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Understanding Autism(孤独症)

1 Autism is a life-long developmental disability that prevents individuals from properly understanding
what,they see,hear,and otherwise sense.This results in severe problems of social relationships,
communication , and behavior. Individuals with autism have to painstakingly(费力地)learn normal patterns
of speech and communication,and appropriate ways to relate to people,objects,and events,in a similar
manner to those who have had a stroke.
2 The cause of autism is still unknown.Some research suggests a physical problem affecting those parts
of the brain that process language and information coming in from the senses.There may be some imbalance
of certain chemicals in the brain. Genetic(遗传的)factors may sometimes be involved. Autism may indeed
result from a combination of several"causes".
3 Most people with mental retardation(智力迟钝的)show relatively even skill development. Individuals
with autism, however,typically show uneven skill development, with deficits(欠缺)in certain areas—most
frequently in their ability to communicate and relate to others—and distinct skills in other areas.It is
importantto distinguish autism from mental retardation or other disorders , since diagnostic(诊断的)confusion
may lead to inappropriate and ineffective treatment techniques.
4 In general,individuals with autism perform best at jobs which are structured and involve a degree of
repetition.Some people who have autism are working as artists,piano tuners,painters,farm workers,office
workers,computer operators,dishwashers,assembly line workers,or employees of sheltered workshops or
other sheltered work settings.

Individuals with autism are particularly weak at ________.
A:different techniques
B:social relationships and communication
C:language and information
D:several causes working together
E:a degree of repetition
F:skill development


文章第二段“The cause of autism is still unknown.”一句是本段的主题句,此段以下内容 均是围绕着孤独症的致病因素展开的,故选A。
第三段主要讲述了智障(mental retardation)和孤独症的区别,故选F。
第四段主要讲述了患有孤独症的人更擅长的工作类型。他们擅长结构性、重复性较强 的工作,故选E。
由第一段对孤独症的定义可知,患有孤独症的人在社会关系和沟通方面表现不佳,故 选B。
由文章第二段最后一句“Autism may indeed result from a combination of several 'causes'.”可知,孤独症可能是若干因素联合作用的结果,故选D。
由文章第三段最后一句可知,智力迟钝和孤独症的区分很重要,因为如果对二者的诊 断产生混淆,则会导致不当和无效的处理技巧,故选A。
由文章第三段第二句中“Individuals with autism, however, typically show uneven skill development”可知,患有孤独症的人的典型特征是,他们技术能力发展不平稳,故选F。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本篇文章主要讲述的是基因工程的起源、相关的产品及其影响。
更多 “共用题干 Understanding Autism(孤独症)1 Autism is a life-long developmental disability that prevents individuals from properly understanding what,they see,hear,and otherwise sense.This results in severe problems of social relationships, communication , and behavior. Individuals with autism have to painstakingly(费力地)learn normal patterns of speech and communication,and appropriate ways to relate to people,objects,and events,in a similar manner to those who have had a stroke.2 The cause of autism is still unknown.Some research suggests a physical problem affecting those parts of the brain that process language and information coming in from the senses.There may be some imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Genetic(遗传的)factors may sometimes be involved. Autism may indeed result from a combination of several"causes".3 Most people with mental retardation(智力迟钝的)show relatively even skill development. Individualswith autism, however,typically show uneven skill development, with deficits(欠缺)in certain areas—most frequently in their ability to communicate and relate to others—and distinct skills in other areas.It is importantto distinguish autism from mental retardation or other disorders , since diagnostic(诊断的)confusion may lead to inappropriate and ineffective treatment techniques.4 In general,individuals with autism perform best at jobs which are structured and involve a degree of repetition.Some people who have autism are working as artists,piano tuners,painters,farm workers,office workers,computer operators,dishwashers,assembly line workers,or employees of sheltered workshops or other sheltered work settings.Individuals with autism are particularly weak at ________.A:different techniquesB:social relationships and communicationC:language and informationD:several causes working togetherE:a degree of repetitionF:skill development” 相关考题
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