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The committee __________ a conclusion only after days of discussion.






解析:考查动词辨析。release“释放;发布”,achieve“实现,取得,获得”,reach“实现,达到”,accomplish“完成,达到(目的)”。句意为“委员会经过仅仅几天的讨论就得出了结论”。根据句意可排除A、D两项。B项achieve一般是指个人经过努力获得了什么样的成果。reach a conclusion意为“得出结论,达成共识”,更符合题意.故选C。
更多 “The committee __________ a conclusion only after days of discussion. A.released B.achieved C.reached D.accomplished” 相关考题
考题 The committee members propose that the plan ________ postponed for a few days. A.beingB.to beC.beenD.be

考题 Let me __________ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. A. look upB. look intoC. look after

考题 The conclusion of the dealing is certainly not the (). It is only the ().A、end,beginB、ending,startC、end,beginningD、ending,beginning

考题 After Jackson ______ for an hour, he came to the conclusion that Mrs. Bonnie was not coming. A.waitedB.was waitingC.has waitedD.had been waiting

考题 Youhaveissuedthefollowingcommand:RMANCONFIGURERETENTIONPOLICYTORECOVERYWINDOWOF100DAYS;Whatwillbetheresultofusingtheabovecommand?() A.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedinthecontrolfilefor100days.B.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedintherecoverycatalogfor100days.C.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedintheflashrecoveryareafor100days.D.After100days,thebackupsetsandimagecopieswillbedeletedfromthemedia.

考题 If only the committee _________ the regulations 选择 Ifonlythecommittee_________theregulationsandputthemintoeffectassoonaspossible.A)approveB)willapproveC)canapproveD)wouldapprove

考题 Lay days ______ to commence after the expiry of a specified time after the giving of the notice of readiness to load or discharge.A.isB.areC.will beD.shall be

考题 Every seaman injured on a fishing vessel must reportthe injury to the Master,individual in charge,or otheragent of the employer ______.A.before the end of the voyageB.no later than 24 hours after the vessel docksC.no later than 7 days after the injury occurredD.only if the injury prevents him from working

考题 When should the emergency position-indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning an OSV ________.A.ImmediatelyB.After one hourC.Only when another vessel is in sightD.Only after sunset

考题 How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board ________.A.At least two years after the last entryB.At least one year after the last entryC.At least 90 days after the last entryD.At least 30 days after the last entry

考题 If only the committee__________the regulations(规章)and put them into effect as soon as possible.A.approve B.will approve C.can approve D.would approve

考题 We may draw a conclusion that_______during a war.A.the Red Cross only protects the wounded B.the Red Cross only helps prisoners of war C.the Red Cross only helps citizens D.the Red Cross helps all the people in need no matter which side they are fighting for

考题 汇票的付款期限的下述记载中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款时间。Aat sightBat  xx days  after sightCat  xx days  after dateDat  xx days  after shipment

考题 Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.Alook outBlook intoClook after

考题 Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.A、look outB、look intoC、look after

考题 票的付款期限在下述记载方式中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款日期。A、at sightB、at××days after sightC、at××days after dateD、at××days after shipment

考题 You executed the following command in Recovery Manager (RMAN) against your Oracle 10g database:RMAN REPORT NEED BACKUP days 3;What would be the output of this command?()A、 a list of files that require a backup within three daysB、 a list of files that have not been backed up for three daysC、 a list of files that RMAN recommends be backed up only once in every three days, based on low volatilityD、 a list of files for which a backup has already been performed and may need a backup after three days

考题 汇票的付款期限的下述记载中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款时间。A、at sightB、at  xx days  after sightC、at  xx days  after dateD、at  xx days  after shipment

考题 下列属于近期交货术语的为()A、Immediate shipmentB、Prompt shipmentC、shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/CD、shipment within 30 days

考题 下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。A、Payment byD/P30days after sightB、Payment at sightC、Payment by sightL/CD、PaymentD/A30days after sight

考题 单选题汇票的付款期限的下述记载中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款时间。A at sightB at  xx days  after sightC at  xx days  after dateD at  xx days  after shipment

考题 单选题下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。A Payment byD/P30days after sightB Payment at sightC Payment by sightL/CD PaymentD/A30days after sight

考题 单选题You executed the following command in Recovery Manager (RMAN) against your Oracle 10g database:  RMAN REPORT NEED BACKUP days 3;  What would be the output of this command?()A a list of files that require a backup within three daysB a list of files that have not been backed up for three daysC a list of files that RMAN recommends be backed up only once in every three days, based on low volatilityD a list of files for which a backup has already been performed and may need a backup after three days

考题 单选题Unless it is specially agreed otherwise,the adjustment of the claims to contribution takes place()and is governed by the law of the place of delivery of the cargo.A before the conclusion of the voyageB after the conclusion of the voyageC as soon as the expenditure occursD before or after the conclusion of the voyage

考题 填空题After an (introduce) ____ by the chairperson, we’ll go on with the day’s discussion.

考题 单选题票的付款期限在下述记载方式中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款日期。A at sightB at××days after sightC at××days after dateD at××days after shipment

考题 单选题Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.A look outB look intoC look after