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更多 “ YouhavetheWebServer(IIS)roleinstalledonaserverthatrunsWindowsServer2008.YoumakechangestotheconfigurationofanapplicationnamedAPP1.Usersreportthattheapplicationfails.Youexaminetheeventloganddiscoverthefollowingerrormessage:503ServiceUnavailable.YouneedtoensurethatusersareabletoconnecttoAPP1.Whichcommandshouldyourunatthecommandpromptontheserver?()A.appcmdsetconfigB.appcmdstopapppoolC.appcmdstartapppoolD.appcmdsetapppool ” 相关考题
考题 VS2008编写的ASP.NET应用系统需要()的支持。 A.IIS+.NETFramework3.5B.IIS+.NETFramework1.1C.Apache+IIS6.0D.Apache+Tomcat

考题 You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that will be hosted in Microsoft Internet Services (IIS) 7.0.The service must be hosted in an IIS application named Info. You need to enable this service to be hosted in IIS by changing the web.config file.Witch XML segment should you add to the web.config file?()A.B.C.D.

考题 Windows2000中内置的IIS的版本是()。 A.IIS3.0B.IIS2.0C.IIS4.0D.IIS5.0

考题 IIS 名词解释

考题 IIS的全称是什么?与以前的版本相比,IIS 7.0有哪些改进?

考题 下列构建Web网站的组合中,性价比最高的是( )。A.JSP +IIS+OracleB.ASP.NET+IIS+Microsoft SQL ServerC.PHP++Apache+MySQLD.PHP+IIS+Oracle

考题 YouhavetheWebServer(IIS)roleinstalledonaserverthatrunsWindowsServer2008.YoucreateaWebsitenamedcontoso.com.YoucopyanapplicationnamedWebContenttotheserver.YouneedtoenabletheWebContentapplicationontheWebsite.Whatshouldyoudo?()A.Atthecommandpromptontheserver,runtheappcmdaddsitecommand.B.Atthecommandpromptontheserver,runtheappcmdaddvdircommand.C.SelecttheWebsitefromtheInternetInformationServices(IIS)Managerconsole.SelectAddApplication.D.SelecttheWebsitefromtheInternetInformationServices(IIS)Managerconsole.SelectAddVirtualDirectory.

考题 我们平常上网,浏览的网页一般由()提供。 A.以上说法均不对B.IIS中的FTP服务C.IIS中的stmp服务D.IIS中的web服务

考题 我们平常上网,可以下载文件,其中更为专业的下载服务由()提供。 A.IIS中的stmp服务B.IIS中的web服务C.以上说法均不对D.IIS中的FTP服务

考题 关于IIS的配置,下列说法正确的是()A、IIS一般只能管理一个应用程序B、IIS要求默认文档的文件名必须为default或index,扩展名则可以是.htm、.asp等已为服务器支持的文件扩展名C、IIS可以通过添加Windows组件安装D、IIS只能管理web站点,而管理FTP站点必须安装其它相关组件

考题 Windows2000中内置的IIS的版本是()。A、IIS3.0B、IIS2.0C、IIS4.0D、IIS5.0

考题 IIS

考题 ()服务器是世界排名第一的Web服务器。A、IIS5.0B、IIS6.0C、ApacheD、http

考题 IIS写权限对网站系统的安全是致命的,以下关于IIS写权限叙述错误的是()。A、利用IIS写权限可以删除网站目录下某个文件B、利用IIS写权限可以直接写入脚本文件到网站目录下C、利用IIS写权限可以获取WEBSHELL,从而控制网站D、利用IIS写权限可以把一个TXT文件变成脚本文件

考题 VS2008编写的ASP.NET应用系统需要()的支持。A、 IIS+.NETFramework3.5B、 IIS+.NETFramework1.1C、 Apache+IIS6.0D、 Apache+Tomcat

考题 IIS运行环境与软件要求有哪些()。A、WIN2000以上B、IIS4.0以上C、要有客户机支持D、以上都不是

考题 IIS的安装?

考题 关于IIS的配置,下列说法错误的是()A、IIS可以同时管理多个应用程序B、IIS要求默认文档的文件名必须为default或index,扩展名则可以是.htm、.asp等已为服务器支持的文件扩展名。C、IIS可以通过添加Windows组件安装D、IIS不光能够管理web站点,也可以管理FTP站点。

考题 IIS是InternetInformationServer的缩写。

考题 我们平常上网,浏览的网页一般由()提供。A、以上说法均不对B、IIS中的FTP服务C、IIS中的stmp服务D、IIS中的web服务

考题 在WindowsNT中,IIS缺省的登陆是匿名的,IIS的安全级是()。A、用户级B、共享级C、只读的D、可以写

考题 单选题你需要设计一个方法去对IIS Server进行安全配置监视安全配置以达到公司安全策略需求.你该怎样做?()A 登录到域控制器以IIS server计算机账户.在域上在计话模式下运行组策略结果集B 在IIS server上运行Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer(MBSA)分析系统弱点和IIS检查C 在IIS Server上运行配置与分析工具用自定义安全模板去分析安全设置D 在IIS Server上按照命令提示跟输出分析去运行gpresult

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for In particular you administer a Windows 2003 server named TestKing3. TestKing3 functions as an application server and runs IIS. You discover that one of the IIS sites on TestKing3 is corrupted. You need to recover the IIS site settings. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. What should you do?()A Restore the IIS configuration settings by running the iisweb.vbs /create command.B Open IIS Manager, and restore a previous version of the site.C Restore the IIS configuration settings by running the iisback.vbs /restore command.D Restore the IIS configuration settings by running the iisback.vbs /backup command.

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for your company. All network servers run Windows Server 2003. You install and configure Software Update Services (SUS) on a server named Server1. You configure the following settings: 1. Do not use a proxy server for Internet access. 2. Synchronize directly from the Microsoft Windows Update servers. 3. Automatically approve new versions of previously approved updates. 4. Save updates in a local folder. You back up the SUS configuration and schedule a daily synchronization procedure for Server1. Later the same day, Server1 fails. You use the original names and locations to restore Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, and SUS. Now you need to fully restore the SUS configuration, without overwriting any other data. What should you do?()A First, use the Backup utility to restore the IIS metabase file, the default Web site, and the content storage location. Then, use the IIS administration tool to restore the IIS metabase.B First, use the IIS administration tool to restore the IIS metabase. Then, use the Backup utility to restore the IIS metabase file, the default Web site, and the content storage location.C First, use the Backup utility to restore the IIS metabase file, the default Web site, and the Downloaded Program Files folder. Then, use the IIS administration tool to recreate the SUS Administration Web site.D First, use the IIS administration tool to recreate the SUS Administration Web site. Then, use the Backup utility to restore the IIS metabase file, the default Web site, and the Downloaded Program Files folder.

考题 问答题IIS访问控制

考题 单选题You need to design a method to monitor the security configuration of the IIS server to meet the requirements in the written security policy. What should you do?()A Log on to a domain controller and run the Resultant Set of Policy wizard in planning mode on the IIS server computer accountB Run the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) on the IIS server and scan for vulnerabilities in Windows and IIS checksC Run Security Configuration and Analysis to analyze the IIS server’s security settings by using a custom security templateD On the IIS server, run the gpresult command from a command prompt and analyze the output

考题 单选题下列构建Web网站的组合中,性价比最高的是()。A JSP+IIS+OracleB ASP.NET+IIS+MicrosoftSQLServerC PHP++Apache+MySQLD PHP+IIS+Oracle