsubeff/sub=9 /p

考题 单选题正态分布时,算术平均数、中位数、众数的关系为()A msub0/sub<msube/sub<(xB msub0/sub=msube/sub=(xC msub0/sub>msube/sub>(xD msube/sub<msub0/sub<(x

考题 多选题1. class Super {  2. private int a;  3. protected Super(int a) { this.a = a; }  4. }  .....  11. class Sub extends Super {  12. public Sub(int a) { super(a); }  13. public Sub() { this.a= 5; }  14. }  Which two, independently, will allow Sub to compile?()AChange line 2 to: public int a;BChange line 2 to: protected int a;CChange line 13 to: public Sub() { this(5); }DChange line 13 to: public Sub() { super(5); }EChange line 13 to: public Sub() { super(a); }

考题 多选题下列表示中____的表示形式是正确的。ApUsub95/sub= 1%,vsubeff/sub =9 /pBpUsubr/sub= 1%,k=2 /pCpusubC/sub=0. 5% /pDpusubC/sub=±0 5%.k=1 /p

考题 单选题女,25岁,颈部疼痛2年。CT示颈5右侧椎旁有一2cm×3cm软组织密度肿块,呈“哑铃”形,颈5~6右侧椎间孔扩大,诊断为()A 神经源性肿瘤B 淋巴瘤C 巨细胞瘤D 转移瘤E 椎间盘突出