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更多 “ 14.A.whatB.whereC.whichD.why ” 相关考题
考题 制定健康教育计划具体目标要回答的“4W”不包括A.Who(对谁)B.Where(在哪里)C.What(实现什么变化)D.When(何时实现)E.Which(哪个)

考题 以下哪个选项不是无线局域网设计中初步调查所要解决的问题?——A.Who——谁在使用网络?B.When——用户什么时候使用网络?C.How——用户怎样使用网络?D.Why——用户为什么要使用网络?

考题 Mary: What are you working on? Susan: I'm doing some embroidery. Mary: ______ Susan: I don't do very much, just for very special occasions.A.I didn't know you did needlework.B.I think you have done a good job.C.Where did you learn to do needlework?D.Why do you do needlework?

考题 设教师表的结构为:(教师号、姓名、性别、职称、工资、所在系),其中教师号为主键。若要利用SELECT-SQL语句查询除教授和副教授以外的教师姓名,其WHERE子句为______。A.WHERE职称NOTBETWEEN“教授”AND“副教授”B.WHERE职称!=“教授”AND“副教授”C.WHERE职称NOTLIKE(“教授”,“副教授”)D.WHERE职称NOTIN(“教授”,“副教授”)

考题 对于图书管理数据库,检索所有借阅了图书的读者姓名和所在单位。下面SQL语句正确的是______。 SELECT DISTINCT 姓名,单位 FROM 读者,借阅A.WHERE 图书.总编号=借阅.总编号B.WHERE 读者.借书证号=借阅.借书证号*C.WHERE 总编号 IN(SELECT 借书证号 FROM 借阅)D.WHERE 总编号 NOT IN(SELECT 借书证号 FROM 借阅)

考题 下列说法错误的是( )A.GROUP BY 子句用来分组 WHERE 子句的输出B.WHERE 子句用来筛选 FROM 子句中指定的操作所产生的行。C.聚合函数需要和group by 一起使用D.HAVING 子句用来从FROM的结果中筛选行

考题 某企业职工和部门的关系模式如下所示,其中部门负责人也是一名职工。 职工(职工号,姓名,年龄,月工资,部门号,电话,办公室) 部门(部门号,部门名,负责人代码,任职时间) 查询每个部门中月工资最高的“职工号”的SQL查询语句如下:Select 职工号 from 职工 as Ewhere 月工资=(Select Max(月工资)from 职工as M (54) );A.where M.部门号=E.部门号B.where M.职工号=E.职工号C.where M.职工号=E.负责人代码D.where M.部门号=E.职工号

考题 对于图书管理数据库,查询读者孙慨然的情况。下面SQL语句正确的是 ______。 SELECT*FROM读者A.WHERE姓名:”孙慨然”B.WHERE图书.姓名:”孙慨然”C.FOR姓名:”孙慨然”D.WHERE姓名:孙慨然

考题 — _________________ — I’m fond of playing table tennis. A.Do you like sports?B.Playing table tennis is fun?C.Which sport do you like best?D.Is playing table tennis your favorite thing to do?

考题 在SQL的查询语句中,允许出现聚集函数的是(23)。A.SELECT子句B.WHERE子句C.HAVING短语D.SELECT子句和HAVING短语

考题 某留言系统采用ASP+Access开发,其后台管理登录页面如图4-1所示。图4-1【问题1】(9分)以下是该后台管理登录页面login.asp的部分代码,请仔细阅读该段代码,根据图4-1 将(1)~(9)的空缺代码补齐。!--include file=“conn.asp”--!--include file=“md5.asp”--!--include file=“bbb.asp”--%If request.Form(“submit”)=“管理登录”Thenuser_name = request.Form(“ (1) ”)password = request.Form(“ (2) ”)verifycode = request.Form(“ (3) ”)If user name =“” ThenCallinfoback(“用户名不能为空!”)End If......Set (4) = server. CreateObject(“adodb.recordset”)sql = “select * from administrator (5) user_name = “user_name”andpassword = “md5(password)””rs.Open (6) ,conn,1,1If (7) rs.EOF Thensession(“user_name”)= user_nameresponse.redirect“information.asp”ElseCall infoback(“用户名或密码错误!”)End IfEnd If%html ......bodyform. method=“post”action=“login.asp”id=“login”hl管理员登录/hllabel for=“user_name”用户名:input name=“user_name” type=“text” class=“user_name” id=“uname” size=“25”//labellabel for=“password“密码:input name=“password”type=“password”id=“pword” size=“25”//labellabel for=“verifycode”验证码:input name=“verifycode” type=“text” class=“verifycode” id=“vcode” size=“10”maxlength=“4”/img src=“code.asp” nclick=“javascript.:this.src=‘code.asp?tm=’+Math.random()”style=“cursos:pointer” alt=“点击更换” title=“点击更换”//labelp class=“center”input name=“reset”type=“ (8) ” class=“submit” value=“清除数据”/input type=“ (9) ” name=“submit” class=“submit”value=“管理登录”//p/form/body/html(1)~(9)备选答案如下:A.pword B.where C.uname D.vcode E.resetF.submit G.rs H.sql I. Not

考题 假定某企业2014年5月的员工工资如下表所示:查询人数大于2的部门和部门员工应发工资的平均工资的SQL语句如下: SELECT( ) FROM 工资表 ( ) ( )A.部门,AVG(应发工资)AS平均工资 B.姓名,AVG(应发工资)AS平均工资 C.部门,平均工资AS AVG(应发工资) D.姓名,平均工资AS AVG (应发工资) A.ORDER BY 姓名 B.ORDER BY部门 C.GROUP BY 姓名 D.GROUP BY 部门 A.WHERE COOUNT(姓名)2 B.WHERE COOUNT(DISTINCT(部门) )2 C.HAVING COUNT(姓名) 2 D.HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT(部门))2

考题 下列的哪个子句在SELECT语句中用于排序结果集?() A.Having子句B.Where子句C.From子句D.Order by子句

考题 假定某企业根据2014年5月员工的出勤率、岗位、应扣款得出的工资表如下:a.查询部门人数大于2的部门员工平均工资的SQL语句如下:SELECT ( )FROM工资表( )( )b.将设计部员工的基本工资增加10%的SQL语句如下 Update工资表Update 工资表( )( );A.部门,AVG (应发工资)AS平均工资 B.姓名,AVG (应发工资)AS平均工资 C.部门,平均工资AS AVG (应发工资) D.姓名,平均工资AS AVG (应发工资) A.ORDER BY 姓名 B.ORDER BY 部门 C.GROUP BY 姓名 D.GROUP BY 部门 A.WHERE COUNT(姓名) 2 B.WHERE COUNT(DISTINCT(部门)) 2 C.HAVING COUNT(姓名) 2 D.HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT(部门)) 2 A.Set基本工资=基本工资*1.1 B.Set基本工资=基本工资*1.1 C.Insert基本工资=基本工资*1.1 D.Insert基本工资=基本工资*1.1 A.HAVING部门=设计部 B.WHERE 部门=设计部 C.WHERE部门=设计部 D.WHERE部门=设计部

考题 设教师表的结构为:(教师号、姓名、性别、职称、工资、所在系),其中教师号为主键。若要利用SELECT语句查询除教授和副教授以外的教师姓名,其WHERE子句为______。A.WHERE职称NOT BETWEEN"教授"AND"副教授"B.WHERE职称!="教授"AND"副教授"C.WHERE职称NOT LIKE("教授","副教授")D.WHERE职称NOT IN("教授","副教授")

考题 _____   A.while   B.where   C.that   D.what

考题 假定某企业根据2014年5月员工的出勤率、岗位、应扣款得出的工资表如下: 查询部门人数大于2的部门员工平均工资的SQL的语句如下:SELECT( )FROM工资表( )( )b.将设计部员工的基本工资增加10%的SQL的语句如下:Update工资表( )(请作答此空)A.HAVING部门=设计部 B.WHERE'部门'='设计部' C.WHERE部门='设计部' D.WHERE部门=设计部

考题 12. Our service personnel work for clients on a wide variety of sites, many of _______are tough industrial environments that are unsuitable for laptops or PDAs. A.whom B.them C.which D.that

考题 某企业职工和部门的关系模式如下所示,其中部门负责人也是一个职工。职工和部门的关系模式的外键分别是( )。职工(职工号,姓名,年龄,月工资,部门号,电话,办公室)部门(部门号,部门名,负责人代码,任职时间)查询每个部门中月工资最高的“职工号”的SQL查询语句如下:Select职工号 from职工as Ewhere月工资=(Select Max(月工资)from职工as M(请作答此空))。 A.where] M.职工号=E.职工号 B.where] M.职工号=E.负责人代码 C.where] M.部门号=部门号 D.where] M.部门号=E.部门号

考题 在SELECT语句中,下列()子句用于对搜索的结果进行排序。A.HAVING子句 B.WHERE子句 C.ORDERBY子句 D.GROUPBY子句

考题 假定某企业2014年5月的员工工资如下表所示: A.假定某企业2014年5月的员工工资如下表所示: B.WHERE COUNT(DISTINCT(部门))>2 C.HAVING COUNT(姓名)>2 D.HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT(部门))>2

考题 根据以下材料,回答题 He works ten hours a day, makes more thanUS $ 98000 a year, doesn′t 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. He′s 18 been happier and is looking foranother job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internetworker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-basednews magazine. There is also a reasonable chance that hisemployer will arrange his dry cleaning,19 him to 20 his dog to work, offer him fleemassages and give him stock options. And he still thinks people in other 21are doing 22. The typical worker, it appears, not onlyenjoys an income about 23 the national average but also enjoys himself.At present 2.5 million people 24 by Internet firms in the US, The 25 ofthe study give plenty of reasons 26 so many people think the grass isgreener in Silicon Valley. 27 after tech-stoeks sharply 28 in April,29 many start-ups, there is still mood of enthusiasmand special advantage among those still employed. So what 30 52 percent of them "veryhappy" "Demandingwork" is given as the main reason and "salary" is 31 close 32 . Those questioned in the study also listedworking weekends and 33 holidays as signs of the pleasure of theworkplaces. Only 13 percent were paid for 34hours work while 14 percent put more than 12 hours work on an average day."It wasn′t all about 35." wrote Mary Ann Thompson in theintroduction to the study, "It was fun." A.where B.what C.how D.why

考题 Careful surveys have indicated that asmany as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs directed.A.like B.so C.which D.as

考题 It was the training that he had as a young man( )made him such a good engineer. A.has B.later C.which D.that