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'The" in the phrase "the dignity and the honor" is pronounced__________ respectively.


更多 “'The" in the phrase "the dignity and the honor" is pronounced__________ respectively.” 相关考题
考题 I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.

考题 Therefore, she judges she can’t count on him to do the right thing or honor his () to others. A、commitmentB、embankmentC、preachedD、glared

考题 The phrase “fall for somebody” means(). A、loveB、hateC、dropD、know

考题 You can send them gifts ______ your best clients. A、in reply toB、with regard toC、in honor of

考题 [A] honor [B] belief [C] hand [D] way

考题 The authors of the United States constitution attempted to establish an effective national government while preserving ______for the states and liberty for individuals.A autonomy B dignity C monopoly D stability

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考题 The phrase” left out” in Para.5 is closed in meaning to____.A neglectedB criticizedC not includedD not respected

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考题 I don't ever say such words in public; that would be __________my dignity. A.beneath B.under C.beyond D.above

考题 I don't ever say such words in public; that would be __________my dignity.A. beneath B. under C. beyond D. above

考题 There is a _________of impatience in the tone of his voice. A.dot B.hint C.notion D.phrase

考题 The phrase "this year" is pronounced asin real speech.

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考题 I feel it's an honor()to attend the opening ceremony of the new bank.A、to inviteB、of being invitedC、to be invitedD、having invited

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考题 单选题_____ étudie les combinaisons des mots dans la phrase, tandis que _____ prend en considération des mots pris indépendamment de leurs rapports dans la phrase.A La syntaxe ; la morphologieB La morphologie ; la syntaxeC La syntaxe ; la sémantiqueD La sémantique ; la syntaxe

考题 多选题In Real Operations Automation, we have Domain Template and WebLogic Scripting Tool for provisioning and configuration respectively.  Which are the other two elements ?()AWeblogic ClusterBWeblogic CacheCWeblogic GridDWeblogic Deployment

考题 单选题There is a party tonight _____ our new president.A in manner ofB in respect ofC in honor ofD in favor of

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