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what has the woman decied to do on Sunday afternoon?

A.to attend a wedding.

B.To visit an exhibition

C.To meet a friend


更多 “ what has the woman decied to do on Sunday afternoon?A.to attend a wedding.B.To visit an exhibitionC.To meet a friend ” 相关考题
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考题 What has the woman decided to do on Sunday aftermoon?A.To attend a wedding+B. To visit an exhibition.C. To meet a friend.

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考题 What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon ?A. To attend a wedding.B. To visit an exhibitionC. To meet a friends

考题 3 What has the woman decided to do On Sunday afternoon?A To attend a weddingB To visit an exhibitionC To meet a friend

考题 What can students do in the practical areas ?A. Take science coursesB. Enjoy excellent mealsC. Attend workshops

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考题 What is Louise's experience with workshops?A. She has attended many. B. She has run many. C. She has always wanted to attend one. D. She has difficulty participating in them.

考题 What ______ you do this Sunday if it ______?A. do, will rain B. will, rain C. do, rains D. will, rains

考题 Woman:Hello,Mr.Johnson′s office. Man:Good morning.56? Woman:Sorry,he′s in a meeting at the moment.57? Man:Yes.This is Steve Lee from Brightlight Systems.58? Woman:Tomorrow afternoon in your office. Man:59. Woman:Okay.60. Man:Thank you. 第56题的答案是()A.Can I speak to Mr.Johnson,please B.I′ll tell him you′ve called C.I′ll give him the message D.What can I do for you E.Can you tell him that we can meet tomorrow afternoon in my office F.Can I take a message G.Can you ask him to call me back as soon as possible H.That′s right

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考题 单选题What do you do on Sunday?()A I 'm a teacherB I play footballC You are a studentD They clean rooms.

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