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题目内容 (请给出正确答案)


1. String s1="Hello";

2. String s2="Hello";

3. if(s1= =s2、

4. System.out.println("s1= =s2");

5. if (s1.equals(s2、)

6. System.out.println("s1.equals(s2、");

A. 行4与行6都将执行

B. 行4执行,行6不执行

C. 行6执行,行4不执行

D. 行4、行6都不执行


更多 “ 关于以下程序段,正确的说法是1. String s1="Hello";2. String s2="Hello";3. if(s1= =s2、4. System.out.println("s1= =s2");5. if (s1.equals(s2、)6. System.out.println("s1.equals(s2、");A. 行4与行6都将执行B. 行4执行,行6不执行C. 行6执行,行4不执行D. 行4、行6都不执行 ” 相关考题
考题 下列程序的运行结果是【 】。public class Test {public static void main (String args[]) {String s1="hello!";System.out.println (s1.toUpperCase());}}

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考题 设有以下语句: char str1[]="string",str2[8],*str3,*str4=="string; 则______不是对库函数的正确调用。A.strcpy(str1,"HELLO1");B.strcpy(str2,"HELLO2");C.strcpy(str3,"HELLO3");D.strcpy(str4,"HELLO4")

考题 关于以下程序段,正确的说法是( )。(1) String s1="abc"+"def";(2) String s2=new String (s1);(3) if (s1.equals (s2))(4) System.out.println("==succeded");(5) if(s1==s2)(6) System.out.println(".equals( )succeded");A.行(4)与行(6)都将执行B.行(4)执行,行(6)不执行C.行(6)执行,行(4)不执行D.行(4)、行(6)都不执行

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考题 下列哪个程序段可能导致错误?A.String s="hello"; String t= "good"; String k=s+ t;B.String s="hello"; String t; t=s[3]+"one";C.String s="hello"; String standard=s. toUpperCaseD.String s="hello"; String t =s+ "good"

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考题 设有以下语句: char strl[]="string",str2[8],*str3,*str4="string"; 则_______不是对库函数的正确调用。A.strcpy(strl,"HELLO1");B.strcpy(str2,"HELLO2");C.strcpy(str3,"HELLO3");D.strcpy(str4,"HELLO4");

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考题 下列程序段的输出结果是 String MyStr = "Hello,"; MyStr = MyStr + "World!"; System.out.println(MyStr);A.Hello,World!B.Hello,C.World!D.该程序段有语法错误

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考题 下列程序段的输出是( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String args[ ]) { String ss1 = new String("hello"); String ss2 = new String("hello"); System.out.println(ssl == ss2); System.out.println (ssequals(ss2)); } }A.true, falseB.true, trueC.false, trueD.false, false

考题 下列代码的执行结果是______。 public class ex55 { public static void main(String args[] ) { String s1=new String("hello"); String s2=new String("hello"); System.out.print (s1==s2); System.out.print (","); System.out.println (s1.equals (s2)); } }A.true, falseB.true, trueC.false, trueD.false, false

考题 下列的( )程序段可能导致错误。A.String s="hello": Sting t="good"; String k=s+t;B.Sting s="hello"; String t; t=s [3] + "one";C.Sting s="hello"; String standard=s.toUpperCase( );D.String s="hello": Stringt s +"good";

考题 下列的哪个程序段可能导致错误?A.String s = "hello"; String t = "good"; String k = s + t;B.String s = "hello"; String t; t = s[3] + "one";C.String s = " hello "; String standard = s.toUpperCase( );D.String s = "hello"; String t = s + "good";

考题 以下( )表达式是不合法的。A.string x="hello";int y=9;x+=y;B.string x="hello";int y=9;if(x=y){}C.string x="hello";int y=9;x=x+y;D.string x=null;inty=(x!=null)(x.length()>0)?x.length():0;

考题 下列程序的执行结果为 Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim s1 As String ,s2 As String s1= "abcd" Call Transfer(sl,s2) Print s2 End Sub Private Sub Transfer (ByVal xstr As String,ystr As String) Dim tempstr As String ystr=tempstr End SubA.dcbaB.abdcC.abcdD.dabc

考题 下列选项中,()是正确的表达式。 A、% String s = “hello world ” ;%  B、% = “hello world ” ;% C、% = “hello world ” %  D、% ! “hello world ” %

考题 Which expressions will evaluate to true if preceded by the following code?()   String a = "hello";   String b = new String(a);   String c = a;   char[] d = { ’h’, ’e’, ’l’, ’l’, ’o’ };  A、(a == "Hello")B、(a == b)C、(a == c)D、a.equals(b)E、a.equals(d)

考题 String s= "hello";     String t = "hello";  char c[] = {’h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’} ;     Which return true?()   A、 s.equals(t);B、 t.equals(c);C、 s==t;D、 t.equals(new String("hello"));E、 t==c;

考题 多选题String s= "hello";     String t = "hello";  char c[] = {’h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’} ;     Which return true?()As.equals(t);Bt.equals(c);Cs==t;Dt.equals(new String(hello));Et==c;

考题 单选题下列选项中,()是正确的表达式。A % String s = “hello world ” ;%  B % = “hello world ” ;% C % = “hello world ” %  D % ! “hello world ” %