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In front of tens of thousands of audience,ti is normal for these youngchildren to show () of tension, but I believe they will succeed.

A. marks
B. signs
C. anxiety
D. Remarks


解析:前两个意思都是标记,符号,C项紧张; D项言辞,语录。根据句意,在成千,上万的观众面前,这些孩子表现出紧张是正常的,但我相信他们会成功的。前两个符合句意,但是sign词义广泛,可以指符号或者装置,也可以表示情绪,性格的直观显示。而mark只可以表示标记,印记。

更多 “ In front of tens of thousands of audience,ti is normal for these youngchildren to show () of tension, but I believe they will succeed. A. marks B. signs C. anxiety D. Remarks” 相关考题
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