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5. Passengers are not allowed .

A. smoking

B. to smoke

C. smoked

D. smokes


更多 “ 5. Passengers are not allowed .A. smokingB. to smokeC. smokedD. smokes ” 相关考题
考题 ______is forbidden in the meeting-room, but we are allowed in the room for smokers.A. Smoking, smokingB. Smoking, to smokeC. To smoke, smokingD. To smoke, to smoke

考题 请您别在这里吸烟好吗用英语最妥当的表述是( )。A.Would you please refrain from smoking hereB.Not smoke.C.Would you stop from smoking hereD.Don’t smoke here, OK

考题 The sign “No Smoking”means “You ______ smoke here.”A: mustn ’tB: won’tC: can’tD: needn’t

考题 As soon as the ship docks,the passengers _______ to land. A.were allowedB.allowedC.will allowD.will be allowed

考题 It's high time you ______. A.stop smokingB.stopped smokingC.stop to smokeD.will stop to smoke

考题 In has been shown that children who smoke have certain characteristics.Compared with non-smokers they are more rebellious, their work deteriorates as they move up school, they are more likely to leave school early, and are more often delinquent and sexually precocious.Many of these features can be summarized as anticipation of adulthood.There are a number of factors which determine the onset of smoking, and these are largely psychological and social.They include availability of cigarettes, curiosity, rebelliousness, appearing tough, anticipation of adulthood, social confidence, the example of parents and teachers, and smoking by friends and older brothers and sisters.It should be much easier to prevent children from starting to smoke than to persuade adults to give up the habit once established, but in fact this has proved very difficult.The example set by people in authority, especially parents, health care workers, and teachers, is of prime importance.School rules should forbid smoking by children on the premises.This rule has been introduced at Summerhill School where I spent my schooldays.There is, however, a risk of children smoking just to rebel against the rules, and even in those schools which have tried to enforce no smoking by corporal punishment there is as much smoking as in other schools.Nevertheless, banning smoking is probably on balance beneficial.Teachers too should not smoke on school premises, at least not in front of children1、Which of the following is a common characteristic of young smokers?A、DisobedienceB、LazinessC、Lack of intelligenceD、Vanity2、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A、Some children start to smoke out of curiosityB、Many children start to smoke because they want to appear mature.C、In order to have fewer children smokers, parents, teachers and health care workers should not smoke.D、It is not as difficult to prevent children from starting to smoke as to dissuade adults from smoking.3、The writer concludes that school rules to forbid smoking().A、should be introduced, for it really works at the school where he once studied.B、should not be introduced, for it may cause disturbance.C、should be introduced though it may not work effectively.D、needn't be introduced as long as teachers don't smoke in front of children.4、The author's attitude towards his writing is().A、objectiveB、emotionalC、criticalD、indifferent

考题 It is a non-smoking area.You _____ smoke here. A.won’tB.don’tC.aren’tD.can’t

考题 Imports will be allowed in proportion _______ exports. A. to B. for C. out D. of

考题 According to the contract,transshipment is not ( ). A. allowing B. allowed C. being allowed D. allow

考题 Smoking is not permitted in the office.A:probable B:possible C:admitted D:allowed

考题 Smoking is not permitted in the office.A:probable B:possible C:admitted D:allowed

考题 共用题干 第三篇Up in SmokeI began to smoke when I was in high school. In fact,I remember the evening I was at a girlfriend's house,and we were watching a movie一a terribly romantic movie.He(the hero of the movie)was in love,she(his lady)was beautiful,and they were both smoking. My friend had only two cigarettes from a pack in her mother's purse,and she gave one to me.It was my first time.My parents didn't care much. They both smoked,and my older brother did too. My mother told me that smokers don't grow tall,but I was already 5 '6"(taller than most of the boys in my class), so I was happy to hear that"fact".In school,the teachers talked against smoking,but the cigarette advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful,and the women were well, they were beautiful and sophisticated(老于世故的).I read a book called How to Stop Smoking. The writer said that smoking wastes time,and that cigarettes cost a lot of money."So what?"I thought. The book didn't say that smoking can take away years of your life.But ten years later,everyone began to hear about the negative effects of cigarette smoke:lung disease,cancer,and heart problems.After that,there was a health warning on every pack of cigarettes.I didn't pay much attention to the reports and warnings.I felt healthy,and thought I was taking good care of myself.Then two events changed my mind.First,I started to cough,I thought it was just a cold,but it.didn't get better. Second,my brother got lung cancer. He got sicker and sicker. My brother and I used to smoke cigarettes together over twenty years ago,and we smoked our last cigarettes together the day before he died,I sat with him in his hospital room,and I decided to quit."NO more cigarettes,ever,"I said to myself.However,it was very hard to stop.Nicotine(尼古丁)is a drug;as a result,cigarettes cause a powerful addiction.I tried several times to quit on my own一wlthout success.I made excuses,I told myself:Smoking helps me keep my figure一I don,t gain weight when I smoke.Smoking not only relaxes me but it also helps me think clearly.I,m a free,liberated woman,I can smoke when I want to.Finally,I ran out of excuses一I might say my excuses went up in smoke.I joined the"Stop Smoking"program at the local hospital,which also ended up in failure.The writer found it hard to quit smoking because______.A:she had been addicted to nicotineB:she had been putting on weightC:she could not think clearlyD: she was an independent woman

考题 Smoking will be banned in all public places here.A:forbidden B:allowed C:permitted D:promoted

考题 共用题干 第三篇Up in SmokeI began to smoke when I was in high school. In fact,I remember the evening I was at a girlfriend's house,and we were watching a movie一a terribly romantic movie.He(the hero of the movie)was in love,she(his lady)was beautiful,and they were both smoking. My friend had only two cigarettes from a pack in her mother's purse,and she gave one to me.It was my first time.My parents didn't care much. They both smoked,and my older brother did too. My mother told me that smokers don't grow tall,but I was already 5 '6"(taller than most of the boys in my class), so I was happy to hear that"fact".In school,the teachers talked against smoking,but the cigarette advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful,and the women were well, they were beautiful and sophisticated(老于世故的).I read a book called How to Stop Smoking. The writer said that smoking wastes time,and that cigarettes cost a lot of money."So what?"I thought. The book didn't say that smoking can take away years of your life.But ten years later,everyone began to hear about the negative effects of cigarette smoke:lung disease,cancer,and heart problems.After that,there was a health warning on every pack of cigarettes.I didn't pay much attention to the reports and warnings.I felt healthy,and thought I was taking good care of myself.Then two events changed my mind.First,I started to cough,I thought it was just a cold,but it.didn't get better. Second,my brother got lung cancer. He got sicker and sicker. My brother and I used to smoke cigarettes together over twenty years ago,and we smoked our last cigarettes together the day before he died,I sat with him in his hospital room,and I decided to quit."NO more cigarettes,ever,"I said to myself.However,it was very hard to stop.Nicotine(尼古丁)is a drug;as a result,cigarettes cause a powerful addiction.I tried several times to quit on my own一wlthout success.I made excuses,I told myself:Smoking helps me keep my figure一I don,t gain weight when I smoke.Smoking not only relaxes me but it also helps me think clearly.I,m a free,liberated woman,I can smoke when I want to.Finally,I ran out of excuses一I might say my excuses went up in smoke.I joined the"Stop Smoking"program at the local hospital,which also ended up in failure.The writer decided to quit smoking partly because______.A:she could not afford any more cigarettesB:her doctor had advised her to do soC:her brother had given up smokingD:she had started to cough

考题 共用题干 The Dangers of Secondhand SmokeMost people know that cigarette smoking is harmful to their health.Scientific research shows that it causes many kinds of diseases.In fact,many people who smoke get lung cancer. However,Edward Gilson has lung cancer,and he has never smoked cigarettes.He lives with his wife Evelyn,who has smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day throughout their marriage.________(46)No one knows for sure why Mr. Gilson has lung cancer. Nevertheless,doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke because nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from other people's cigarettes.________(47)The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that about 53,000 people die in the United States each year as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke.The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals.In the past, scientists did not think that these chemicals could harm a nonsmoker's health._________(48)They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amounts of these toxic chemicals in their bodies.As a matter of fact,almost all of us breathe tobacco smoke at times,whether we realize it or not. For example,we can not avoid secondhand smoke in restaurants,hotels and other public places.Even though many public places have nonsmoking areas,smoke flows in from the areas where smoking is permitted.It is even harder for children to avoid secondhand smoke._________(49)Research shows that chil- dren who are exposed to secondhand smoke are sick more often than children who live in homes where no one smokes and that the children of smokers are more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as are children of nonsmokers.The risk is even higher for children who live in homes where both parents smoke.People are becoming very aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke._________(50)__________(50)A:Recently,though,scientists changed their opinion after they studied a large group of nonsmokers.B:The Gilsons have been married for 35 years.C:This smoke is called secondhand smoke.D:However,secondhand smoke is dangerous to all people,old or young.E:As a result,they have passed laws which prohibit people from smoking in many public places.F: In the United States,nine million children under the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker.

考题 Nobody()to smoke in the cinemaA、allowB、allowsC、is allowedD、are allowed


考题 单选题Nobody()to smoke in the cinemaA allowB allowsC is allowedD are allowed

考题 单选题Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?A Why Didn’t Musicians Play on the Lusitania?B Why Did Musicians Play on the Titanic?C Why Didn’t Passengers Panic on the Titanic?D Why Did Men Smoke on the Titanic?

考题 单选题What is mainly talked about in this news item? A The dangers of smoking.B The dangers of second-hand smoke.C The dangers of third-hand smoke.

考题 单选题The passage suggests that women _____.A smoke as much as menB react better than men to smokingC are affected by smoking only during pregnancyD run the same risks as men if they smoke

考题 单选题What’s the assumption of the author about smoking restriction according to the last paragraph?A People can try out some gentler smoking bans.B The municipality could try extending the smoking bans to homes.C It will not be a personal choice to decide whether or not to smoke.D It must still be necessary to restrict smoking after several generations.

考题 单选题Where does the article say people will be allowed to smoke after the smoking ban in France comes into force? A In bars but not cafes.B In their cars.C Anywhere in the countryside.

考题 填空题If you smoke in this non-smoking area, you will (fine) ____ $50.

考题 问答题Smoking bans in public places are becoming more and more common in China. Whether the right of the non-smoker to breathe in fresh air outweighs that of the smoker to smoke freely is a matter of opinion, manifesting itself in a heated smoking ban debate. The following are opinions from both sides on this issue. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  A smoking ban is a public policy that includes criminal laws and health regulations that prohibit smoking in certain public places and workspaces. There are many reasons why smoking bans originated, but most of these have medical origins. Research has shown secondhand smoke is almost as harmful as smoking in and of itself. The effects of secondhand smoke are relatively the same as smoking. Lung disease, heart disease, bronchitis and asthma are common. Those who live in homes with smokers have a 20-30 percent higher risk of developing lung cancer than those who do not live with a smoker.  Smoking bans are also imposed because they improve air quality in restaurants and other establishments. In Beijing, it is now illegal to smoke in all hospitality venues. Studies have also shown employees are exposed to far fewer toxins in areas where smoking is banned in the workplace.  Despite the positive effects on health and air quality, many people are still opposed to smoking bans in China. Critics oppose smoking bans and see these laws as an example of the government interfering in people’s lives. They look at the effects on smokers, not those on non-smokers who are subjected to second-hand smoke. Other critics emphasize the rights of the property owner and draw distinctions between public places, such as government building and privately owned businesses, such as stores and restaurants.  Some critics of smoking bans believe that outlawing smoking in the workplace may cause smokers to simply move their smoking elsewhere. Instead of smoking indoors, workers may begin smoking in public parks and exposing a new set of people to their secondhand smoke.

考题 单选题No deduction is allowed for the()mess-room in ships having passenger accommodation,which are not also provided with a passengers’ mess-room.A officerB officersC officer'sD officers’

考题 单选题The California law includes all the following meastrres EXCEPT_____.A enlarging no-smoking areasB allowing counties to collect higher taxes on cigarettesC increasing smoking bansD punishing parents who encourage their children to smoke