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A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°. Which action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?

A.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should add some magnets

B.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft tray

C.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should reverse the magnets

D.If the blue ends of the magnets are forward,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom,you should add some magnets


更多 “ A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°. Which action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?A.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should add some magnetsB.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft trayC.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should reverse the magnetsD.If the blue ends of the magnets are forward,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom,you should add some magnets ” 相关考题
考题 A vessel is heading magnetic north and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 003°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?A.Move the quadrantal spheres closer to the compassB.Raise the heeling magnet if the red end is upC.Remove some of the Flinders barD.Raise or lower the athwartship magnets

考题 Your vessel is proceeding down a channel,and you see a pair of range lights that are in line dead ahead.The chart indicates that the direction of this pair of lights is 229°T,and variation is 6°W.If the heading of your vessel at the time of the sighting is 232°per standard magnetic compass,what is the correct deviation ________.A.3°EB.9°EC.3°WD.9°W

考题 Which magnetic compass corrector(s)CANNOT be set on a heading of magnetic east or magnetic west ________.A.Heeling magnetB.Flinders barC.Fore-and-aft magnetsD.All of the above can be set on magnetic east or magnetic west headings

考题 Which magnetic compass corrector(s)can be set while the vessel is on a heading of magnetic north or magnetic south ________.A.Quadrantal spheresB.Heeling magnetsC.Flinders barD.Fore-and-aft magnets

考题 Heeling error is defined as the change of deviation for a heel of ______.A.2° while the vessel is on an intercardinal headingB.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 000°C.2° and is constant on all headingsD.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 180°

考题 Compass error is equal to the ______.A.deviation minus variationB.variation plus compass courseC.combined variation and deviationD.difference between true and magnetic heading

考题 Deviation in a compass is caused by the ______.A.vessel’s geographic positionB.vessel’s headingC.earth’s magnetic fieldD.influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel

考题 If the compass heading and magnetic-heading are the same then ______.A.the deviation has been offset by the variationB.there is something wrong with the compassC.the compass is being influenced by nearby metalsD.there is no deviation on that heading

考题 Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by______.A.compass errorB.true headingC.variationD.Deviation

考题 Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the ______.A.geographic pole and the magnetic poleB.lubber’s line and true northC.horizontal and the magnetic line of forceD.compass heading and the magnetic heading

考题 单选题True heading differs from magnetic heading by().A deviationB variationC compass errorD northerly error

考题 单选题Deviation in a compass is caused by the().A vessel's geographic positionB vessel's headingC earth's magnetic fieldD influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel

考题 单选题Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by().A compass errorB true headingC variationD deviation

考题 单选题Which magnetic compass corrector(s)CANNOT be set on a heading of magnetic east or magnetic west().A Heeling magnetB Flinders barC Fore-and-aft magnetsD All of the above can be set on magnetic east or magnetic west headings

考题 单选题If the magnetic heading is greater than the compass heading,the deviation is().A eastB westC northD south

考题 单选题If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then().A the deviation has been offset by the variationB there is something wrong with the compassC the compass is being influenced by nearby metalsD there is no deviation on that heading

考题 单选题The standard magnetic compass heading differs from the true heading by().A compass errorB latitudeC variationD deviation

考题 单选题The compass heading of a vessel differs from the true heading by().A compass errorB variationC magnetic dipD deviation

考题 单选题A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 312°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()A If the quadrantal spheres are all the way out,replace them with smaller spheresB If the quadrantal spheres are all the way in,replace them with larger spheresC If the quadrantal spheres are all of the way out,move the spheres inD If the quadrantal spheres are all the way out,replace them with larger spheres.

考题 单选题A vessel is heading magnetic north and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 003°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()A Move the quadrantal spheres closer to the compassB Raise the heeling magnet if the red end is upC Remove some of the Flinders barD Raise or lower the athwartship magnets

考题 单选题A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°. Which action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?()A If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should add some magnets.B If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft trayC If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should reverse the magnetsD If the blue ends of the magnets are forward,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom,you should add some magnets

考题 单选题A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°.Which action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment().A If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should add some magnetsB If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft trayC If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should reverse the magnetsD If the blue ends of the magnets are forward,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom,you should add some magnets

考题 单选题A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 317°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()A If the quadrantal spheres are out as far as possible replace them with smaller spheresB If the quadrantal spheres are in as far as possible remove one of the spheresC If the quadrantal spheres are in as far as possible replace them with smaller spheresD If the quadrantal spheres are out as far as possible,move the quadrantal spheres in

考题 单选题Which magnetic compass corrector(s)can be set while the vessel is on a heading of magnetic north or magnetic south().A Quadrantal spheresB Heeling magnetsC Flinders barD Fore-and-aft magnets

考题 单选题Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the().A geographic pole and the magnetic poleB lubber's line and true northC horizontal and the magnetic line of forceD compass heading and the magnetic heading

考题 单选题Variation is the angular measurement between().A compass north and magnetic northB compass north and true northC magnetic meridian and the geographic meridianD your vessel's heading and the magnetic meridian

考题 单选题The lubber’s line on a magnetic compass indicates().A compass northB the direction of the vessel's headC magnetic northD a relative bearing taken with an azimuth circle

考题 单选题Compass error is equal to the().A deviation minus variationB variation plus compass courseC combined variation and deviationD difference between true and magnetic heading