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Worm gear


更多 “Worm gear” 相关考题
考题 The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in .A.higher efficiency of the gear train while reversingB.the higher gear ratioC.the multi-start featureD.higher recovering speed

考题 内存按其功能,又可分为( )。A.RAMB.ROMC.CacheD.WORM

考题 Whichofthefollowingstoragesolutionsattachestoaservereitherthroughafiberchannel connectionorispresentedtotheserverviaiSCSI?() A.DASB.NASC.SAND.WORM

考题 Wear occurring at the tips of the reduction gear teeth is usually the result of ______.A.surface fatigueB.fretting corrosionC.heavy overloadingD.gear misalignment

考题 Gear box

考题 控制面板显示EnvTem、GeaOilLev表示:()A、Gear oil lev switch、Environ temperatureB、Gear oil level、Environment temperatureC、Gear oil level switch、Environment temperatureD、Gear oil level switch、Environment temp

考题 下面哪个病毒属于flash病毒?()A、Win32.Troj.QQMydj2005B、Worm.BlasterC、Worm.SasserD、Win32.Ukn.aa

考题 蠕虫(Worm)

考题 WORM保护机制是基于文件系统,在WORM文件系统内所有文件都能被锁定,且文件的保护期可以单独设置。

考题 WORM技术是从LTO第几代产品开始的()A、3代B、Magstar才有WORM技术C、5代D、4代

考题 名词解释题蠕虫(Worm)

考题 名词解释题暖休克(worm shock)

考题 单选题The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in()A higher efficiency of the gear train while reversingB the higher gear ratioC the multi-start featureD higher recovering speed

考题 单选题An advantage of a helical gear pump over a simple gear pump is that the helical gear pump is capable of ().A maintaining a steadier speedB delivering liquids over greater distancesC operating for longer periods of timeD producing a smoother discharge flow

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?()A Both the main steering gear and the auxiliary steering gear should be operatedB The alarms fitted to the remote control system should be operatedC The emergency generator compartment should be checkedD The communication system between the bridge and the steering gear compartment should be operated

考题 单选题A vessel is “engaged in fishing” when().A her gear extends more than 100 meters from the vesselB she is using any type of gear,other than linesC she is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverabilityD she has any fishing gear on board

考题 单选题Before starting the turning gear, () should be worked by hand to minimize corrosive action on the liners.A the indicatorsB the starting valvesC the cylinder lubricatorsD the turning gear

考题 判断题WORM保护机制是基于文件系统,在WORM文件系统内所有文件都能被锁定,且文件的保护期可以单独设置。A 对B 错

考题 单选题() for the camshaft gear train is taken from a spur gear which for a six cylinder engine is at the coupling end.A The driven gearB The driveC The greaseD The lubricating oil

考题 名词解释题Worm gear

考题 单选题Worm geared automatic mooring winches are () as the multi-start feature reduces the advantage of worm gear iethe high gear radio.A popularB commonC in lead positionD uncommon

考题 单选题Pitting in the area close to the pitch line and on the same end of each gear tooth of a reduction gear unit would be caused by ()A corrosion on the gearsB excessive gear speedC dirt in the oilD misalignment of the gears

考题 单选题Some medium and high-speed diesel engines require reduction gear units to provide a useful propeller speedIn most reduction gears, the bull gear()A must churn the oil in the sumpB is connected to the propeller shaftC is driven at the highest RPMD compensates for alignment variations between the engine and pinion gear

考题 单选题I saw your man not operating the winch gear()gear.A inB byC ofD against

考题 单选题The safe working load for the assembled cargo gear and the minimum angle to the horizontal for which the gear is designed shall be marked on the().A deckB head of the boomC heel of the boomD mast or king post

考题 单选题With reference to operating a four-ram steering gear system under emergency conditions, which one of the following statements is incorrect?()A Only one pump should be used at any timeB The ship speed should be reduced to 70% of the normalC Watch keeping of the steering gear should be increasedD Limitations of the steering gear should be logged but the bridge need not be informed

考题 单选题With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following rules is incorrect? ()A It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is one main and one auxiliaryB The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger shipsC The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigable speedD All moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage