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We derive information mainly from the Internet.

A: deprive
B: obtain
C: descend
D: trace


解析:题干意为“我们主要从互联网上获得信息。”句中划.线词为动词,意为源于,得自。B项。btain意为获得;例句:You can also obtain knowledge through practice.你还可以从实践经验中获得知识。A项意为使丧失,剥夺;C项意为下降,下去;遗传;D项意为追踪;探查;故选B。
更多 “We derive information mainly from the Internet.A: depriveB: obtainC: descendD: trace” 相关考题
考题 From the passage, we know that The song Auld Lang Syne mainly played in the USA _A. On New Year’s Eve. B. On Christmas Eve. C. On weekends. D. On holidays.

考题 We can derive great pleasure ( )our studies. A.ofB.toC.fromD.in

考题 We can learn from the passage that ( ).A.buses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidaysB.regular students at QUT need to buy adult ticketsC.Pre—paid tickets can be bought from the Public Transport Information CentreD.Ten-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time

考题 We can infer from this passage that______.A. people cannot sent visible information until 19th centuryB. we cannot communicate without soundC. the ways of communication are similar in different countriesD. in ancient time, enough people is necessary to send messages over distance


考题 听力原文:Commercial banks are mainly to provide short-term loans for the capital market with the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.(2)A.Commercial banks mainly provide short-term loans for the capital market.B.The capital market mainly depends on the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.C.Short-term loans are mainly from the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.D.Commercial banks mainly depend on the capital market for deposits and the funds.

考题 One of the difficulties in building an SQL-like query lange for the Web is the absence of a database schema for this huge, heterogeneous repository of information. However, if we are interested in HTML documents only, we can construct a virtual(66)from the implicit structure of these files. Thus, at the highest level of(67), every such document is identified by its Uniform. Resource Locator(URL), has a title and a text Also, Web servers provide some additional information such as the type, length, and the last modification date of a document. So, for data mining purposes, we can consider the site of all HTML documents as arelation:Document(url,(68), text, type, length, modify)Where all the(69)are character strings. In this framework, anindividual document is identified with a(70)in this relation. Of course, if some optional information is missing from the HTML document, the associate fields will de left blank, but this is not uncommon in any database.A.schemaB.relationC.platformD.module

考题 30. What is the passage mainly about? 、A. We must make more friends.B. Don-t quarrel with our parents.C. What should we do when our parents quarrel.D. Sometimes we must stay away from our parents.

考题 People derive much pleasure from reading.A:get B:feel C:depend D:enjoy

考题 共用题干 Messages from the Media1. The weather forecast,a story about the candidates in an election,and movie reviews are exam-ples of messages from the media. A communication medium , of which the plural(复数的)form ismedia,is a means of communicating a message .Examples of media are television,radio,news-pa-pers and books and the telephone.The media that can reach many people at once are called mass media.2. It is not difficult to think of other messages we receive through the mass media.Every day we get hundreds of them.Think about advertisements,for example.We see and hear these messages almost everywhere we go .Advertisements are important messages,even though they are sometimes annoying .They help us compare and evaluate products.3. Most of us get more information from the media than from the classroom.Think for a moment, about how you learn about local news and events.Do you depend on other people or the media?What about international news?What is the most important source of information for you?People who are asked this question usually answer,"Television".4. Think of all the messages you received today.Perhaps you read a newspaper during breakfast, or maybe you read advertisements on billboards(露天广告牌)on your way to school. Did you u1sten to a weather forecast or the sports news on the radio this morning?Right now you are getting information through a very important medium of mass communication a book.5. We use the information we get from radio,television,newspapers,and other media to make decisions and form opinions.That is why the mass media are so important.Editorials and articles in newspapers help us decide how to vote,consumer reports on television help us decide how to spend our money,and international news on the radio makes us think and form opinions about question of war and peace. Each day we get a lot of messages from______.A: sports newsB: our decisions and opinionsC: mass communicationD: our messagesE: source of informationF: the mass media

考题 共用题干 Messages From the Media1.The weather forecast,a story about the candidates in an election,and movie reviews are examples of messages from the media. A communication medium, of which the plural(复数的)form is media,is a means of communicating a message.Examples of media are television,radio,newspapers, books and the telephone.The media that can reach many people at once are called mass media.2.It is not difficult to think of other messages we receive through the mass media. Every day we get hundreds of them. Think about advertisements,for example,we see and hear these messages almost everywhere we go.Advertisements are important messages,even though they are sometimes annoying. They help us compare and evaluate products.3.Most of us get more information from the media than from the classroom. Think for a moment,about how you learn about local news and events.Do you depend on other people or the media?What about international news?What is the most important source of information for you? People who are asked this question usually answer,"Television".4.Think of all the messages you received today.Perhaps you read a newspaper during break-fast,or maybe you read advertisements on billboards(露天广告牌)on your way to school. Did you listen to a weather forecast or the sports news on the radio this morning?Right now you are getting information through a very important medium of mass communication一a book.5.We use the information we get from radio,television,newspapers,and other media to make decisions and form opinions.That is why the mass media are so important. Editorials and articles in newspapers help us decide how to vote,consumer reports on television help us decide how to spend our money,and international news on the radio makes us think and form opinions about questions of war and peace.Each day we get a lot of messages from______.A:sports newsB:our decisions and opinionsC:mass communicationD:our messagesE:source of information F: the mass media

考题 These are defensive behavior patterns which derive from our fears.A:stem B:rely C:develop D:grow

考题 Almost of the information we gather is also available online around the world,with the______ coming from our contacts,from direct growers and wholesalers。A.remained B.remaining C.remains D.remain

考题 We derive information mainly from the Internet.A:deprive B:obtain C:descend D:trace

考题 We derive information mainly from the Internet.A:deprive B:obtain C:descend D:trace

考题 You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.You plan to develop a custom control for the application.  The control will be a composite control.Your need to derive from the class that will create the control by using the minimum amount of development effort.What should you do?()A、Derive from the Control class.B、Derive from the UserControl class.C、Derive from the FrameworkElement class.D、Derive from the ContainerControl class.

考题 What types of objects derive from te MemberInfo class?()A、 FieldInfo classB、 MethodInfo classC、 Assembly classD、 Type class

考题 You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .Net Framework 3.5.You plan to design a composite control for the application.You need to derive the control from a base class that supports templates.What should you do?()A、Derive from the Control class.B、Derive from the UserControl class.C、Derive from the ScrollableControl class.D、Derive from the ContainerControl class.

考题 单选题Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage().A Galley fitted with range or ovenB Open structuresC Passenger spacesD Boatswain's stores

考题 单选题Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage().A Boatswain's storesB Companions and booby hatchesC Passenger spacesD All of the above

考题 单选题In this passage, the author mainly tells us that _____.A everyone can be forgetful sometimes regardless of one’s ageB we can prevent our sound mind from aging with certain methodsC brain aging starts from the time when we are in our 20s and 30sD memory loss is a sign that shows we are getting old

考题 单选题This passage mainly offers information about ______.A how to prepare documents for traveling with GreyhoundB how to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with itC how to make your trip with Greyhound interestingD how to travel from the U. S. to Canada and Mexico

考题 单选题The author quotes U. N. Secretary General’s remark in the last paragraph mainly to demonstrate that ______.A telephone is more important to the poor than the WebB digital revolution will be welcomed by the poorC the gap between the rich and the poor can be wider in the information ageD half the world’s population will benefit from knowledge explosion

考题 单选题We can learn from the passage that _____.A the hotels where you stay will offer you free breakfastB dining information can be obtained from your tour guidesC you can have a complete choice of local dishes at the hotelD a full list of local restaurants can be found on the tour pages

考题 单选题We may conclude from the passage that the four media luna departments ______.A are mainly from western highlandsB get united to fight against Mr. Morales’s presidencyC want bigger share of gas exportD have priority over the other three levels of autonomous organization

考题 单选题The passage is mainly discussing _____.A the difference between general history and art historyB the making of art historyC what we can learn from artD the influence of artists on art history

考题 单选题This passage mainly offers information about _____.A how to prepare documents for traveling with GreyhoundB how to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with itC how to make your trip with Greyhound interestingD how to travel from the U.S. to Canada and Mexico