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:所谓CI(Corporate Identity)指的是,企业或组织整理自己的主体性(Identity)实质,并把它作为企业的经营宗旨、公司名称、标记等宣传素材,加以表达的同时,在公司内部做到人人皆知,而在公司之外加以表示、宣传,以搞活企业活动的行为。换句话说,CI是企业为顺利实行经营创新、变更和扩大业务形态,改革组织机构等,而开展的牵涉整个企业的活动。根据上述定义,下列属于CI行为的是( )。






更多 “ :所谓CI(Corporate Identity)指的是,企业或组织整理自己的主体性(Identity)实质,并把它作为企业的经营宗旨、公司名称、标记等宣传素材,加以表达的同时,在公司内部做到人人皆知,而在公司之外加以表示、宣传,以搞活企业活动的行为。换句话说,CI是企业为顺利实行经营创新、变更和扩大业务形态,改革组织机构等,而开展的牵涉整个企业的活动。根据上述定义,下列属于CI行为的是( )。A.某软件公司为自己新推出的杀毒软件做产品广告宣传B.某香水公司请来著名影星代言新款香水C.某演唱会以公益演出的形式筹集慈善捐款D.某企业更换企业标识 ” 相关考题
考题 所谓CI(Corporate Identity)指的是,企业或组织整理自己的主体性(Identity)实质,并把它作为企业的经营宗旨、公司名称、标记等宣传素材,加以表达的同时,在公司内部做到人人皆知,而在公司之外加以表示、宣传,以搞活企业活动的行为。换句话说,CI是企业为顺利实行经营创新、变更和扩大业务形态,改革组织机构等,而开展的牵涉整个企业的活动。根据上述定义,下列属于CI行为的是( )。A.某软件公司为自己新推出的杀毒软件做产品广告宣传B.某香水公司请来著名影星代言新款香水C.某演唱会以公益演出的形式筹集慈善捐款D.某企业更换企业标识

考题 在RRCConnectionSetupComplete消息中,如果'Registered MME'的PLMN identity 和高层选择的PLMN的不相同的话,以下哪种说法是错误的?A、将selectedPLMN-Identity设置为'Registered MME'中的plmn-Identity,registeredMME 中不包含plmn-IdentityB、将已经选择的PLMN-Identity 的值设置为由高层从SystemInformationBlockType1消息里的plmn-IdentityList里的PLMN(s)中选择的PLMNC、设置 registeredMME 中包含plmn-Identity ,并且把它的值设置为从高层接收到的'Registered MME'里的PLMN identity的值D、将 mmegi 和 mmec 的值设为从高层接收到的值

考题 USIM卡的USIM是什么的缩写? A.User Services Identity ModuleB.Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleC.Universiti Sains Islam MalaysiaD.UMTS service identity module

考题 CIC全称为() A.Channel Identity CodeB.Circuit Identity CodeC.Cell Identity CodeD.Clothes In Closet

考题 资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company. There are now many products and services on the market which are similar in content though produced by different companies. It is vital, therefore, for a company to distinguish itself from its competitors by having a strong company image which is immediately recognizable. Logos are part of this image. They are symbols which often include a name or initials to identify a company. The logo establishes a visual identity for the company, just as different groups of young people express their identity through hairstyles and clothes. All groups from all cultures and throughout the ages have used colors and symbols to show their identity. In different cultures, different colors carry different meanings. Some colors may be connected with coldness in one culture and with warmth in another; some colors represent life in one culture but death in another. International companies have, therefore, to make sure that their logos will not be misunderstood or misinterpreted in different countries. Many companies have, over the years, renewed their logos to fit in with contemporary design and to present more powerful images. Company logos can be emotive and can inspire loyalty by influencing the subconscious. Some logos incorporate an idea of the product; and a case in point is the steering wheel in the Mercedes logo, for example, and the airplane tail of Alitalia. Logos are used on letterheads, packaging and brochures as well as on the product itself. They may also appear in newspapers or on television as part of an advertising campaign. Companies need to have a strong corporate identity. The logo helps to promote this image and to fix in the minds of the consumers. Logos, therefore, need to be original and to have impact and style. According to the passage, what can attract customers’ eyes? A.The corporate identity. B.Quality of the product. C.Packaging images. D.All of above

考题 “Corporate Identity”作为一个专门术语,首次出现于()A1950年B1960年C1970年D1980年

考题 CI是Corporate Identity的缩写,直译为企业形象识别,是企业形象识别系统的简称。

考题 识别信号、询问信号和回答信号英文词汇分别为()。A、identit ysignal、reply signal、interrogation signalB、interrogation signal、identity signal、reply signalC、identity signal、interrogation signal、reply signalD、reply signal、identity signal、interrogation signal

考题 “Corporate Identity”作为一个专门术语,首次出现于()A、1950年B、1960年C、1970年D、1980年

考题 MI(Mind Identity)理念管理系统是社会组织经营管理的()。

考题 CI是英文Corporate Identity的缩写,中文直译为“()”,是企业形象识别的意思。

考题 完整的CI应该是一个不可分割的系统,即CIS(Corporate Identity System),通常译之为()。A、“企业身份系统”B、“企业个性系统”C、“企业形象系统”D、“企业识别系统”

考题 BI(Behavior Identity)行为管理系统是社会组织理念的()。

考题 企业形象识别系统(Corporate Identity System,简称CIS )

考题 CI是Corporate Identity的缩写,直译为企业形象识别,是()的简称。

考题 CIS的英文词组翻译是下列哪一个?()A、Corporation Identity SystemB、Corporate Identity SystemC、Corporate Idea SystemD、Corporation Idea System

考题 USIM卡的USIM是什么的缩写?A、User Services Identity ModuleB、Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleC、Universiti Sains Islam MalaysiaD、UMTS service identity module

考题 CIC全称为()A、Channel Identity CodeB、Circuit Identity CodeC、Cell Identity CodeD、Clothes In Closet

考题 单选题关于IDENTITY属性,下列说法错误的是()。A 一个表只能有一个列具有IDENTITY属性B 你不能对定义了IDENTITY属性的列加上default约束C 附加了IDENTITY属性的列可以是任意数据类型D 你不能更新一个定义了IDENTITY属性的列

考题 名词解释题企业形象识别系统(Corporate Identity System,简称CIS )

考题 填空题CI是英文Corporate Identity的缩写,中文直译为“()”,是企业形象识别的意思。

考题 单选题CI(Corporate identity)是指企业形象的统一识别系统,常见的直译为“企业形象规范体系”,是指一个企业为了获得社会的理解与信任,将企业的宗旨和产品所包含的文化内涵传达给公众,从而建立起来的()体系形象系统。A 理念B 行为C 思想D 视觉

考题 判断题CI是Corporate Identity的缩写,直译为企业形象识别,是企业形象识别系统的简称。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 2 (reproduced below)?His aspiration, to discover where we get our gender identity to see how women are treated for himself.A (As it is now)B His aspiration was to discover where we get our gender identity from, to see for ourselves how women are treated in our society.C His aspiration, to discover the roots of gender identity, and to see how women are treated for himself.D His aspiration was to discover the roots of gender identity and experience firsthand the way women are treated.E His aspiration was to discover the roots of gender identity and to personally experience the treatment of women by men.

考题 填空题CI是Corporate Identity的缩写,直译为企业形象识别,是()的简称。

考题 单选题VIS的英文词组翻译是下列哪一个?()A Visual Identity SystemB Visual Idea SystemC Visuals Identity SystemD Visuals Idea System

考题 单选题“Corporate Identity”作为一个专门术语,首次出现于()A 1950年B 1960年C 1970年D 1980年

考题 单选题Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?A It's Harder to Admit One's Mistake.B I Was Once the Culprit.C I Remember an Incident.D A Case of Mistaken Identity.