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In Bahrain,Mina Sulman Pilots board at ______ NAVAREA I of the world-wide navigation warning service.

A.Sitra Beacon

B.ASRY Beacon

C.Alba Beacon

D.Bapco Beacon


更多 “ In Bahrain,Mina Sulman Pilots board at ______ NAVAREA I of the world-wide navigation warning service.A.Sitra BeaconB.ASRY BeaconC.Alba BeaconD.Bapco Beacon ” 相关考题
考题 I didn’t know ___ left the message on the board A.whenB.whereC.whoD.what

考题 The author mention Harlow’s experiment to show that____________.A.adults should develop social skillsB.babies need warni physical contactC.caregivers should be healthy adultsD.monkexs have social relationships

考题 I hope our plan will() by the board. A、be approvingB、approveC、be approved

考题 I hope our plan will()by the board.A. approveB. be approvingC. be approved

考题 Refer to STCW 95: Despite the duties and obligations of pilots,their presence on board does not relieve______in charge of the navigational watch from their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship.A.the masterB.the master or officerC.quarter masterD.Helmsman

考题 Our master is not on board, please wait a moment. I’ll call him back.

考题 Which statement about radio navigational warnings is TRUE ________.A.The topics for warnings included in HYDROLANTS,HYDROPACS,and NAVAREA warnings are the sameB.NAVAREA warnings concern only coastal navigation and inland navigation in large bays or sounds such as Puget SoundC.The United States is responsible for NAVAREA warnings in the North Atlantic north of 7°N,and west of 15°WD.Long range radio navigational warnings are usually broadcast by radiotelephone,radiotelegraph,and radio-teletypewriter

考题 In accordance with GENCON,The vessel has not liberty to ______.A.call at any port or ports in any order,for any purposeB.sail without pilots,to tow and/or assist vessels in all situationsC.deviate for the purpose of saving life and/or propertyD.make jettison of goods on board of the vessel for any purpose

考题 The number or name of a tank barge shall be ______.A.Displayed in at least 4 different positions on the bargeB.Carved on a wooden board and attached to the barge's hullC.Displayed as close to the navigation lights as possibleD.Displayed at the highest point of the barge's hull such that it can be seen from either side

考题 I’m on fire and have dangerous cargo on board. The most emergent assistance in this case would be______.A.MedicineB.life boatC.helicopterD.firefighting

考题 I second his motion that we( )a special board to examine.A.shall set up B.should set up C.will set up D.would set up

考题 我是一名水手,在船上干二水。()A、I am a sailor. I work as an OS on board.B、I am an AB I work as a sailor.C、I am a sailor. I work as a quartermaster.D、I am an AB I work as an oiler.

考题 H旗的意思是“我船上有引员”。()A、The meaning of Flag H is “I have a pilot on board”.B、You should stop your vessel instantly.C、The meaning of Flag H is “I require assistance.”D、The meaning of Flag H is “I have PSC on board”.

考题 G旗的意思是“我需要引航员”。()A、The meaning of Flag G is “I have a pilot on board”.B、The meaning of Flag G is “I require a pilot”.C、The meaning of Flag G is “I require assistance.”D、The meaning of Flag G is “I require PSC on board”.


考题 单选题The number or name of a tank barge shall be().A displayed in at least 4 different positions on the bargeB carved on a wooden board and attached to the barge's hullC displayed as close to the navigation lights as possibleD displayed at the highest point of the barge's hull such that it can be seen from either side

考题 单选题Which statement about radio navigational warnings is TRUE().A The topics for warnings included in HYDROLANTS,HYDROPACS,and NAVAREA warnings are the sameB NAVAREA warnings concern only coastal navigation and inland navigation in large bays or sounds such as Puget SoundC The United States is responsible for NAVAREA warnings in the North Atlantic north of 7°N,and west of 15°WD Long range radio navigational warnings are usually broadcast by radiotelephone,radiotelegraph,and radio-teletypewriter

考题 单选题I declare()on these forms hereto attached to be a true account of all stores,currency and gaming machines on board this ship.A propertiesB naturesC kindsD particulars

考题 单选题I would be very much()if you could arrange for a radio technician to come on board as soon as possible for my radar repair.A obligedB obligingC obligeD being obliged

考题 单选题Class I and II private aids to navigation in or along navigable waters of the United States are listed in the().A Sailing DirectionsB Light ListC List of Private AidsD Aids to Navigation Manual

考题 判断题I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH NAVIGATION.的中文意思是:我船导航仪器有故障。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Ships sailing in()are able to receive and print out EGC messages.A a fixed area or Navarea in any ocean regionB a Navarea or weather forecast areaC the designated area or given geographic positionD anywhere of the world

考题 单选题I was wondering why his absurd plan was _____ of the serious attention of the school board.A worthwhileB worthC worthyD worthless

考题 单选题H旗的意思是“我船上有引员”。()A The meaning of Flag H is “I have a pilot on board”.B You should stop your vessel instantly.C The meaning of Flag H is “I require assistance.”D The meaning of Flag H is “I have PSC on board”.

考题 单选题The oil sludge is burnt in the ()on board I’ll show you the ashes.A boilerB main engineC auxiliary engineD incinerator

考题 单选题I’m on fire and have dangerous cargo on board. The most urgent assistance (最紧急的援助)in this case would be() .A lifeboatB medicineC firefightingD lifesaving

考题 单选题G旗的意思是“我需要引航员”。()A The meaning of Flag G is “I have a pilot on board”.B The meaning of Flag G is “I require a pilot”.C The meaning of Flag G is “I require assistance.”D The meaning of Flag G is “I require PSC on board”.