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更多 “ Aclient/serverapplicationhasbeenconfiguredtouselocalnaming.Theclientandserverrunonseparatemachines.Whentheclienttriestoconnect,itreceivesaTNSerror.Bycarefullyexaminingtheenvironment,atnsnames.oraisfoundonlyontheOracleservermachine,amongotherthings.Aftercopyingthistnsnames.oraontotheclientmachine,theclientisabletoconnecttotheserver.Whichstatementistrue?()A.tnsnames.oramustbeontheclientmachineforlocalnaming.B.tnsnames.oramustberemovedfromtheserverfortheconnectiontowork.C.tnsnames.oramustbeonboththeclientandservermachinesforlocalnaming.D.tnsnames.oraisnotrequiredforlocalnaming;theproblemwasnotfixedbycopyingthefiletotheclient. ” 相关考题
考题 下列关于网络操作系统工作模式描述正确的是()。 AClient和Server 不能在同一台机器上BServer是一个具体的机器硬件,和软件没有关系C在文件服务器上,各用户可以同时对相同的数据做同时的更新DC/S模式可以给用户提供理想的分布环境,减少网络传输负担

考题 4 You are an audit manager in Smith Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. You have recently been maderesponsible for reviewing invoices raised to clients and for monitoring your firm’s credit control procedures. Severalmatters came to light during your most recent review of client invoice files:Norman Co, a large private company, has not paid an invoice from Smith Co dated 5 June 2007 for work in respectof the financial statement audit for the year ended 28 February 2007. A file note dated 30 November 2007 statesthat Norman Co is suffering poor cash flows and is unable to pay the balance. This is the only piece of informationin the file you are reviewing relating to the invoice. You are aware that the final audit work for the year ended28 February 2008, which has not yet been invoiced, is nearly complete and the audit report is due to be issuedimminently.Wallace Co, a private company whose business is the manufacture of industrial machinery, has paid all invoicesrelating to the recently completed audit planning for the year ended 31 May 2008. However, in the invoice file younotice an invoice received by your firm from Wallace Co. The invoice is addressed to Valerie Hobson, the managerresponsible for the audit of Wallace Co. The invoice relates to the rental of an area in Wallace Co’s empty warehouse,with the following comment handwritten on the invoice: ‘rental space being used for storage of Ms Hobson’sspeedboat for six months – she is our auditor, so only charge a nominal sum of $100’. When asked about the invoice,Valerie Hobson said that the invoice should have been sent to her private address. You are aware that Wallace Cosometimes uses the empty warehouse for rental income, though this is not the main trading income of the company.In the ‘miscellaneous invoices raised’ file, an invoice dated last week has been raised to Software Supply Co, not aclient of your firm. The comment box on the invoice contains the note ‘referral fee for recommending Software SupplyCo to several audit clients regarding the supply of bespoke accounting software’.Required:Identify and discuss the ethical and other professional issues raised by the invoice file review, and recommendwhat action, if any, Smith Co should now take in respect of:(a) Norman Co; (8 marks)

考题 Duringtheprocessoffallovertesting,aclient/serverdatabaseneedstobetested.OntheAIXServer,start/stop/cleanupscriptsandserverapplicationfunctionalityhavebeentested.Beforemovingontothenextstepoffallovertesting,whatactionmustbecompleted?()A.Runwho-aandvalidatethatclientconnectionsarerestored.B.Verifythattheclientsideapplicationisfunctioningproperly.C.Checkhacmp.outlogfiletovalidatethattheapplicationserverstarted.D.Verifythattheapplicationwillsuccessfullystopandrestartonthefallovernode.

考题 Aclient’sCIOvalidatesthatIBMproposedvirtualization/consolidationsolutionaddressestheirkeypainpoints.However,theCFOismoreconcernedwithriskmitigationasaresultoftheneweconomicenvironmentandhasdelayedthedealindefinitely.Whichofthefollowingstrategiesisthebestwaytoaddressthissituation?()A.Modifythedeploymentscheduleofthesolutionoveranextendedperiodoftimetoreducetheinitialcashoutlay.B.GaintheCFO’sagreementtorevisitthesolutionnextquarterandfollow-upwithanaggressivelypricedsolution.C.PresentfinancingoptionstotheCFOshowinghowtoimplementthesolutionwhileminimizingthemonthlycashoutlay.D.MeetwiththeCFOtodemonstratethefinancialimpactofthesolutiontoreduceoperationalexpensesandTCO

考题 单选题NFS的运行方式是()A client/serverB browser/serverC P2PD program

考题 单选题A new building has been added to the enterprise campus network, providing client access for desktop PCs, laptops, and IP phones for employees and guests. During verification, only a few laptops using  wireless are reported to have problems, while other desktops, IP phones, and most other wireless laptops are fully operational. Additional information received about the problem indicates that, while the problematic wireless laptops cannot reach internal corporate websites, they can reach the Internet.  Where should troubleshooting about this connectivity issue be focused?()A client network configurationB VLAN mappingC routing protocolsD first-hop redundancy protocol

考题 单选题系统采用开放的结构设计及功能的模块化,使用嵌入式多任务操作系统,采用()软件开发模式,数据库方式管理录音。A Client/ServerB Blower/ServerC Client/ClientD 以上都不对

考题 多选题The Cisco NAC Appliance is able to check which three items before allowing network access?()Aclient antivirus software stateBpersonal firewall settingsCwireless cell bandwidth availabilityDIOS versions for routers and switchesEappropriate client patch management levelFappropriate QoS settings for client application Answer:

考题 多选题The Cisco NAC Appliance is able to check which three items before allowing network access?()Aclient antivirus software stateBpersonal firewall settingsCwireless cell bandwidth availabilityDIOS versions for routers and switchesEappropriate client patch management levelFappropriate QoS settings for client application

考题 单选题During testing of network redundancy in a fully meshed enterprise campus, a problem has been reported. Both distribution multilayer switches are fully configured for redundancy; clients operate normally when the primary multilayer distribution switch is operating. All clients drop connections outside of their respective access layer group when the primary distribution switch is shut down and the secondary distribution switch is still operational. Additional information indicates that the secondary  distribution switch is able to ping major corporate and Internet locations.  Which item would be the best point of troubleshooting for this connectivity issue? ()A client network configurationB VLAN mappingC inter-switch trunk configurationD UDLD configurationE first-hop redundancy protocol

考题 单选题NET的体系架构是()。A client/serverB MVCC 显示层/逻辑层/数据层D browser/server

考题 多选题以微型计算机网络为基础平台的呼叫处理系统的主要技术组成包括()。AClient/Server结构的微机网络技术B话音板卡技术C话音总线技术D机间扩展总线技术

考题 单选题配置应用不需要启动的项目,是哪个属性文件()A client_exclude_modules.propertiesB client_include_modules.propertiesC exclude_modules.propertiesD include_modules.properties

考题 单选题主机型的漏洞扫描系统一般采用()的架构,其会有一个统一控管的主控台(Console)和分布于各重要操作系统的Agents,然后由Console端下达命令给Agents进行扫描,各Agents再回报给Console扫描的结果,最后由Console端呈现出安全漏洞报表。A Client/ServerB 外部主动扫描C 内部主动扫描D Agent代理

考题 单选题Which of the following accurately represents the functionality of a lightweight access point configured to operate in sniffer AP mode?()A client traffic allowed, data captured on all channelsB client traffic allowed, data captured on a single channelC no client traffic allowed, data captured on a single channelD no client traffic allowed, data captured on all channels

考题 单选题在Google文件系统GFS中,使得整个系统的I/O高度并行的原因是()?A Client可以同时访问一个Master和一个Chunk Server节点B Client可以同时访问多个MasterC Client与Chunk Server之间既传输控制流,又传输数据流。D Client可以同时访问多个Chunk Server

考题 单选题EAS-CRM系统属于()模式A Client/ServerB B2BC Brower/ServerD html/http

考题 多选题下列()手段可用来保证电子商务交易的安全。AClient/Server结构B认证中心CAC数字签名D数字证书

考题 多选题Which two BGP attributes support route reflection?()AClient IDBCluster listCOriginator IDDReflection community

考题 单选题下面模式中不是服务器应用系统架构模式的是()A Client/Server二层架构模式B Browser/Server三层架构模式C Browser/AppliCAtion/Server四层架构模式D 模板方法模式

考题 单选题You are developing a client application that consumes a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You use the svcutil.exe utility to create a proxy for the service. You use the svcutil.exe switches that generate asynchronous calls. GetFlight is a service operation that takes no parameters and returns a string. The GetFlightCallback method must be called when the service operation returns.You create an instance of the client proxy with the following code:var client = new TranvelServiceClient( );You need to ensure that a callback is received when the GetFlight operation is called asynchronously. Which code segment should you use?()A client.BeginGetFlight(GetFlightCallback, null); client.GetFlight();B client.GetFlight(); client.BeginGetFlight(GetFlightCallback, null);C client.GetFlightCompleted += new EventHandler(GetFlightCallback); client.GetFlightAsync();D IAsyncResult asyncResult = client.BeginGetFlight(GetFlightCallback, client); client.EndGetFlight(asyncResult);

考题 单选题Which statement correctly describes a wireless client Layer 2 roam from AP1 to AP2 while joined to a multicast stream using Cisco WLC running v5.2?()A Client issues an IGMP join after association with AP2, allowing AP2 to request a multicast stream from Cisco WLC after AP1 issues an IGMP query.B Client issues an IGMP join after association with AP2, allowing AP2 to request a multicast stream from Cisco WLC independent of AP1 multicast member status.C Client resumes multicast after association with AP2, because multicast information is sent in mobility exchanges and AP2 is already a member of the multicast group, provided that another client has already joined that multicast.D Client resumes multicast after association with AP2, because multicast information is sent in mobility exchanges and AP2 is already a member of the multicast group, regardless if any other clients have already joined that multicast.

考题 单选题C/S架构中承担承担着连接各种感知设备,以及与它们通信的功能的是()。A Client端B Server端C RFID端D 网络层

考题 单选题客户机/服务器模式的英文名称是()。A Client/ServerB Guest/ServerC Guest/AdministratorD SlA、ve/MA、ster

考题 单选题什么VTP模式的交换机可以改变Vlan的配置,并且通知网络其他交换机()A Client客户B STP生成树C Server服务器D Transparent透明