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Taking a boat is_________ _________ than_________ a bus.


更多 “ 乘船比乘车更有趣。Taking a boat is_________ _________ than_________ a bus. ” 相关考题
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考题 下列结构与人体乘船、乘车时发生眩晕相关的是()。 A、小脑B、前庭和半规管C、前庭和耳蜗D、听小骨和鼓膜E、耳廓和前庭

考题 He got up so late that he missed the school bus.(改为同义句)He got up________ late________ ________the school bus.

考题 You are approaching the pilot station with the wind fine on the starboard bow and making about 3 knots.You can help to calm the seas by taking what action just before the pilot boat comes along on the port side ________.A.Backing fullB.Stopping the enginesC.Giving right full rudderD.A short burst of ahead full with left full rudder

考题 DO NOT RETURN TO YOUR CABIN TO COLLECT YOUR PROPERTY. This sentence is properly used when ______.A.allocating / directing crew to assembly stations to escapeB.exercising evacuation and boat drillC.taking protective measures to control the oil pollutionsD.holding course and sounding signals to avoid collision with other vessels

考题 船上应备有救生设备和消防设备。乘船人员必须遵守乘船规定,禁止()。

考题 Put on ()(艇底塞) and hand the fender and the buoy.A、boat plugB、boat nestsC、boat engineD、boat deck

考题 乘船人员必须遵守乘船规定,禁止下水洗澡。

考题 “车木也,乘车非乘木也;船木也,乘船非乘木也,盗人也,多盗非多人也”采用了哪种逻辑手法()。A、援B、效C、侔D、辟

考题 乘车、乘船的礼仪有哪些要求?

考题 景区讲解如果是在乘车(乘船)游览时进行,讲解员应该注意哪些方面?

考题 Start the ()(艇机), drive the boat from the ship quickly.A、boat engineB、davit motorC、main engineD、fire boat

考题 现自:  1.  interface Color {  }      2. interface Weight  {  }      3.  //insert code here    和以下足六个声明:  class Boat extends Color, extends Weight  {  }     class Boat extends Color and Weight  {  }      class Boat extends Color, Weight  {  }  class Boat implements Color,  implements Weight  {  }     class Boat implements Color and Weight  {  }      class Boat implements Color, Weight  {  }    分别插入到第3行,有多少行可以编译? () A、  0B、  1C、  2D、  3

考题 “车木也,乘车非乘木也;船木也,乘船非乘木也,盗人也,多盗非多人也”这句话,采用了哪种逻辑手法?()A、效B、侔C、辟D、援

考题 “乘”的引申义有()A、上B、乘车C、乘船D、趁机会

考题 单选题On a lifeboat equipped with Rottmer-type releasing gear,turning the releasing lever releases().A the painterB the after boat fall only if the boat is waterborneC both falls at the same time only if the boat is waterborneD both falls at the same time even if the boat has not reached the water

考题 问答题乘车、乘船的礼仪有哪些要求?

考题 单选题When launching a lifeboat,the tricing pennants should be released().A before the boat is lowered from the stowed positionB as the boat-fall blocks break clear of the davit headC before the boat is lowered from the embarkation levelD after the boat is released into the water

考题 多选题“乘”的引申义有()A上B乘车C乘船D趁机会

考题 单选题“车木也,乘车非乘木也;船木也,乘船非乘木也,盗人也,多盗非多人也”这句话,采用了哪种逻辑手法?()A 效B 侔C 辟D 援

考题 判断题乘船人员必须遵守乘船规定,禁止下水洗澡。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Number 3 lifeboat would be().A the forward boat on the starboard sideB behind boat number 1 on the port sideC behind boat number 1 on the starboard sideD behind boat number 2 on the port side

考题 问答题景区讲解如果是在乘车(乘船)游览时进行,讲解员应该注意哪些方面?

考题 单选题When launching a lifeboat in the rough sea, the davit gears should be released().A before the boat is lowered from the stowed positionB as the boat fall blocks break clear of the davit headC before the boat is lowered from the embarkation levelD after the boat is released into the water

考题 单选题“车木也,乘车非乘木也;船木也,乘船非乘木也,盗人也,多盗非多人也”采用了哪种逻辑手法()。A 援B 效C 侔D 辟

考题 单选题You are approaching the pilot station with the wind fine on the starboard bow and making about 3 knots.You can help to calm the seas by taking what action just before the pilot boat comes along on the port side().A Backing fullB Stopping the enginesC Giving right full rudderD A short burst of ahead full with left full rudder

考题 单选题男:你的生物课上得怎么样?女:很有趣,但有许多作业要做。男:别人也是这样对我说的。我很高兴我这个学期选了化学。女:事情并不那么简单。生物作业虽然不少,但比化学有趣多了。问:下面哪种说法正确?A 化学很简单B 不喜欢生物课C 化学比生物有趣D 生物比化学有趣