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It__________ me about two hours__________ finish painting the house.


更多 “ 我大约花了两个小时粉刷完这间房子。It__________ me about two hours__________ finish painting the house. ” 相关考题
考题 30. --- Can you tell me when _____?--- About two weeks ago.A. does he buy the car B. did he buy the carC. he bought the car D. he buys the car

考题 Give me_____________. A、two papersB、two paperC、two piece of papersD、two pieces of paper

考题 They often saw me ____________. A、in and aboutB、about and outC、out and about

考题 “ Can you finish writing a ( )composition today” the teacher asked anxiously. A、two thousand-wordB、two-thousand-wordC、two-thousands-wordsD、two thousands words

考题 -- I forgot to finish the homework.-- ________ A.Either me.B.Neither did I.C.I, too.D.Me, too.

考题 Maybe others would give up halfway, but as for me, it is my goal to reach the finish line. A.Right.B.Wrong.

考题 The manager asked me ()I could finish my work before the weekend.A、 whatB、 whetherC、 which

考题 The test ______ him two hours to finish.A、takeB、takesC、tookD、taking

考题 完舵A.Finished with wheelB.No steerC.Mind the wheelD.Finish wheel

考题 完舵。A.Finished with wheel.B.Finished with rudder.C.Finish wheel.D.Finish it.

考题 It _________________ me two days to finish the report. A、takesB、spendsC、costsD、pays

考题 您好,我想咨询下关于财产分割应该怎样维护自己的利益。 我妈妈去世留下的遗嘱上说房子和银行卡都归我所有,还留下遗嘱说明家里还有金银首饰,但是亲戚陪同我并没有在家里找到这些首饰,(这里需要注明一个事情就是房子是我妈妈买的,但是后来转到了我继父的名下,还有我并没有跟他们住在一起)我怀疑那些首饰可能是被继父或是继父的家人拿走了。我想知道我能不能获得这间房子,还有遗嘱中提到的首饰没有找到该怎么办?

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考题 We’ll finish ()the hull this morning.A、paintB、paintedC、paintingD、to paint

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考题 完舵()A、Finished with wheelB、No steerC、Mind the wheelD、Finish wheel

考题 Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint ()the forecastle deck.A、forB、withC、toD、at

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考题 单选题We’ll finish ()the hull this morning.A paintB paintedC paintingD to paint

考题 单选题— How soon will you be able to finish your homework?— ______.A After two hoursB Two hours laterC In two hours

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考题 单选题The conversation between Anna and me about her future plans was frank and productive.A Anna and me about her future plans wasB Anna and I about her future plans wereC Anna and me about her future plans wereD me and Anna about her future plans wereE Anna and I about her future plans was

考题 单选题The manager asked me ()I could finish my work before the weekend.A whatB whetherC which

考题 问答题这间特殊的房子最大的特点是什么?

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