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These are interesting story books.(改为单数句型)



更多 “ These are interesting story books.(改为单数句型)______________________________ ” 相关考题
考题 What is the best title for this story?A. An Interesting Elevator B. A Busy WeekendC. Elevator Safety D. Trapped in an Elevator

考题 从近视距景别逐步过渡到远视距景别的镜头连接方式称为() A、后退式句型B、前进式句型C、循环式句型D、积累式句型

考题 常用于表现情绪气氛愈益高涨的叙事剪辑句型是()。 A.后退式句型B.前进式句型C.循环式句型D.积累式句型

考题 The author presents this passage by .A. telling an interesting story B. describing an activity in a lively wayC. testing an idea by reasoning D. introducing a practical method

考题 She told us ______ story that we all forgot about the time.A. such an interestingB. such interesting aC. so an interestingD. a so interesting

考题 These are math books.(改为否定句)These_________ _________math books.

考题 存在既不是左句型也不是右句型的句型。()

考题 There are some interesting books in this bookstore.(改为-般疑问句)

考题 The story sounds very interesting, but it is not true.

考题 These are ideal rooms.(改为单数句子)This is_______ ideal_______ .

考题 A)句型转换.(15分)36. These are his apples.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)—______ ______his apples?—Yes,______ ______.

考题 1 don-t know what should I do with these books.(改为简单句)I don-t know what_________ _________with these books.

考题 常用于表现情绪气氛愈益高涨的叙事剪辑句型是()。A、后退式句型B、前进式句型C、循环式句型D、积累式句型

考题 在剪辑中将景别跨度大的镜头组接在一起称为()A、前进式句型B、后退式句型C、跳跃式句型D、循环式句型

考题 从近距景别逐步过渡到远距景别的镜头连接方式称为()。A、后退式句型B、前进式句型C、循环式句型D、积累式句型

考题 蒙太奇句式包括()A、前进式句型B、后退式句型C、方型句型D、环形句型

考题 从远视距景别逐步过渡到近视距景别的一种镜头的叙事句型是()A、后退式句型B、前进式句型C、循环式句型D、积累式句型

考题 认同法的句型是为()A、句型=重复顾客的讲话+关键认同语+正面解释B、句型=微笑+四句赞美语+解释赞美点C、句型=引导语+全身倾听D、句型=赞美法+叙述语法+反问法

考题 叙述法的句型为()A、句型=重复顾客的讲话+关键认同语+正面解释B、句型=微笑+四句赞美语+解释赞美C、句型=引导语+全身倾听D、句型=赞美法+叙述语法+反问法

考题 确定句型时从上位句型到下位句型依次确定,说明句型是有()的。

考题 什么是句型,怎样确定汉语的句型?

考题 单选题常用于表现情绪气氛愈益高涨的叙事剪辑句型是()。A 后退式句型B 前进式句型C 循环式句型D 积累式句型

考题 填空题确定句型时从上位句型到下位句型依次确定,说明句型是有()的。

考题 单选题I’ve never seen _____ before.A such a interesting filmB so interesting filmC such an interesting filmD so film interesting

考题 单选题Our Chinese teacher told us ______ interesting story and ______ story was about Thomas Edison.A an; aB the; theC a; theD an; the

考题 单选题从远视距景别逐步过渡到近视距景别的一种镜头的叙事句型是()A 后退式句型B 前进式句型C 循环式句型D 积累式句型

考题 单选题()interesting story it is!A What anB thatC whichD since