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Water一the Issue of This Century
The world is running short of freshwater. Populations are growing bigger and thirstier (渴的),with the result that freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce(缺乏).Half the world's wetlands have disappeared during the last century,while estimates suggest that wa- ter use will rise by 50% in the next 30 years.
The World Bank report estimates that as much as half of the world's population,concentrated in Africa,the Middle East and south Asia,will face“severe water shortages”by 2025.Local water conflicts and the loss of freshwater ecosystems appear large in some re- gions.
A similar picture emerges from the globe's salt water regions. Three-quarters of the world's people may live within 100km of the sea in 2025,putting even more pressure on stretched coastal ecosystems. Two thirds of fisheries(渔业)are exploited at or beyond their sustainable limits, and half the world's coral reefs(珊瑚礁)may perish in 100 years. Almost 60% of coral reefs and 34% of fish species are at risk from human activities,the Bank says.
The report concludes that there is ample evidence to justify immediate and coordinated action to safeguard supplies and use water more efficiently.
Fresh water consumption is rising quickly,and the availability of water in some regions is likely to become one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century.
A third of the world's popu1ation一around two billion people一live in countries that are experiencing moderate to high water shortages.That proportion could rise to half or more in the next 30 years unless institutions(制度)change to ensure better conservation and alloca- tion of water.
China is one country where the portents(征兆)are gloomy. The most waterstressed country in East Asia,China is exploiting 44%of its usable water,a figure projected to rise to6O%by 2020.Primary withdrawal of water of more than 60%is widely considered by water experts to exceed the environmental carrying capacity of a river basin system. Although
China's total use appears still to be reasonable,it has several basins that are severely stressed environmentally.
Withdrawals exceed environmental limits in Afghanistan and Pakistan,and will exceed them in India by 2020.In the Middle East and North Africa,only Morocco has unexploited water resources.The rest have exceeded environmental limits and many are mining aquifers (蓄水层)一bodies of water-bearing rock一the report says.

Some species of fish in the Atlantic are at dangerously low levels.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned


解析:题干意为“据估计,30年以后水的使用量将增加50%”。利用题干中的细节 信息词/短语water use, 50% , next 30 years作为定位线索,在短文第一段中寻找到相关句: The world is running short of fresh water. Populations are growing bigger and thirstier(渴 的),with the result that freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce(缺乏).Half the world's wetlands have disappeared during the last century,while estimates suggest that water use will rise by 50% in the next 30 years.相关句(带下划线的句子)意为“在上个世纪的100年里世界上一半的沼泽地已经消失了,而依据人们的估计来看,30年后水的使用量将增加50%”, 很明显题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关内容一致,因此题干陈述了正确的信息。所以答案为A。
题干意为“大多数发达国家20年以后将面临水的短缺问题”。利用题干中 的细节信息词/短语most developed countries, water shortages, in 20 years作为定位线索, 结果发现most developed countries根本没有在短文中出现,短文中也没有具体提到发达国家水短缺的情况,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“到了2025年,地球上大多数的人可能会生活在距离海洋100公 里的范围里”。利用题干中的细节信息短语most of the world's population, 100km of the sea, in 2025作为定位线索,这样在第三段中找到相关句:A similar picture emerges from the globe's salt water regions. Three-quarters of the world's people(与题干中的most of the world's population呼应)may live within 100km of the sea in 2025 , putting even more pressure on stretched coastal ecosystems. Two thirds of fisheries(渔业)are exploited at or beyond their sustainable limits, and half the world's coral reefs(珊瑚礁)may perish in 100 years.Almost 60% of coral reefs and 34% of fish species are at risk from human activities, the Bank says.相关句(第三段第二句)提到“到2025年,世界上3/4的人将可能生活在距离海洋100公里的范围里”,显然题干陈述的意义与短文相关内容一致。所以答案为A。到目前为 止,在完成的3道题的答案里出现了2个A,1个C,剩下的4道题肯定至少会出现1-3个 B,因此如果考虑节约答题时间,剩下的4小题全选B,这样在该阅读理解题上就通过完成3 小题而直接拿到5小题的分数(即拿到5分!)
题干意为“几乎所有的珊瑚礁都可能在10。年后消失”。利用题干中的细节 信息短语almost all coral reefs, in 100 years作为定位线索,这样在第三段中找到相关句:A similar picture emerges from the globe's salt water regions. Three-quarters of the world's people may live within 100km of the sea in 2025,putting even more pressure on stretched coastal ecosystems. Two thirds of fisheries(渔业)are exploited at or beyond their sustainable limits,and half the world's coral reefs(珊瑚礁)may perish in 100 years.Almost 60% of coral reefs and 34% of fish species are at risk from human activities, the Bank says.相关句(第三段倒数第二句)意为“2/3的渔业开发已经处于可承受的边缘,甚至超出了可承受的范围,世界上一半的珊瑚礁可能会在100年后消失”。短文提到“一半的珊瑚礁”可能会在100年后消失,而不是“几乎所有的珊瑚礁”可能会在100年后消失,因此题干陈述的信息与短文内 容不一致。所以答案为B。
题干意为“大西洋中的一些鱼类正处于危险的状况中”。利用题干中的细节 信息词/短语some species of fish, Atlantic, dangerously low levels作为定位线索,在第三段 中寻找到相关句:A similar picture emerges from the globe's salt water regions. Three-quarters of the world's people may live within 100km of the sea in 2025,putting even more pressure on stretched coastal ecosystems. Two thirds of fisheries(渔业) are exploited at or beyond their sustainable limits,and half the world's coral reefs(珊瑚礁)may perish in 100 years. Almost 60% of coral reefs and 34% of fish species are at risk from human activities, the Bank says.相关句(带下划线的句子)提到“世界银行说几乎有60%的珊瑚礁和34%的鱼 类因为人类的活动而处于危险的状况中”,这个句子陈述的是全世界鱼类的情况,至于在大西洋是否也是这样,该句中没有提到,依据该句意义也无法推断出大西洋地区鱼类的情况。短文中的其他句子没有再提及鱼类的情况,由此可判断出题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信 息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“世界银行的报告意味着应该采取紧急行动来保护水资源的供 应”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语the World Bank report, urgent action, water supplies 作为定位线索,在第四段中寻找到相关句:The report(指上文中提到的世界银行的报告) concludes that there is ample evidence to justify immediate and coordinated action to safe- guard supplies and use water more efficiently.第四段是一个独立成段句,该段意为“那份报告得出的结论是有大量的证据证明应该立刻采取协调一致的行动来保护水资源的供应,并更有效地使用水资源”。显然题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关意义一致,因此答案为A。
题干意为“印度(现在)超过了水资源的环境使用极限”。利用题干中的细节 信息词/短语India , environmental limits , water use作为定位线索,在最后一段中寻找到相关句:Withdrawals(与上文中提到的withdrawal of water<水资源的使用>呼应)exceed environmental limits in Afghanistan and Pakistan,and will exceed them in India by 2020.In the
更多 “共用题干 Water一the Issue of This CenturyThe world is running short of freshwater. Populations are growing bigger and thirstier (渴的),with the result that freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce(缺乏).Half the world's wetlands have disappeared during the last century,while estimates suggest that wa- ter use will rise by 50% in the next 30 years.The World Bank report estimates that as much as half of the world's population,concentrated in Africa,the Middle East and south Asia,will face“severe water shortages”by 2025.Local water conflicts and the loss of freshwater ecosystems appear large in some re- gions.A similar picture emerges from the globe's salt water regions. Three-quarters of the world's people may live within 100km of the sea in 2025,putting even more pressure on stretched coastal ecosystems. Two thirds of fisheries(渔业)are exploited at or beyond their sustainable limits, and half the world's coral reefs(珊瑚礁)may perish in 100 years. Almost 60% of coral reefs and 34% of fish species are at risk from human activities,the Bank says.The report concludes that there is ample evidence to justify immediate and coordinated action to safeguard supplies and use water more efficiently.Fresh water consumption is rising quickly,and the availability of water in some regions is likely to become one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century.A third of the world's popu1ation一around two billion people一live in countries that are experiencing moderate to high water shortages.That proportion could rise to half or more in the next 30 years unless institutions(制度)change to ensure better conservation and alloca- tion of water.China is one country where the portents(征兆)are gloomy. The most waterstressed country in East Asia,China is exploiting 44%of its usable water,a figure projected to rise to6O%by 2020.Primary withdrawal of water of more than 60%is widely considered by water experts to exceed the environmental carrying capacity of a river basin system. AlthoughChina's total use appears still to be reasonable,it has several basins that are severely stressed environmentally.Withdrawals exceed environmental limits in Afghanistan and Pakistan,and will exceed them in India by 2020.In the Middle East and North Africa,only Morocco has unexploited water resources.The rest have exceeded environmental limits and many are mining aquifers (蓄水层)一bodies of water-bearing rock一the report says.Some species of fish in the Atlantic are at dangerously low levels.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned” 相关考题
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