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______ is a sum named in the charter-party to be paid by the Charterer as liquidated damages for delay beyond laydays fixed.


B.Despatch money

C.Damages for detention

D.Payment of handling


更多 “ ______ is a sum named in the charter-party to be paid by the Charterer as liquidated damages for delay beyond laydays fixed.A.DemurrageB.Despatch moneyC.Damages for detentionD.Payment of handling ” 相关考题
考题 Where there has been unjustifiable deviation, the Shipowner can not claim the contractual rate of freight payable under the charter-party, but may ________ to a reasonable sum if the goods are carried to their destination safely.A.entitleB.be entitledC.be entitlingD.entitles

考题 Charter-party usually contains a clause which states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance, and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to ________ the vessel from the Charterer's service.A.sendB.withdrawC.let goD.take off

考题 Where the Shipowner has accepted the port of discharge named by the Charterer,he must go there although it is not prospectively safe,and claim damages for injury ______ the ship by reason of the port not being safe.A.byB.onC.toD.in

考题 A sum of money paid by the Shipowner to Charterer for completing loading or discharging a cargo in less time than that stipulated in Charter Party as laydays.It is ______.A.extra expensesB.dispatch moneyC.demurrageD.remuneration

考题 If the vessel is not discharged in the time stipulated in the charter-party,the Charterer renders ______ liable to pay demurrage or damages for detention,as the case may be.A.himselfB.the ownerC.himD.the shipper

考题 The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay ______.A.despatchB.demurrageC.detentionD.damage

考题 If the Shipowner agrees to the voyage originally ordered by the Charterer,he is entitled to be paid hire ______ for the excess period.A.at a higher rate decided by the ownerB.at a lower rate decided by the chartererC.at a reasonable rateD.at the current market rate

考题 Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ______.A.to the masterB.the chartererC.the merchantD.receiver

考题 Where goods are shipped under a bill of lading and the Charterer of the vessel is named as consignee,the Charterer,if he indorses the bill of lading to a third party,has no claim for substantial damages against the shipowners in respect of the loss of the goods for he has no ______ interest in them.A.prospectiveB.preliminaryC.proprietoryD.temporary

考题 Where payment of the hire is to be made in cash,the Charterer is not considered to have paid unless what the Shipowner receives is ______.A.the equivalent of cash or as good as cashB.greater than the specified amount of cashC.less than the specified amount of cashD.anything that Charterer likes to offer

考题 翻译:Under a voyage charterthe time for loading and discharge and the way of calculationthereofas well as the rate of the demurrage that would incur after the expiration of thelaytime and the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the compeltion of loading ordischarge ahead of schedule,shall be fixed by the shipowner and the charterer upon mutualagreement

考题 单选题Where the Shipowner has accepted the port of discharge named by the Charterer,he must go there although it is not prospectively safe,and claim damages for injury()the ship by reason of the port not being safe.A byB onC toD in

考题 单选题Sometimes the contract()that the lump sum freight must be paid in advance and will not be returnable even if the vessel and/or her cargo are lost.A provideB providesC providingD be provided

考题 单选题The owner is not at liberty to leave the port of call as soon as the time specified in the charter-party has elapsed,though the Charterer may,if the contract so provides,be liable to compensate()for the delay.A the shipperB the ownerC the consignorD the consignee

考题 单选题The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay().A despatchB demurrageC detentionD damage

考题 单选题If the Shipowner has failed to carry out a term of a time charter-party whereby he undertakes to maintain the vessel in a seaworthy state,this only()the Charterer to sue him for damages,and not to repudiate the charter-party.A compliesB entitlesC suppliesD provides

考题 单选题If the Shipowner agrees to the voyage originally ordered by the Charterer,he is entitled to be paid hire()for the excess period.A at a higher rate decided by the ownerB at a lower rate decided by the chartererC at a reasonable rateD at the current market rate

考题 问答题翻译:Under a voyage charterthe time for loading and discharge and the way of calculationthereofas well as the rate of the demurrage that would incur after the expiration of thelaytime and the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the compeltion of loading ordischarge ahead of schedule,shall be fixed by the shipowner and the charterer upon mutualagreement

考题 单选题The fixing of a canceling date on a charter-party merely()warning to the Shipowner that non-arrival by this date may result so as to entitle the Charterer to rescind.A takesB comesC goesD gives

考题 单选题A sum of money paid by the Shipowner to Charterer for completing loading or discharging a cargo in less time than that stipulated in Charter Party as laydays.It is().A extra expensesB dispatch moneyC demurrageD remuneration

考题 单选题]If a charter-party,although for two consecutive voyages,is held to be one indivisible contract,a deviation on the first voyage entitles the Charterer to treat the breach as a repudiation of()contract.A a part ofB the wholeC 3/4th ofD 1/2nd of

考题 单选题Where a time charter-party is wrongfully(),the Charterer is entitled to claim damages amounting the difference between the contract rate for the balance of the period of the charter-party and the market rate for the chartering a substitute vessel.A reproducedB repatriatedC repudiatedD recovered

考题 单选题Both the Shipowner and the Charterer will be discharged from their obligations under the charter-party if it()frustrated.A providesB becomesC containsD comes

考题 单选题If the master has acted unreasonably,e.g. knowing of the danger in the port has still proceeded to enter it,and danger results,the Charterer will().A be liableB not be liableC be paidD not be paid

考题 单选题If the vessel is not discharged in the time stipulated in the charter-party,the Charterer renders()liable to pay demurrage or damages for detention,as the case may be.A himselfB the ownerC himD the shipper

考题 单选题Where payment of the hire is to be made in cash,the Charterer is not considered to have paid unless what the Shipowner receives is().A the equivalent of cash or as good as cashB greater than the specified amount of cashC less than the specified amount of cashD anything that Charterer likes to offer

考题 单选题Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ().A to the masterB the chartererC the merchantD receiver