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A vessel loads 5000 tons of manganese ore. The railroad cars that brought the ore to the vessel were previously loaded with iron ore so the ore is contaminated. The agent requests the Master to sign a Clean Bill of Lading and in return the shipper will

A.Sign a Clean Bill of Lading and accept the Letter of Indemnity

B.Refuse to sign a Clean Bill of Lading

C.Sign the Clean Bill of Lading and have the agent countersign it

D.Sign a Clean Bill of lading under protest


更多 “ A vessel loads 5000 tons of manganese ore. The railroad cars that brought the ore to the vessel were previously loaded with iron ore so the ore is contaminated. The agent requests the Master to sign a Clean Bill of Lading and in return the shipper willA.Sign a Clean Bill of Lading and accept the Letter of IndemnityB.Refuse to sign a Clean Bill of LadingC.Sign the Clean Bill of Lading and have the agent countersign itD.Sign a Clean Bill of lading under protest ” 相关考题
考题 有关病例对照研究,下述错误的是A.属于观察性研究B.观察方向由“果”及“因”C.对照必须是健康人群D.可以计算ORE.可用于广泛探索病因

考题 联机检索时使用布尔代数的逻辑运算有A.大于GTB.小于LTC.与ANDD.或ORE.非NOT

考题 A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is this document called?A.Damage Bill of LadingB.Letter of IndemnityC.Non-negotiable Bill of LadingD.Unclean Bill of Lading

考题 Concentrated heavy loads are involved in loading a LASH vessel. What does NOT require close attention due to such loads while working cargo?______.A.GM – available and requiredB.Longitudinal stress numeralC.Tons per inch immersion numeralD.Draft

考题 在病例对照研究中,匹配过头会造成A.降低研究效率 B.提高研究效率 C.高估OR D.降低OR E.以上都不对

考题 Which of the following,according to the passage,is a list of three natural sources of radiation?( ) A.Radioactive potassium in bone,strontium 90,uranium ore. B.Carbon 14 in tissues,cosmic rays,X rays. C.Cosmic rays,radioactive potassium in bones,radioactive carbon in tissues. D.X rays,carbon 14,plutonium.

考题 单选题If your vessel bums 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18 knots?()A 1382 tonsB 1561 tonsC 1600 tonsD 1637 tons

考题 单选题I hereby declare that my vessel has a()15400 metric tons.A bale capacityB grain capacityC cargo capacityD DWTC

考题 单选题The TPC curve,one of the hydrostatic curves in a vessel’s plans,gives the number of tons().A necessary to change the angle of list 1°at a given draftB necessary to change trim 1 cm at a given draftC pressure per square cm on the vessel's hull at a given draftD necessary to further immerse the vessel 1 cm at a given draft

考题 单选题Deadweight,which is the cargo carrying capacity of a vessel in tons,is determined by().A Loaded displacement minus light displacementB Gross tonnage minus net tonnageC Loaded displacement minus net tonnageD Light displacement minus the weight of the vessel

考题 单选题Freight rates are mostly charged().A by the weight (tons) of cargoB by the capacity (tons) of vesselC by DW of the vesselD by the draft of the vessel

考题 单选题Mariners must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as().A to affect the vessel's stabilityB not to affect the vessel's stabilityC to keep the vessel on even keelD not to keep the vessel on even keel

考题 单选题A vessel has a charter party for one voyage to carry a full load of manganese from Durban,South Africa,to Baltimore,Maryland,at a stipulated rate per ton. Which type of contract is involved? ()A Bareboat charter partyB Voyage charter partyC Demise charter partyD Time charter party

考题 单选题Master must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as().A not to affect the vessel's stability and trimB to affect the vessel's stabilityC to affect the vessel's trimD to affect the vessel's atability or trim

考题 单选题Bulkheads which from part of the tanks on a vessel are stiffened to withstand().A deck loads from aboveB dynamic forces while afloatC hydrostatic pressureD over-pressurization

考题 单选题Please supply my vessel()120 tons of diesel oil.A forB withC toD on

考题 单选题Concentrated heavy loads are involved in loading a LASH vessel. What does NOT require close attention due to such loads while working cargo?() .A GM - available and requiredB Longitudinal stress numeralC Tons per inch immersion numeralD Draft

考题 单选题Connentrated heavy loads are involved in loading a lash vessel. What does not require close attention due to such loads while working cargo?().A GM-available and requiredB Longitudinal stress numberalC Tons per inch immersion numeralD Draft

考题 单选题Which of the followings best indicates how many tons of cargo a vessel can carry?().A Bale cubicB Deadweight tonnage of cargoC Loaded displacementD Gross tonnage

考题 单选题A vessel loads edible oil in a deep tank through a manhole at the midlength of the tank. In order to fill the tank to maximum capacity,what trim should the vessel have?()A Down by the bowB Down by the sternC Down by either the bow or sternD In level trim

考题 单选题What is MTI?().A The foot/tons needed to trim the vessel by 1 inchB The foot/tons needed to trim the vessel by 1 footC The moments needed to trim the vessel by 1 centimeterD The amount of vessel will trim when loading 100 tons 100 feet from the tipping Center

考题 单选题The term that indicates how many tons of cargo a vessel can carry is().A bale cubicB deadweightC gross tonnageD loaded displacement

考题 单选题Displacement refers to the().A cubic capacity of a vesselB deadweight carring capacity of a vesselC gross tonnage of vesselD number of long tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat

考题 单选题Vessel()still to bunker 50 tons of fresh water.A haveB have beenC has beenD has

考题 单选题A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is this document called?()A Damage Bill of LadingB Letter of IndemnityC Non-negotiable Bill of LadingD Unclean Bill of Lading

考题 单选题From()the information concerning the tons per inch or centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.A Stability curveB Deadweight scaleC Table of AzimuthD Freeboard assignment

考题 单选题A vessel loads 5000 tons of manganese ore. The railroad cars that brought the ore to the vessel were previously loaded with iron ore so the ore is contaminated. The agent requests the Master to sign a Clean Bill of Lading and in return the shipper will give him a Letter of Indemnity. What is the best procedure to follow? ()A Sign a Clean Bill of Lading and accept the Letter of IndemnityB Refuse to sign a Clean Bill of LadingC Sign the Clean Bill of Lading and have the agent countersign itD Sign a Clean Bill of lading under protest